The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 385: After swapping bodies with the tyrant 17

The tyrant's eyes were stunned for a second, and even the tyranny in his eyes stopped. He let go of his hands and lowered his head slightly, as if admitting his mistake. His voice was low and soft, like a puppy. "I was wrong. Can you not leave me?"

Luo Ci looked at him silently for a few seconds.

The fragments seem to be different from usual, their thinking is slow, and their reactions are not sensitive enough, a bit like the feeling of not being sober after being drunk.

Probably because she had been silent for a long time, the tyrant became anxious, for fear that she would not want him anymore, he took her hand and slowly lowered it, just tugging it on her sleeve, pitifully.

The voice stuttered but with certainty, "I didn't..."

"No, I didn't want to drive you out of the palace."

He just wanted to send her out to a clean and safe place, away from these right and wrong.

The first time he met him, he had some awareness of her situation.

Staying by his side will only be drawn into the whirlpool of power.

But he can't bear it now.

A month ago, he wondered what the first feelings in his life were, but he knew that she was special.

I am reluctant to lose my temper with her, and I am not willing to hurt her when she is sick. I am happy because of her little concern, and I am happy because of her active approach.

The impossible is ruled out, and there is only one answer left.

He likes her.

From love comes sorrow, from love comes fear.

So those mental changes have explanations.

Luo Ci's eyes softened a little, and she couldn't help rubbing her shattered hair.

She saw that he was not normal now, otherwise he would not have behaved like this in normal times.

She calmed down a few words, "I won't go."

She stared at him up and down for a while, and the tyrant's face turned crimson.

"What, what's the matter?" The voice did not see the usual cold and cruel to the courtiers, but a slightly soft and waxy feeling.

Luo Ci blinked, she just wanted to see what was wrong with him, but she didn't expect him to suddenly become shy.

"Are you uncomfortable?"

The tyrant reacted in his mind.

She cares about him now, so he wants to tell her to make her feel sorry for herself.

This conclusion was soon reached.

He also nodded, "I have a headache."

The tone softened, and the ending was convoluted, with a slight hint of coquettishness.

When he said this, a bit of confusion flashed in his dark eyes. He seemed to have said this to his mother before, but the mother...

His eyes dimmed slightly.

Showing weakness is not necessary.

There is no comfort in taking it soft.

He timidly withdrew his hand and stopped grasping her sleeve. He pursed his lips tightly, not allowing himself to show any grievance and weakness.

He was afraid of being hurt, afraid of being pushed away by indifference.

So let go first.

He was so scared.

No one can be trusted, he must be alone and strong, and can only go on by himself.

But he was in pain.

Headache, heartache even more.

Pushed away by those who wanted to approach.

It hurts.

She used to be a mother and queen, but now that it has passed, he can bear it.

If... if she refuses him mercilessly, that kind of pain seems to be buried in her bones, mixed with icy snow, and it will never melt away.

He won't be able to bear it.

So... that's fine, as long as he doesn't ask for too much, his heart won't be plunged into the cold pool and it will hurt.


The girl held his hand, her voice soft and concerned, "Can I rub it for you?"

The tyrant's eyes widened slightly, filled with overwhelmed joy, the words hit his heart abruptly, pulling him back from the abyss of self-loathing little by little, the dark eyes gradually lit up, flashing finely. light.

That light is not the sun, not the moon, but small stars, maybe not bright enough, but the soft light mixed with gentle warmth is very moving.

The tyrant froze on the spot, not knowing how to react, like a good baby, a pair of dark and beautiful eyes looked at the girl nervously.

He was afraid it was fake.

What if he gets pushed away again.

Luo Ci's heart was hit in an instant, and a soft force spread outward. She fixedly looked at the fragments, and suddenly felt a little distressed.

She pulled the tyrant to the side of the bed, put him on her lap, lowered her eyes and rubbed his temples seriously.

The tyrant gradually felt sleepy, but he was reluctant to sleep. If he woke up, she would not be there.

His fingers gripped the quilt beside him nervously, but his mind relaxed a little bit.

He was already very tired.

He just couldn't let him breathe for a moment.

After Fragment fell asleep, Luo Ci adjusted his body, covered the quilt, put on his cloak, and walked out of the temple gate.

She wanted to ask Eunuch Li about the shards.

When Eunuch Li saw her, he was a little surprised, and bowed to her very respectfully, "Is there any order for the lady?"

Luo Ci looked around lightly, "Let's get people to step back and ensure absolute safety."

Eunuch Li's expression became serious, all the palace servants were screened out, and there were even a few more secret and powerful breaths.

"What do you want to ask, Niangniang?"

Luo Ci's eyes fell into the hall, and her voice was soft, "What happened to Your Majesty's body?"

There was no surprise in Eunuch Li's eyes.

His Majesty and Niangniang have hardly left this month, and it is normal for Niangniang to notice that something is wrong.

He followed the emperor, knowing that there were times when the emperor was supposed to stay in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, but left on the grounds of discussing important matters with important officials.

His Majesty was covering up his situation.

Seeing that Eunuch Li didn't respond, the girl said slowly, "He is in serious condition now, right?"

Eunuch Li's eyes were complicated.

After serving the emperor for so many years, he knew very well what His Majesty would do in the future.

Even if the emperor is a cruel and bloodthirsty monarch in the mouth of his courtiers, he is very kind to them old people.

His Majesty will choose to let go.

But in that case, His Majesty would be too lonely.

She has never been loved by the first emperor and first queen since she was a child, and even suffered from fetal poison. She finally opened her heart and liked a person, but she had to push the other person away abruptly.

"His Majesty……"

In the end, he still talked about part of the emperor's experience, thinking that the queen had resentment against His Majesty, he explained some hatred for the prime minister.

"Niangniang, Your Majesty's mother family was stepped on by the Prime Minister, and the death of the former Queen was also related to the Prime Minister's secret actions. His Majesty went to court a few years ago, and he did not have any team, and was subject to the Prime Minister everywhere, so Your Majesty hates the Prime Minister's mansion."

Luo Ci responded lightly.

Eunuch Li spoke briefly, and many parts were taken over.

"When the first empress was pregnant with your majesty, she was poisoned. When majesty was born with fetal poison, she almost could not survive, and finally hanged her life on drugs. majesty... still suffers from it to this day. Some unintentional things."

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