The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 415: After swapping bodies with the tyrant 47

Usually, the big yellow dog will rest here. Although its treatment has risen and people are often fed, it still likes to store meat and bones.

The preferential treatment for unknown reasons will be withdrawn for no reason sooner or later.

It's a smart dog.

Luo Ci looked at the big yellow dog lazily nesting in duck down, and was stunned for a moment. According to modern standards, it was a Chinese pastoral dog.

I didn't know what to do at the time. When I ran to her, sometimes she wondered if the dog had become a sperm.

But I didn't expect that the debris actually built a nest for it.

Then she saw the big yellow dog, who was squinting and resting, sniffed with his black nose, and then ran towards her, circling around her and wagging his tail, as if he was very happy.

Dog noses are really smart.

And it is not enthusiastic enough to pounce on it, it is very measured.

Luo Ci bent down slightly, stretched out her hand and rubbed the dog's head, and said seriously, "Since you are staying here, then I will give you a name."

Live on her territory, it has to be her dog.

The big yellow dog stared at her piercingly, ears pricked up.

"It's called Da Huang." It fits.

Rhubarb scratched his claws, and called out a little unhappily, but he only whimpered a few times and didn't dare to make a loud voice.

Finally reluctantly accepted.

Jun Heng's eyes were thoughtful, thinking that she should like this fluffy animal very much.

Luo Ci rubbed the rhubarb again and looked around. There were many plum blossoms planted in the courtyard. The snow plums and the red plums were in a state of competition. There was a swing under the tree that swayed gently, and there was a little snow on it.

Jun Heng's voice sounded at the right time, "Wait until spring, and put on peach trees, in summer, with magnolias, and in autumn, with locust trees, okay?"

We should be together all year round, enjoy the snow and flowers together.

He will find a professional gardener to take care of these flower trees.

Luo Ci reached out to catch a snowflake, and the snowflake quickly melted after falling into her palm, her clear eyes slightly curved, and her tone was soft, "Okay."

Jun Heng clenched her hand, "Go into the room."

Although she was not as afraid of cold as before, he was still worried about her body.

Besides, Xu Jinchuan didn't mention anything about her lifespan at all.

entered the room.

Some of the previous furnishings were retained, but they were enlarged a lot, and the room was much warmer.

Luo Ci looked at the objects on the table and was stunned. She walked over, picked up one of them, and stroked her finger lightly.

The slender eyelashes fell, and he stared at the wooden figure on the table.

He engraved five, and in her appearance, it was only a Q version. The first few were still a bit stiff, and many places were not adjusted properly.

It was the last one that paid off.

But what she didn't know was that there were more than ten semi-finished products that Jun Heng had carved.

Jun Heng turned his head slightly, he knew that his carving was not good-looking.

He opened the drawer, and it was full of wooden sculptures, but they were all animals.

With a light cough, "I'm still practicing, these are for you."

These are all carved by an excellent carpenter and are going to be placed in the room as decoration. He knows that she doesn't care much about gold and silver jewelry, so the decoration here is useless no matter how luxurious it is. It is better to make something with meaning.

Luo Ci grabbed the five wooden figures of the villain, looked left and right, and stuffed them into the hood of the Fragment Cloak.

"I'm going to take these back and pack them up."

Jun Heng's narrow and sharp eyes softened slightly, and he asked, "Let's rest here today."

Replace all the cold memories of the past.



The envoys of Wu Yueguo arrived in the capital, including the emperor of Wuyueguo and important ministers. There were a total of 20 carriages, with a dozen horseshoe marks behind them.

Jun Heng's poison was completely eliminated the day before, and the process was almost without risk. After knowing that he had recovered, Luo Ci quit the job. Whoever loves this emperor should be the one, so now he is very happy.

She and Fragment informed the identity of her parents. After all, her own father would probably not deal with Fragment.

The Minister of Rites and General Meng Chi arranged the guests of Wu Yueguo properly, and that night, a large banquet was held to show the friendship between the guests and the host.

Jun Heng sat at the top, and the other positions were seated in sequence according to their identities.

Emperor Wuyue was dressed in snow, handsome and graceful, and looked very harmless.

But no one dared to underestimate him. After all, he took all the rights of Wu Yueguo to himself, and there was no second voice in the whole country. If it was really harmless, how could he achieve this step.

Now I just want to have a good image in front of my daughter, and also because my wife likes him to wear white clothes.

He is not surnamed Wu, no matter what, he will not let his daughter have the surname of others.

Emperor Wuyue's face was calm, but his heart gradually grew anxious. Why haven't he seen his wife and daughter?

He looked around the hall, and he never saw anyone from Yaowanggu appear, and his daughter didn't sit down for a long time. Could it be that Jun Heng bullied her.

Emperor Wuyue's eyes were slightly cold.

He wanted to bring his daughter back to Wu Yueguo for a long time, but his father-in-law said that his daughter had a phoenix fate and would not let him interfere. He was reluctant to believe in divination, but he also retained a bit of awe.

When it was about his daughter's life, he didn't dare to act without permission.

But the news that he had placed in the capital made him angry.

The so-called phoenix life is to enter the palace hastily, and even be sent to the cold palace on the first day?

It doesn't matter if this queen does not do it, it is much better to be a queen in Wuyue Kingdom than an unappreciated queen.

Thinking of this, he was a little angry.

If his nephew had not told him something in advance, he would have taken his daughter back now.

"The Empress is here!"

Luo Ci slowly moved to the top. Today is quite special. The headgear and clothes are a little heavy. This is already the result of reducing a lot of headgear.

During the period, she felt a bunch of burning eyes, she turned her eyes slightly and looked over.

Facing Wuyue Emperor's nervous eyes.

She was startled.

It's her father.

The gentle and beautiful man in white clothes sitting under the stage gradually overlapped with the black-clothed man with a silver mask in his childhood impression.

She nodded lightly, imperceptibly, as a greeting.

She retracted her gaze and walked to the side of the fragments. Just as she was about to take a seat, the young and handsome imperial dynasty reached out her hand and gestured for her to support her on her own.

Jun Heng held her hand as he wished, and in front of the little queen's father, the crimson lips couldn't help curling up in front of everyone's eyes.

He is very happy.

Emperor Wu Yue's eyes darkened.

I snorted in my heart.

If Jun Heng doesn't give his daughter an identity this time, he will take her back.

If there is no queen ceremony, there is no real queen.

He came here with his daughter's dowry.

Just when I was thinking about it, the eunuch's voice came from outside the hall: "The Valley Master of the King of Medicine is here to host a banquet!"

Emperor Wu Yue stared at the door of the hall, his eyes trembled slightly, Yun You... finally woke up.

He could finally see what she looked like when she was awake.

There was an uproar in the hall, and the Medicine King Valley was mysterious and unpredictable, and they actually held a banquet with them.

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