The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 378: 10 after swapping bodies with the tyrant

Luo Ci half-closed her eyes. As a girl, she would feel that this period of time was very troublesome, let alone fragments. Just thinking about it made her head big.

Maybe...she's going to bathe and change Shard tonight.

And this number of times may not be less in these three months.

The palm of her hand brought a little tingling, which brought back her wandering consciousness.

When she was helping before... she got her hands wet and needed to be re-medicated.

Jun Heng felt Luo Ci standing beside him suddenly, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and she almost reached out to grab her sleeve.

He suddenly worried about her leaving.

He sat up silently, holding back, and saw her dismantling the already wet bandage little by little and reapplying the medicine.

Still a bow tie.

In fact, the bow tied on the palm of the hand does not look so harmonious, it is inconvenient to use, and it looks a bit strange, not to mention it is still tied to his hand.

If someone did this to him in the past, he might not know how to punish that person.

But not to her.

He saw how she looked when she was carefully bandaging her eyes, as if she were treating her own hands, carefully and cherished enough.

That kind of cherishing makes people happy.

Being treated seriously and being treated meticulously is a very pleasant thing.

After Luo Ci was re-wrapped, she thought that this body was the first time she had come to Sunflower Water, and she had to continue to drink medicine every day, which might have an impact on the body, so she asked someone to call an imperial doctor.

Turning her head, she noticed Fragment's gaze, and explained, "This is the first time I have come to Sunflower Water, so be careful when drinking medicine."

Jun Heng's eyes were a little complicated.

The things under him, the occasional heat flow, and the intermittent pains from his lower abdomen all told him what he was experiencing.

He already knew it would be troublesome.

Almost as soon as I realized that I was living in a woman's body, I thought about a lot.

From a big perspective, he has no power or power, and without martial arts, he will easily lose his life at every turn. He even has to conceal this phenomenon to prevent the other party from replacing him.

From a small point of view, he has to consider living as a woman, from dressing to bathing and other daily necessities.

It's completely breaking his challenge limit little by little.

So after knowing his own situation for the first time, he knew clearly what he should do.

This is the easiest and most direct way to deal with each other after the exchange.

Solve the problem from the root cause, as long as the person who swapped bodies with him is gone, he will have no worries.

But he chose the most troublesome way.

He was reluctant to kill her.

Jun Heng responded lightly.

After the arrival of the Imperial Physician, he did not release the cold air pressure as he did for the first time, instead he was somewhat obedient.

The diagnosis was surprisingly smooth.

After hearing Luo Ci's question, the imperial physician was secretly surprised that His Majesty cared so much about the queen.

After detecting the pulse, the doctor's face was a little ugly, his eyes slightly dodged, and he didn't dare to explain for a while.

Luo Ci could see the entanglement of the imperial physician, "Speak straight."

"Niangniang has the disease of palace cold, which may hinder the offspring. In addition, she has not been well nursed since she was a child. Even if she takes good care of her in the future, she can conceive a dragon heir, but it is not easy to give birth, and it will greatly damage the body."

After that, the imperial physician re-prescribed a few prescriptions, one was the medicine to nourish the body during the sunflower water period, and the rest were prescriptions for curing the cold in the palace.

In fact, Luo Ci doesn't have any feelings about whether he has children or not. Anyway, it is the same whether there are such symptoms or not.

So she looked impermanent, and she was even in a good mood to let people pass the meal. She specially asked the imperial kitchen to cook a few more spicy dishes.

Because my body is too bad, I can only eat some light and warm dishes. Now I can still try early adopters with my broken body.

This is probably one of the benefits of swapping bodies.

Seeing that she was completely unaffected, Jun Heng moved his lips, "Why aren't you angry?"

The prime culprit for her poor health was the Prime Minister's family as well as him.

When passing the last three characters, the slender feathered eyelashes trembled slightly.

He understands what he has done.

Luo Ci glanced at him lightly, with a very casual tone, and asked back, "Why should I be angry?"

Jun Heng did not answer, and the topic ended.


During lunch, Jun Heng saw that she was trying to pick up some spicy dishes, her eyebrows frowned slightly, but it slowly eased.

He realized that she was using his body, so she didn't need to be taboo, and she didn't need to worry about her body all the time.

Jun Heng lowered his head and ate the medicated meal specially prepared before, and each dish was not left out, and it was well balanced.

The medicated diet will not be very bitter, and the taste will not be unpleasant. With the medicated diet, you can drink less of the prescribed prescriptions, from four times a day to three times a day.

Let her not suffer so much.

He meant to do so.

But she didn't seem to be able to do anything, she was still bitter when it was time to suffer, and she couldn't even let her eat the food she liked, and she was restricted everywhere.

Suddenly he felt a little bitterness in his heart.

She just accepted bland food, but that wasn't her liking.

Accepting it doesn't mean liking it.

She is not angry, it does not mean that there is no resentment.

The eyes under the slender feathered eyelashes were a little blank, and the pupils were slightly empty, not focused.

He felt a little confused in his mind. It felt like the nerves were randomly intertwined, and the brain system was disordered. He wanted to figure out something and find a way, but all he got was a mess, and it even caused nerve root pain because of too much thinking.

A hand with sharp joints appeared in the slightly absent-minded eyes, and after shaking it a few times, he regained his senses.

Luo Ci asked calmly, "What's the matter with you?"

Jun Heng looked at her with clear eyes, and a slight sigh overflowed from his lips.

He regrets it.

Just when he was extremely disappointed, the people around him urged, "Eat faster."

He looked puzzled.

Luo Ci turned her head slightly and said in a small voice, "I want to go to the toilet."

Her fair face was stained with a faint crimson color, she bit her crimson lips slightly, and a little snow-white tooth tips were exposed, which looked particularly attractive.

Jun Heng's eyes flickered slightly, and he actually felt that his body was attractive and wanted to go up and taste it.

"Let's get people out."

Luo Ci hurriedly called the palace servants to take down the lunch, and her voice stuttered, "Well, then what?"

Jun Heng looked at the anxious look in her eyes, her heart was subtle, and there was an inexplicable feeling of feng shui taking turns.


After a quarter of an hour, the dawdling solution was completed.

During this period, Luo Ci spoke as euphemistically as possible, "If you feel inconvenient anywhere, you can also call me."

Jun Heng: "..."

Really troublesome.

It took a long time to change the body this time, and I didn't change it until the night.

It's night time, it's time to take a shower.

Luo Ci is a bit of a clean freak, and if she doesn't take a bath for a day, she will feel uncomfortable, but Jun Heng... Because of the special period, she also has to take a bath.

Choking just thinking about it.

The two of them sat side by side for a long time before finally moving.

help each other.

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