The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 413: After swapping bodies with the tyrant 45

Luo Ci pointed to the square box, "Brother, this is the medicine that Master Meng Chi found."

Xu Jinchuan opened the wooden box and nodded with satisfaction, "These herbs can only be found in barbarians, your uncle has a heart."

After all, repelling the barbarians does not mean that you can freely enter and exit it. If you are accidentally surrounded, you will die.

The depression in Jun Heng's heart disappeared completely.

Since it is Uncle Shi, it cannot be a wild man.

But still meet less.

Although Jinwuwei and everything are managed by the little queen, he also has his own secret guard, which is a force he has cultivated since he was a child.

He would not put everything on the seal of the emperor. The deeds of his predecessors were enough for him to learn a lesson, so even though he already had the seal of the emperor at that time, he still cultivated forces that were only loyal to himself.

This is also the reason why he quickly learned all kinds of news.

After meal.

Xu Jinchuan gave Jun Heng a needle as usual, and some poisonous blood was released through the silver needle.

This relieved a lot of the pain and drowsiness in Jun Heng's head.

It's just that some toxins are attached to the nerves, which have a great impact on him. After all, this is a backlog of toxins that have been accumulated for more than ten years, which has eroded the nerve roots.

If it weren't for this poison, it was just an indirect infection, if it wasn't for this poison and it didn't kill him, and if it wasn't for Jun Heng's firm will, he wouldn't have lived to his eighteenth birthday at all.

The final detoxification process is very critical. It is not impossible to make a person a fool if you are not careful, or to cause the death of the other person with too much force.

Regarding this point, Xu Jinchuan told Jun Heng privately that this requires great trust, which is equivalent to handing over his life to the other party.

Jun Heng agreed without hesitation.

He didn't want to lie in bed and be an ignorant cripple.


There are a lot of excerpts presented recently, and Luo Ci's time was almost spent on critiquing the excerpts, so it was inevitable to ignore the fragments.

Originally, Jun Heng could also read some memorials, but Luo Ci asked her brother, knowing that he should not use his brain now, so he was not allowed to touch the memorials. In addition, with the progress of the treatment, Jun Heng's mind seemed to return to the past, as pure and harmless as a child.

Many of the later memories are blurred, and they only know that they are close to Luo Ci.

But this is all temporary.

He is also playful like an ordinary child, likes to run around, and is not at all restless, but every time he brings back a small gift to Luo Ci, either a plum blossom or a little rabbit he made out of snow.

His hands were always red from the cold.

But he happily held it back and presented it to her.

He just unconsciously wanted to give everything he thought was good.

On this day, Luo Ci criticized Zhezi as usual. She was in her position and she was in charge of her government. Since she temporarily replaced the fragments to manage the Dayan Dynasty, she had to be conscientious and responsible for the people of the Dayan Dynasty.

It snowed heavily this winter, and some remote areas were even hit by snow disasters. Many houses were even collapsed by the snow, people were displaced, and many casualties were caused by hunger, cold and poverty.

She asked several ministers in the court, but she was even shied away, and most of the court officials remained silent.

The ministers who govern those regions are even more reluctant.

She's thinking about sending people right now.

The lives of the local people are at stake. If forcibly dispatching a minister who is unwilling to go there, it may be counterproductive. At that time, the minister will not pay attention, and it is likely that more people will be injured or killed.

Therefore, she has to screen carefully. Those ministers who are unwilling to do things with salaried salary will not only not be promoted in the future, but may even be replaced.

Speaking of which, thanks to the former prime minister and the waste queen mother, the treasury has been enriched a lot, so there is no need to worry about the problem of silver and silver materials.

While thinking about it, her sleeve was lightly pulled, she put down the pen and turned to look at Jun Heng.

His dark eyes were full of stars, clean and clear, with a bright smile on his face, his hands behind his back, "Guess what's on your hands?"

Luo Ci's voice was soft, "What is it?"

If Fragment hadn't experienced those things, he would have been like this when he was a kid.

Carefree and unfettered.

Although Jun Heng was not satisfied that she did not guess an answer, but when she thought of the gift she had prepared for her, she would definitely like it, so she did not hesitate to ask her to give an answer, and took the initiative to put the sandalwood box in her hand in front of her. .

Luo Ci was stunned for a moment, and slowly opened the wooden box, only to see a stack of envelopes.

She twisted the envelope lightly with her fingertips, which had been preserved for a long time.

"What's this?"

Jun Heng was also stunned for a moment, he took it wrong, it wasn't this, he suddenly wanted to take it back, but found that she seemed very interested.

It's no big deal to show her, he thought.

Everything about him is hers.

Although... he doesn't seem to remember what's inside.

"I got it wrong. I can give you this one. I'll take the other one now."

Looking at the date above, Luo Ci's heart trembled, she gently opened the envelope and saw the contents inside.

The snow-white rice paper has become old and yellow, and some places have been soaked with water, and there are some hard wrinkles after drying.

The handwriting on it is tender and stubborn, but it penetrates the back of the paper with great force.

At the beginning, there was some order, but at the back, the thinking was completely confused, and the words that could not be forgotten were constantly repeated.

There were also times when he was annoyed and remorseful after he almost forgot.

His struggle and resistance are all contained in these envelopes.

The last two letters are.

"I will grow up and I will wait for you."

"No one can take my memory away."

last letter.

A scrawled "no" and half an unrecognizable handwriting.

From here, he failed to keep his memory.

The other letters are still preserved, except for the last letter, there is no envelope, the paper is completely yellow, the ink is smeared, there are traces of being crumpled into a ball, and there is even dust that has not been cleaned up. .

They were not put together, the letter was found later.

Luo Ci pursed her lips, her clear eyes glowed with water, reflecting sparkling waves. She clenched her teeth tightly, her snow-white tips pressed against her lower teeth forbearance, and said nothing.

How did Fragment feel at the time?

Little by little, I felt my memory disappear, and I tried my best and failed to hold it, leaving myself only at a loss, trying to recall only a blank, that kind of powerless depression and despair.


Very unhappy.

Jun Heng came over with another wooden box. The two wooden boxes looked very similar and had very similar patterns. It was normal for him to take it wrong.

"this is for you."

He covered his head and tried to think back, his voice was a little excited, "I kept it well, and none of it was broken!"

Luo Ci took the wooden box, heavy.

She responded in a low voice, gently lifted the lock with her fingertips upwards, and the objects in the box slowly came into view.

The slender, slightly wet curled eyelashes trembled slightly, and the glittering water finally fell down uncontrollably.

She may not remember all of the jewelry, but there are a few that she wears so often that she naturally recognizes them.

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