The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 448: Interstellar Cubs Daily 6

At the same time as it was pulled out, due to inertia, the body fell back for a long distance. The mermaid cub was holding a night pearl, obviously felt a little heavy, and struggled to go upstream. too tired.

Qi Yu easily picked up Ye Mingzhu, checked his mental strength, and the energy inside was already very thin.

He has never seen anyone who can absorb the energy in the night pearl, and he doesn't have to think about it to know that this is what his own son did.

Contacting her to heal her wounds so quickly and grow scales, it should be possible to recover so quickly at the cost of the night pearl energy, but it is also very surprising.

In fact, think about it, energy is conserved, and it is impossible to restore it out of thin air, and the energy contained in the air is not enough to heal wounds.

The merman cub put his hands on the shore, his head rested on his arms, and his wet eyes looked at him quietly.

Cute and soft.

When it's quiet, it's really a good baby.

"Don't expose your abilities in front of others in the future."

Saying that, Qi Yu frowned and tutted lightly, "It will be very troublesome."

But it's just trouble.

Even the pearls turned into tears contain energy. If it is the blood of a little brat, she has a very strong self-healing ability, so her blood may not be absent.

What he can think of, those in the research institute may not be able to think of it.

That lab must be tracking this cub everywhere.

The black eyes under the lens narrowed slightly, and the pupils were dark and gloomy. He hoped that he could use the techniques he learned before to find the laboratory base, but the other party hid it better, and he couldn't find out if he didn't reveal his fault.

While he was contemplating, the voice of the robot housekeeper interrupted his thoughts at the right time, "Master, your customized fish tank has been delivered."

It pushed the fish tank and came to Qi Yu. It was equipped with a water purifier, which could accommodate the mermaid cubs. A layer of soft cushion was laid underneath. The material was made of special interstellar technology. And it does not absorb water, and also put a waterproof soft pillow intimately.

Qi Yu picked up the mermaid cub from the pond and put her gently into the fish tank, the corners of his lips curved slightly.

Sure enough, it's better to put it in front of you.

It's like pushing a stroller, but it's filled with sea water.

Luo Ci tugged at the fish tank with little hands, a little unhappy, "I don't want to be here!"

The place is too small to swim around at all, seriously hindering her development.

The curvature of Qi Yu's lips subsided a little, and he casually fiddled with her hair a few times. Even though it was soaked in water, her hair was not wet, which is a unique feature of mermaids.

"Good, I'll let you go to the pool later."

For some reason, the words on his lips changed.

Obviously... He was thinking of taking her with him at any time so that he wouldn't let her out of his sight.

He is very controlling.

The merman cub pursed his mouth, obviously not used to it, and after a while, his eyes filled with tears, and he looked at him tearfully.

He said aggrievedly, "I'm not comfortable here."

Qi Yu stared at her for a while, and lightly touched her eyes with his fingers, the tears in her eyes quickly overflowed and turned into pearls, which just fell into his palm.

The long and thick eyelashes drooped slightly, hiding the contemplation in the bottom of his eyes. He withdrew his hand, "Then you go back to the pool for a while."

So the mermaid cub was taken back to the pool again.

The fish tank was custom made by him, but the size was ignored, so he wasn't going to use it again.

In fact, he didn't ignore the size, but ignored her feelings. He just wanted to make it easy for her to move. As for whether she would like it or not, he didn't seem to think about it.

Qi Yu immediately re-painted a custom fish tank and the specific configuration requirements, thinking that the little brat likes the night pearl, and she can absorb the energy, so it is also taken into account.

His bedroom is big enough to fit such a big fish tank.

Xinghuan sent a message, he opened it, and the virtual screen revealed Mu Luan and the environment behind him, which was a closed private laboratory.

Mu Luan's expression was very serious, "I have already sent her basic report, and now I am studying the effects of the sequelae caused by the drug experiment, she will have a violent mood in her mind now, if the effect cannot be eliminated in time, it may become no The mind knows only murderous mermen."

The illegal laboratories used many banned drugs. The Federation had sent people to destroy their branches before. Most of the experimental products in it had lost their minds, and they were not much different from the beasts who only knew how to kill.

And those failed experiments were all caused by too many beast genes. This mermaid cub was born with some mermaid genes, and later was forcibly transferred a lot of mermaid genes, and there were some signs of being out of control.

Qi Yu said in silence for a while, "Don't reveal this information. If you want to do research, come to me for research, don't go back to the research institute."

He trusted Mu Luan, but he couldn't trust other people. The less people who knew the special things about the little brat, the better.

Mu Luan thought of what the data showed, that this mermaid cub contains a lot of energy, and immediately nodded, "Okay, I'll take a leave of absence from the research institute during this time."

Qi Yu rescued him and helped him a lot in many ways, he must be biased towards Qi Yu.

Having said that, he destroyed all the data about this mermaid cub in the laboratory machine.

Qi Yu hung up the video and rubbed his temples.

Such a small cub has violent emotions in his mind...

He suddenly remembered what the little guy said when he cried in front of him for the first time. She said she was so uncomfortable.

Not because he didn't want her to be uncomfortable, but because her body was suffering from beginning to end.

But now there is absolutely no solution.

The interstellar people are constantly evolving, and they are different from before in many aspects. The fittest survives, and weak genes are replaced, thus possessing the beast genes and strengthening their physical fitness.

Ordinary people are not only unable to stay in the central star because of their low status, but more importantly, crossing the galaxy through wormholes, with the physical quality of ordinary people, it is very likely that their bodies will collapse in the middle.

The predecessor of the illegal laboratory is a genetic modification company, which aims to change the human genes, so that ordinary people have the opportunity to change their fate.

Because of this, it attracted the attention of all the stars at the beginning. Many people flocked to it and consumed a lot of federal coins, but it brought them a heavy blow.

Ninety percent of the people eventually turned into beings who were neither human nor beasts. Some had fish scales on their faces and couldn't stay out of the water for too long. Some legs became fish tails, and some palms became animal claws.

And this is just the beginning, they finally develop towards the image of the beast, and become a complete beast, no one's mind.

Although the remaining 10% of the people have successfully become genetic, and their appearance is no different from normal people, their life expectancy is greatly reduced. Ordinary people can live to be one or two hundred years old, and those with supernatural abilities can live to three or five hundred years old. After genetic modification, the life expectancy is less than ten years.

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