The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 388: 20 after swapping bodies with the tyrant

However, Luo Ci's voice softened a bit, "Brother, can you relieve your Majesty's symptoms when he has an attack?"

On the second day of the previous poisoning attack, she clearly felt how tired and weak the fragment's body was.

The sequelae have to last for so long, and it must be painful to think about it.

Because of the presence of his sister, Xu Jinchuan just raised his eyebrows slightly, and threw two bottles of medicine at Junheng, his voice was light, "Take one each when you have an attack."

Jun Heng silently caught it and responded softly.

Xu Jinchuan glanced at him, looking quite lost. He had thought about fighting with himself before, but now he has completely lost his energy.

Jun Heng must have thought that after his sister left, he would never see him again.

After all, his poison is not so simple.

You should let him experience the pain of life and separation, and see if he will dare to treat his sister like this in the future.

The guy is not happy he is happy.

After two months, he will come back to treat Jun Heng.

By that time, my sister's physical condition will be much better, and she doesn't have to stay in Medicine King Valley all the time.

Xu Jinchuan rubbed Luo Ci's head, his eyes softened, "wait for me to pick you up tomorrow."

The word "go home" slightly stimulated Jun Heng's brain, and his mind seemed to be raging again, but he didn't seem to notice it.

The palace is not her home, the Hall of Mental Cultivation is not her home, and he will not become her family.

The sweetheart was sitting beside him, and his hand around her waist had long since loosened. The distance between them was a few centimeters, which seemed very close, but was actually very far away.

He can't do some intimate actions to her with peace of mind, she won't belong to him, so don't harm her.

After tomorrow, he will never see her again.

That will be their last face.

He didn't know how talented Xu Jinchuan was, but there was one sentence that was right. The poison on his body would not endanger his life, nor would it even affect his lifespan.

That poison will just make him a waste.

The mouth cannot speak, the limbs cannot move, the five senses are absent, and the consciousness is outside the world.

The toxin has spread all over the body, paralyzing all nerves, and he lost his senses intermittently before, which is a signal of the spread of the toxin.

He had known for a long time that today would come.

How could he have a future with her like that.

He should have let go.

Xu Jinchuan wrote a few prescriptions and asked Jun Heng to take it with three meals a day.

After that, he left the Hall of Mental Cultivation and was led by Eunuch Li to leave the palace, which represented the emperor's attention.

The prime minister who hurriedly entered the palace caught a glimpse of this scene and asked the little **** beside him casually, "Who is that?"

The little **** said respectfully, "It's the magic doctor of Medicine King Valley."

This matter has been widely spread. The genius doctor came to the door on his own initiative, and he belonged to Yaowanggu, who had not joined the WTO for more than ten years. Many of the guards and eunuchs who changed shifts knew about it.

... Valley of the King of Medicine.

The Prime Minister was stunned, as if he had remembered something, and then he asked, "Is someone sick in the palace?"

Eunuch Li by the emperor's side didn't know who he was, and he couldn't help but wonder if it was His Majesty...

It was probably the first time that the little **** came into contact with a high-ranking official, and his words became more and more, "It is for the empress's concubine, and your majesty is so kind to the concubine. He specially sent Eunuch Li to send the genius doctor out of the palace. No one has this kind of thing before. treatment."

Eunuch Li is His Majesty's celebrity, which is basically because of His Majesty's attention, it is obvious that he loves Wu and Wu.

The Prime Minister was a little disappointed when he heard this, but he also knew that it was impossible to hear news of the emperor's illness in the palace.

He came to see the Queen Mother today.

Can't see the queen, can't use his daughter, can't contact the former partner.

Even if His Majesty resents the Queen Mother again in his heart, it will be impossible to take the Queen Mother.

The first emperor had specially made a decree for the empress dowager, and His Majesty could never disobey the decree.

He was soon taken to the Cining Palace.

The empress dowager still retains her charm, but her face is a little gray and defeated. After seeing the prime minister, her appearance is more correct, and she sits firmly in a high position, looking like she has a bit of empress dowager.

"What's the matter with the Prime Minister Xun Ai's family?"

A calculation flashed in the prime minister's eyes, "There are some things that Wei Chen is inconvenient to talk about."

The queen mother withdrew all the palace servants, leaving only one confidant, Xu mama, who had been with her since she entered the palace, and had experienced all the storms in the palace.

The Prime Minister vigilantly checked the surroundings again, and after confirming that there was nothing in the way, he said, "Does the poison you once poisoned the first empress affect Jun Heng?"

He remembered that the first queen was poisoned when she was pregnant with Longsi.

The Queen Mother's expression changed slightly, the fingers in her sleeves trembled slightly, and she gradually stabilized, "It has an influence."


After Xu Jinchuan left, the Hall of Mental Cultivation fell into silence.

Luo Ci tugged at Jun Heng's sleeve, "Your Majesty?"

The young emperor raised his eyes and stared at her, the corners of his lips drew a very light arc, and his voice was extremely gentle, "What's wrong?"

Actually this is fine.

She shouldn't like herself, and she won't be sad for him, so he doesn't have to hurt her again and drive her away.

It's better to be taken away by Xu Jinchuan early, and to stay away from the big dye vat of the imperial palace.

He also thought about giving her a grand ceremony after she was married.

Let the world know that she is his empress, the empress he is marrying.

Let the world know that Jun Heng only recognizes one lady, he loves his queen very much, and it will be recorded in future history books.

But it doesn't seem to be possible.

But...that's okay.

It was him who was greedy, and she shouldn't have put her own mark on her. Without him, she would still be able to marry someone who has never hurt her and treated her wholeheartedly in the future.

He has already hurt her, so he will never be that person.

Luo Ci lightly touched the shard's eyes, those eyes were sharp, cold and bloodthirsty, vigilant and distrustful, but now they are only gentle, mixed with very light loss and pain.

Jun Heng closed his eyes meekly, and when he noticed her gentle touch, his eyelashes trembled slightly.

"I'll be back when I'm healthy."

The girl's voice was soft and sweet.

The emperor opened his eyes abruptly, his dark and deep eyes fixed on her.

An amazing light bloomed inside, fading away like a meteor.

The ruthless young man like a peerless fierce sword calmed down a little, and a shallow smile appeared on his face, "Okay."

As long as he has a place in her heart, he is content.

whatever the status.

She said she would come back, then he waited for her to come back.

Don't wait until his body can't hold on anymore.

His pride did not allow her to see herself like that.

"You have to take the medicine according to your brother's instructions."

The girl's advice made him so moved that he couldn't wait to take her into his arms and never part.

"Okay." The emperor's voice was soft, his eyes melted like ice, leaving nothing but warmth.

He will take good medicine, he will not take his body seriously as before, delay the arrival of the last moment, and he will try to wait for her to come back.

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