The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 394: After swapping bodies with the tyrant 26

Ever since she knew that she had a niece, she had been looking forward to it slowly. She had arranged a room reserved for Luo Ci early and prepared a lot of dresses.

After Luo Ci thanked him one by one, he was taken back to his small courtyard by his brother. The courtyard was relatively quiet, with stone tables and chairs, and ten Jinwu guards standing in a row.

They stood in the courtyard with expressionless faces, mucking around and doing nothing.

At this time, after seeing Luo Ci, they all looked at her, inexplicably having a sense of Tie Hanhan who was eagerly looking at her.

Luo Ci: "..."

Somewhat subtle.

It looked quite like that from the fragment, icy cold, like a ruthless robot, only obeying instructions, and its sharp aura was unobstructed.

And seems to be a little dull.

Reminds her of a cartoon she watched in the modern plane...

Stay hippo.

Dumbly, he slowly looked at her.

"Brother, let them arrange it too." She didn't know much about this place, and she didn't know where to arrange for them to live.

And there is no danger in Yaowang Valley, Jin Wuwei seems to be a bit overkill. She vaguely remembers what Fragment told her that Jin Wuwei's martial arts can be compared with one hundred, and the ability to survive in the wild is extremely strong. When he was on the road before, one of them showed good cooking skills, and he would also search for information. technique and the like.

Xu Jinchuan nodded. It was not good for these ten big men to always follow his sister. They immediately arranged accommodation for them. Considering their special status, the treatment was not like that of ordinary servants.

After giving the order, he brought Luo Ci into the room.

The style of the room is different from that of the yard, and it is playful and cute.

Luo Ci put the book on the table and asked, "Are grandpa and grandma having a conflict?"

She felt that her grandmother didn't like seeing her grandpa very much.

Xu Jinchuan hummed, "Actually, today is a little better. For more than ten years, grandma didn't pay much attention to grandpa. At the beginning, she was completely hysterical and let grandpa get out."

Luo Ci thought of her avatar's mother, and there were almost no pictures related to her mother in her memory, "Is it because of my mother?"

"Well, grandma has a grudge against grandpa, because the rule of not being able to leave the valley prevents us from bringing you and your mother back, and we haven't even been able to see your mother for the last time."

She pursed her lips slightly.

I didn't know what to say for a while.

On the surface, there should be resentment.

For more than ten years, I didn't know anything about her, and I didn't even go out to find her when my mother was gone.

But after seeing his grandfather's eyes, he felt inexplicably hidden.

Xu Jinchuan rubbed her hair, "Xiao Ci, do you blame us?"

Luo Ci shook her head, she knew that her brother and these relatives treated her very well, and she could see that the gifts they gave her had been ready for some time, especially her room.

They should have been waiting for their return.

"Because the ancestors cultivated the art of peeking into the sky, they discovered too many secrets, so they were punished by the gods, and the Xu family was robbed. Now we are the only ones left. Originally, you had a little uncle, but he died early without warning. My mother conceived another child after me, but in the end she slipped and never had any children. Grandpa's hair turned white because he wanted to change his life against the sky."

Xu Jinchuan continued, "Grandpa forced a fortune-telling plan for you, knowing that you will be fine in the capital, and you will encounter some small twists and turns, showing that you have a destiny. If we go out of the valley, it may cause harm to you, so I avoided it for more than ten years. Can't get out of the valley."

Luo Ci showed a thoughtful look.

For these, she naturally understands.

In fact, she can also spend a certain price to predict some things in the future, but if she wants to change something, it is not allowed by the rules.

And the stronger the ability, the stronger the backlash will be.

"Let's not talk about it, this is the medicine that Grandpa specially made for you. It can make up for some of the vitality you lost in the past, and it is good for your recovery."

Two bottles of medicine, a total of twelve.

Luo Ci looked down at the medicine bottle in her hand, "Did Grandpa spend a lot of energy?"

It had been devastated.

Xu Jinchuan pinched her face, "Grandpa will recover after a period of rest, don't blame yourself." They were trying to make up for it.

This medicine is not difficult to make. It is rare that the medicinal materials grow on the cliffs of snow-capped mountains, and the quantity is rare. Grandpa's body is not as good as before.

He didn't stay too long, arranged for a maid to dress his sister, and left.

Luo Ci took a pill, and after taking a bath, she lay on the bed and rested.

It's really unbearable to be in the carriage these days.

She opened her eyes and couldn't help but wonder what happened to the debris.

Soon fell asleep.

The dream was peaceful at first, but then she felt her body float up, as if flying to some ethereal place.

She tried to open her eyes, but she couldn't.

After a long time, she opened her eyes, but what she saw was not her residence in Medicine King Valley, but a palace.

She looked down at herself, her figure was empty.

The sound of broken porcelain and a woman's hoarse voice came from the front, "Go away!"

Luo Ci was stunned, and she walked inside.

I saw the women in the palace, the ground was in a mess, the jade and porcelain were broken and scattered all over the place.

It was a very beautiful woman, so beautiful that all the flowers were eclipsed, but her hair was a little messy, her luxurious dress was still stained with blood, and her fair and slender hands had shocking wounds, and the blood was a little red. dripping down.

The sound of blood dripping was silent, but inexplicably like dripping on the apex of the heart, it rang softly.

Not far away there is a delicate and beautiful little boy with a stubborn face, his voice trembling slightly, "Mother, I, I will help you bandage."

The dark and pure eyes were slightly reliant, and the slender lips were pressed tightly.

It's Fragment's childhood.

He was still very young at the moment, only four or five years old. He was trying to get close with a white bandage and ointment in his small hand, but just when he wanted to pick up his mother's hand to bandage it, he was pushed away by the beautiful woman.

He was so small that he fell to the ground uncontrollably, and even pierced the broken pieces of porcelain. His palm rested on a white piece of porcelain, and blood soon oozes out, and the blood smeared the white bandage. , like a monstrous blood-colored flower.

The beautiful woman's pupils shrank, her face was filled with unbearable and worry, she wanted to protect him, but she had to cover her head and step back, her face slightly hideous.

She is in pain.

She didn't want to hurt him.

In the end, it took a lot of effort for her to calm down, "Don't come here again in the future."

She turned around and said indifferently, "As soon as I saw you, I was extremely disgusted."

But the pale and beautiful face, but two lines of clear tears slipped.

The little boy's dark and beautiful eyes stared at her steadily, and finally stood up silently, ignoring the wound on his palm, put the bandage and ointment on the table, and slowly left the palace.

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