The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 408: 40 after swapping bodies with the tyrant

Eunuch Li was very happy to hear this, but the Queen's words poured down like a bucket of cold water, "What is the success rate?"

"Seventy or eighty percent. Your Majesty has martial arts by his side, which can ease some of the difficulty."

Xu Jinchuan added in his heart, even if there is no martial arts, with his obsession with his sister, he will not fail.

"I'll start applying needles now." The implication was to let the two retreat.

Eunuch Li was very hesitant. He could not completely rest assured that the genius doctor was alone in the dormitory. After thinking about it, he still said, "The maiden will stay and talk to your majesty, maybe it will be effective."

He is willing to trust the Queen, because His Majesty trusts the Empress.

Luo Ci didn't think much, "Okay."

Xu Jinchuan frowned slightly, and after Eunuch Li left, he said with a half-smile, "Cicci, help me take off his clothes."

She was stunned and asked in a low voice, "All over the body?"

"Take off your shirt first."


...So, is there another one who takes off his pants?

She slowly approached Jun Heng and found that he was still holding a wooden box in his arms. She reached out to take it away, but felt a lot of resistance.

Something that is reluctant to let go even if you are in a coma.

She leaned into Jun Heng's ear and said softly, "I'll give it back to you later."

I don't know if her words made a difference, she took out the wooden box, and she didn't touch the contents.

The top priority is to strip off the broken screen, and then start the treatment!

Little hands unbuttoned his coat, she looked down at the neatly dressed emperor, and paused, feeling as if she was opening some exquisite gift.

After a long while, she took off her coat, and she glanced at the Emperor Jade Crown that Fragment was wearing. She felt that it would be very uncomfortable, so she gently took it off and put it aside.

Then after a long time, she took off her shirt.

Xu Jinchuan watched her actions in a leisurely manner, if he was allowed to come, it would be quite rude. However, Jun Heng was thinking about his sister, so that she would not have any resistance to her coming, and it would also be helpful for the next treatment.

"Just pull the trouser legs up to the thighs."

Luo Ci did the same, watching her brother applying needles beside him.

Originally, I was staring at it very intently, but later I was a little curious about the wooden box, so I took a closer look.

Her eyes twinkled.

This box... It seems that she kept the snacks at the beginning, but shouldn't it be in the cold palace?

It suddenly occurred to me that there are still small snacks in it. It won't get moldy after so long, right? The shards are still holding it?

? ? ?

Thinking of this, she opened the wooden box.

There was a little fragrance and a very faint smell of corruption in the box. She looked at the small snacks inside and remained silent.

Eunuch Li previously said that the fragments had been in a coma for three days, and the dim sum here had been stored for at least three days. In addition, the charcoal had been burning in the hall, so it wouldn't last long at all, and it was normal for them to break.

He doesn't need to store food like she does, and he can call someone to prepare what he wants to eat at any time.

Therefore, he simply wanted to capture the traces of her life and wanted to be like her.

Even this wooden box has become a little sustenance for him, so even if there are moldy snacks in it, he will carefully clean it, remove the smell, put new snacks in it, and taste it silently.

As if atonement, a little taste of what she once had.

Actually not...

No atonement is required.

not like this.

Luo Ci wrapped the broken dim sum inside with oil paper, and wiped off the residue carefully.

She looked at the sleepy fragments with her eyes closed, pursed her lips, and slowly got up and walked out of the palace door.

It was freezing cold, but Eunuch Li still dutifully guarded outside the hall.

She asked softly, "Can you tell me about your Majesty's situation these days?"

There won't be too many details about what my brother's forces have inquired about, only a general situation.

Eunuch Li didn't hide it, "After you left, Your Majesty went to the Cold Palace to deal with those concubines who had bullied you, and also went to the Cuixin Garden where you once lived, and renovated everything inside and out. Chao Shi suddenly went to the former Prince's Palace, and the servant looked at His Majesty as if he was in a bad mood that day..."

He recounted the general events.

As for the condition of the poison, "When His Majesty was fourteen, the imperial physician diagnosed that the toxin had spread to all parts of the body, and would eventually turn into a living dead. It occurred several times before you left the palace. It means that the poison has penetrated deep into the bone marrow."

Luo Ci dazedly held the sandalwood box in her arms, her beautiful eyes seemed to freeze.

These things are very scattered and seem to be completely unrelated, but there is a sharp pain in her heart.

She asked again, "Those concubines..." Why were they disposed of in the cold palace.

"Your Majesty sent all the concubines into the cold palace a few days after taking you back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. The sins you have suffered in the past are now carried out on them. Some time ago, His Majesty dismissed the harem and sent most of the concubines to the temple to meet with them. Blue Lantern Long Companion."

Luo Ci was silent for a while, without a word.

She understands.

What kind of mood did Shard go to Cuixin Garden at that time?

It was like opening up the scars of the past, to admit it, to regret, he probably thought they would not be possible at the time.

Must be... desperate.

Did you remember your childhood memories the day you went to the Prince's Palace?

He said at the time that he wanted to find her, but that was not the case at all after meeting her, and he would definitely regret it.

The inner self-loathing kept accumulating, and those repressed emotions that could not be vented made him breathless.

He has always carried these things.

Thinking that he did something that she could not forgive him, that she would never like him in her life, and that even the poison had reached the point where she could not be delayed, and she was heartbroken that she would never see her again, and promised her brother to take her back to Medicine King Guzhi sick.

He never made the slightest request.

Fragment didn't know that his poison could be cured. He knew that he was about to fall asleep, but he never asked her to stay with him for more time, just because he cared about her body, he couldn't bear to let her suffer on the road.

But he completely ignored him.

How desperate he must have been at that time.

Luo Ci entered the hall with the wooden box and sat silently in front of the bed.

Xu Jinchuan caught a glimpse of his sister and Jun Heng holding the wooden box as before, and after a pause, he began to pull out the needle.

After the treatment, there was a little perspiration on his face, which was not easy for him, and every time the needle was closed, it took a lot of internal strength and mind.

"Brother, go to rest first."

"Well, after a quarter of an hour, a little poisonous blood will be excreted from his body one after another, you help him clean it up."

It is impossible to transfer all the residual poison to the head, so that the person will become a lunatic, so it is necessary to detoxify some poisons in the process.

After Luo Ci settled her brother, she sent someone to boil hot water and wiped off the blood with a handkerchief.

After processing, I wasted some energy to put on clean bedding for the debris.

She said in a small voice, "Wake up early."

"You promised to wait for me."

"I'm back."

No reneging on promises.

So, you can't go back on your word.

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