The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 446: Interstellar Cubs Daily 4

Thinking of this, Qi Yu couldn't help but exhort him. He felt that his serious and serious tone should make the little cub realize the importance of the matter, but the mermaid cub yawned and fell asleep in his arms. .

As for whether he heard what he said just now, there is no way to know.


At this moment, the things he ordered people to prepare have been delivered. The robots deliver the courier, and the robots are responsible for packaging. There are hardly many simple tasks that humans can do in the central star.

They put away their orders in an orderly manner and then leave quietly.

Qi Yu looked at the mermaid cub sleeping soundly in his arms, no playful smile on his face, but rather calm, his dark eyes fell on her little fish tail, and then he seemed to carelessly touch it.

Soft and slippery.

And at the tip of the tail, Xue-white fingers even held the tip of the tail and pinched it lightly, the originally flat tip of the tail was forced to curl up.

It soon felt resistance from the tip of the tail, which was trying to break free.

Qi Yu let go of his hand and looked down at the mermaid cub in his arms.

Didn't wake up.

The robot housekeeper silently came over and reminded, "Master, according to the information collected in the chip and the information from the research institute, the mermaid cub cannot leave the water for a long time. At present, the most suitable place for the little master to rest is your swimming pool."

Qi Yu responded lightly, and pinched her fish tail again.

The robot butler continued, "The cub's tail is very fragile and cannot be put under pressure or restraint. The master should try to squeeze the little master's tail as little as possible."

The mechanical voice had a hint of disapproval, as if it had its own emotions.

Qi Yu: "..."

His robotic butler seemed to have suddenly defected.

In fact, it wasn't a sudden betrayal, it seemed that the housekeeper would always turn against him at such critical moments.

If it is a newly appointed robot housekeeper, he will definitely not tolerate its existence, but the other party has been with him since he was a child and has gone through many changes, so he can be regarded as half of the family.

And what it said was related to the health of the mermaid cubs, which was completely irrefutable.

Qi Yu finally hugged the little brat, walked to the door of the swimming pool, sneaked into the bottom of the pool, and put her down gently.

He returned to the nutrition cabin, bent down slightly, and slowly picked up the few pearls.

The pearl in the palm of the hand is round and flawless, and it seems to have shallow energy fluctuations.

Apparently his merman cubs were different.

He has no way of knowing what the lab did to her and what effect those unknown medicines would have.

He collected the pearls and put them in beautiful little boxes.

At this time, a message popped up in Xinghuan, Qi Yu clicked to connect, and a man appeared on the virtual screen, with a sense of sight of an elite in the workplace, "Brother Qi, there are a few scripts that are suitable recently, do you want to accept it? "

Qi Yu paused, "It's all pushed, I don't have time recently."

Chen Shuo stared blankly at the person in the picture, and said weakly, "Brother Qi, what's wrong with your clothes..."

There are several small light green handprints on it, Brother Qi... have you been in contact with the child? And let the other party leave dirty handprints? !

And he has always been strict and abstinent, and the collar buttons were opened two? What's more scary is the red tooth marks and a little scratch on the neck! !

Brother Qi can't be good-natured, that is the child who suffers.

Qi Yu gave a cold laugh, his agent's cranky temper didn't seem to have changed much.

"I think your business level needs to be practiced again?"

With that said, the video was hung up.

Looking down at his upper body, he took a shower and changed his clothes expressionlessly.

On the other end, Chen Shuo wanted to cry, but this month's salary seemed to be deducted.

But... Brother Qi rarely turned down so many jobs before...

Anyway, it is impossible to accompany the child.

He couldn't help shaking his head, and he didn't know what happened to the kid who dared to bite Brother Qi.


A silver light suddenly radiated from the bottom of the pool. The light came from the fish tail of the mermaid cub sleeping at the bottom of the pool. An inexplicable linear energy was drawn into her body. The shallow wound on her wrist had completely healed. The flesh and blood exposed there has grown a scale again, intact as before.

After the light disappeared, the wounds in her body were so good that she slowly opened her long eyelashes like cicada wings, and her long silver dreamy hair spread softly in the pool water.

Luo Ci is relatively clear about the changes in her body. For example, after the transformation of the laboratory and the transfer of genes, she may have become an existence similar to Tang monk meat.

Her flesh and blood, the pearls her tears turned into, contained a wealth of energy.

The transformation has just been completely completed. As for the sequelae, she is not very clear. Except for frequent headaches and irritability, it is somewhat similar to the shards of the Tyrant Plane.

She was researched by that laboratory with all her strength. She had been drawn some blood before, but at that time, she hid the function of blood and secretly took an inhibitory drug, so not much was drawn, and there were many scars on her wrists. In the past, it couldn't heal because of the inhibitory effect of the medicine.

But now... the healing power has reached the point where it is beyond control.

Inhibitors have stopped working on her.

But she escaped, as long as she was careful, nothing would happen.

He swam slowly to the shore, swam around the pool randomly, and came out in various swimming postures.

As soon as Qi Yu came in, he saw this scene, the crimson lips twitched slightly, and he said with a smile, "So happy to see me here?"

Happy to go around in circles?

The mermaid cub suddenly emerged from the pool, and drew a graceful curve in the air.

The robot housekeeper said, "According to the precise data analysis, the final landing point of the little master will be 0.5 meters from the shore. If the master does not catch it in time, under the action of such a height and impact, the little master will body will be severely damaged.”

Qi Yu took a few steps forward slowly, just in time to catch the little mermaid, and pinched her soft little fish tail with his fingers, his dark eyes were half-squinted, and he seemed a little unhappy.

Those scoldings in the past were held in the throat, and they were not spoken. In the end, they just smashed her long silver hair with a little force. "Next time, don't be so anxious to see-" me.

But the next second, the fair-skinned neck was bitten by the little brat again, and it was not the same place, so there was another tooth mark on the neck.

Qi Yu slightly lowered her eyes and looked at the mermaid cub in her arms. She blinked innocent sapphire eyes and rubbed softly between his neck, as if it wasn't her who bit him before, just like a good baby.

Not in a hurry to see him.

Instead, rush to bite him.

The irritability hasn't changed at all.

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