The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 392: 24 after swapping bodies with the tyrant

Eunuch Li has never seen His Majesty want to transform the place so intently, but His Majesty never paid attention to these decorations before.

Seeing His Majesty happy, he is naturally happy too.

Jun Heng took the box and slowly returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. He threw away all the dim sum inside, and carefully removed the smell inside the box by himself, and finally carefully placed it beside the pillow.

He didn't move anything in Cuixin Garden, just had the bedding cleaned.

Taking the prestige of the tyrant, Cuixin Garden has been renovated very quickly, and it is no longer as dilapidated as before.

There are many trees planted in the courtyard, the petals are scattered on the ground, there is a delicate swing under the tree, decorated with small white flowers, the style is quiet, the big yellow dog who comes to visit from time to time adds a touch of bright color to the courtyard. Chickens, ducks and fish are used to feed it, and every time it finishes eating, it will dig a pit and bury the bones in it, as if piling up grain.


Inside the carriage.

Luo Ci leaned against the wall of the carriage, her face pale. She was not used to riding in a carriage. After leaving the capital, the road was bumpy and her stomach rolled.

Xu Jinchuan saw the discomfort in her body, and her eyes were filled with distress. He thought for a while, and took out a small bottle, "It will be better after drinking this."

Luo Ci took it and drank it directly. It tasted like the nectar of some kind of flower. It was light and sweet, which greatly relieved the discomfort in the stomach.

The clear and beautiful eyes are full of dependence, and the tone is also inclined to act like a spoiled child, "Thank you brother."

Xu Jinchuan rubbed her head, and his voice contained pampering and pampering, "What do I say thank you."

"Have you been bullied in the cold palace?"

Luo Ci shook her head, "No one can bully me."

Even if the clone only has a touch of her consciousness, she will not be slaughtered.

The clothes and jewelry that were stolen were all taken back, and they didn't know it, even if the people in the harem found out, they wouldn't dare to take it. After all, this is a bad reputation.

They can easily break into their palaces, and they are unaware, and it is impossible to say that they are not afraid.

When she used to live in this plane, she still lived in a remote hut in the Prime Minister's Mansion. Those servants were very slow to deliver meals every time and cut corners. She would go to the kitchen to get food and pack some snacks. exist.

So it's a repeat offender to go to the imperial kitchen to steal a roast duck or something.

As for the restless maid next to her, she wanted to poison her, but she poisoned her, and hypnotized the other party to poison the food of the person behind her.

With the way of the people, also treat the body of the people.

However, she felt a little strange that her body was so poor that she could not even live to forty.

She doesn't know how to heal, and usually just feels a little bit colder, but she doesn't feel anything else in other places.

She didn't suffer much damage in the cold palace. Although the wet and cold environment caused a certain impact, it did not cause such a big harm.

"Brother, is there any other condition in my body?"

Xu Jinchuan paused, his tone somewhat pitiful, "I originally thought it was because you suffered in the cold palace that it was so bad, but later when I checked the pulse again, I found that you have cold poison in your body that has not been removed, it should have been brought from your mother's body. "

The cold poison was something he didn't realize immediately, let alone the useless imperial physicians. In addition, the cold palace environment did not have any effect on the induction of the cold poison. Xiao Ci was drowsy before, and still felt The weakness of the hands and feet is indeed due to the cold entering the body.

So that guy Jun Heng is still not wronged.

"My brother will definitely get rid of the cold poison for you after taking you back to the Medicine King Valley."


Luo Ci's eyes were slightly curved, this time she was able to stay with her brother for a long time.

"Will my brother stay in Medicine King Valley in the future?"

Xu Jinchuan was a little helpless. While on the way, his sister was thinking about returning to the palace, but he had always been tolerant towards her.

"I don't worry about you, I will definitely stay by your side." My sister was eager to return to the palace, and he had to take care of her body slowly.

After a pause, thinking of Jun Heng, his eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a dangerous aura, "Of course I don't worry about Jun Heng."

That guy has already had a black history with him. If there are similar things in the future, he will definitely take Xiaoci away without a word, so that the guy will never see her again.

Luo Ci responded slowly.

The two Jin Wuwei who were sent to her by Fragment were driving the carriage. There were two carriages behind the carriage. At first, they wanted to follow on horseback.

It's so cold in autumn and winter, it's really a hard body.

Jin Wuwei finally obeyed and got into the carriage.

They have extremely high martial arts skills and excellent hearing. Naturally, they heard Xu Jinchuan's dissatisfaction with Jun Heng in his words, but no one spoke out to stop them.

They are only Jinwuwei of Luoci now.

Only obey Luo Ci.

This is the absolute command.

Xu Jinchuan suddenly spoke with a playful tone, "I'll call your majesty by your name, why don't you defend it?"

Jin Wuwei, who was outside the curtain of the car, replied sternly, "This subordinate only obeys the order of the young lady."

The genius doctor is the elder brother of the young lady, and the young lady didn't say anything. Why did they come out and say that the genius doctor was not.

Luo Ci was slightly at a loss. Isn't this Jin Wuwei who was sent to her by the fragments? Even if it is now under her control, it will be temporary.

Their king is still a fragment.

Seeing his sister's ignorant appearance, Xu Jinchuan was quite amused, but... Jun Heng can be quite moving sometimes.

Unexpectedly, he would even give that to his sister.

Just based on Jin Wuwei's words, he guessed it roughly.

There is only one thing in the world that can dominate all Jinwuwei and obey the absolute order, even if it wants to despise the imperial power.

Not only that.

It is in charge of all the armies, and its power is higher than that of the tiger talisman.

To own it is to own the whole world.

Jun Heng gave her the right to control everything, and even gave her his own life.

He only had half of the tiger talismans in his hand, and Meng Chi also had half of the tiger talismans, and they each controlled an army of 100,000.

Xu Jinchuan's eyes darkened, and it seemed that Jun Heng didn't tell his sister what it was.

But he won't say it now, if his sister hears what he says, she will shout to go back.

What's more, Jun Heng is not so easy to be defeated. From a young man with no power and no power, to a tyrant with such a capricious temperament, he has a lot of trump cards.

The most urgent task is to suppress the cold poison in Xiaoci's body.

Xu Jinchuan's black eyes had an icy sharpness.

The Prime Minister's Mansion, he won't let it go.

Before he entered the palace, he had poisoned several important people in the prime minister's residence, some chronic poison, and these two months were enough for them.

And the women in the harem.

He didn't mind punishing Jun Heng first.

Yin Hong's lips evoked an almost cruel arc.

He held a blanket in his hand and gently covered Luo Ci.

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