The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 457: Interstellar Cubs Daily 15

Qi Yu lowered his eyes slightly, his dark eyes were dark, and he continued to bleed while paying attention to the facial expressions of the mermaid cub.

There was a faint blue-white glow from her light blue fish tail, and Qi Yu didn't stop until she noticed that her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled and her expression was a little unbearable.

He lost a lot of blood, and the color of his lips paled a lot.

When bleeding, the energy knife kept touching the wound, and it was not retracted until now, and the wound healed quickly.

The slender feathered eyelashes drooped slightly, and the dark eyes stared at the disappearing scars on the wrist, because the blood loss appeared too white, leaning towards the cold white, and the blood vessels could be clearly seen.

It's like looking at the wrist, but it's like looking at some distant memory through the wound on the wrist.

And the mermaid in her arms began to change slowly, her light blue fish tail gradually transformed into legs.

Luo Ci, who was sleeping, felt that something was wrong. She forced her sleepiness to wake up, rubbed her eyes, raised her head, and said confusedly, "What's wrong?"

Qi Yu restrained the emotions in his eyes and pulled down her skirt quietly with his fingers, "You have legs."

Luo Ci reached out to touch it subconsciously, but it was clearly still a puppy, and it turned into legs so quickly?

Just slept for a while.

A faint blood lingered around, and she thought of the finger whose scales cut the shards that day, and spontaneously absorbed the drop of blood.

She raised her eyes to look at him, "Did you bleed?"

Qi Yu rubbed her hair and said in a lazy tone, "I didn't expect my blood to have such an effect."

Put her on the ground, "Can you walk by yourself?"

This is the first time that she has transformed her legs, and it may be uncomfortable and even a little uncomfortable.

Luo Ci stood on the ground, probably not used to it, her center of gravity was unsteady, and a little wobbly, but there was no sharp pain, she only reached Qi Yu's thigh, just enough to hold his leg with both hands.

The little hand grabbed the other's trousers and looked up at him, "Hold me."

Soft command.

The corner of Qi Yu's mouth twitched slightly, and he stretched out his hand to gently wrap her little hand. Because of the serious height mismatch, the little guy reached up to reach his hand, and it would be very sore to keep raising his hand.

And he has to cooperate with her.

But he also knew that she had to practice walking, so he didn't hold her directly.

Going back to the bedroom, I have to go up the stairs, but the mermaid cub has short legs and can't stand firmly, so he can only grab the handrail of the stairs and slowly go up step by step.

Qi Yu looked at this brat with some amusing, and if he insisted on going up the stairs by himself, how could he be able to do it in one step.

After finally climbing the stairs, Luo Ci was so tired that she was out of breath, her legs lacked strength, and they easily became sore.

She is worse than a five-year-old child.

Seeing that the little guy was tired, Qi Yu picked her up and said in a narrow voice, "Now you're a dirty child, you have to take a bath."

He took out the pajamas from her small closet, took her to the bathroom to run off the water, and did all the preparatory work, such as baby shower gel, as if he wanted to bathe her.

In fact, a few-year-old child does not have the strength to lift his hand for a long time, and it is also light when wiping the shower gel, let alone wiping the back flexibly.

But even so, she would never agree to let the fragments bathe herself!

For example, now, with a vigilant look on his face, with a small face, he said fiercely, "I want to wash it myself!"

In the past, it was fine if the fox cub was caught and bathed, but now it must not be the case.

Qi Yu hooked his lips, looked at the little guy's frizzy hair, reached out and rubbed her head, "Okay."

There was some regret in his tone.

Luo Ci soaked in the bathtub by herself. The bathtub was relatively large for her, so she directly changed back to the fish tail. After all, her legs couldn't step on it to the end.

She dawdled for a long time before she finished bathing, and there was no need to say much about the difficulty of rubbing bubbles.

The pyjamas are cute plush fabric with a short plush tail at the back.

She crawled onto the bed tiredly, her little body was paralyzed on the bed, the child was taking a bath and so on, she was really tired.

Qi Yu was half-kneeling on the bed and couldn't help tugging at the tail of the fluffy ball behind her pajamas. He couldn't help thinking in his heart that even if the little guy was a cub with high-purity rabbit genes, he would still want to raise it. of.

Rabbits are very weak, and this type of genetic person is classified as inferior genetic person by Interstellar, because such a gene is not very useful for promoting the progress of human beings. Although it is better than ordinary people, it is still despised by superior genetic person.

According to his usual behavior, there is a high probability that people will fry, but now she is too tired, so she can only look at him with misty eyes, containing grievances and accusations.

Qi Yu let go of his hand, "Stop teasing you, go to sleep."

She closed her eyes, hummed softly, and fell asleep slowly.

It's not just that I'm tired from taking a bath, it turns into my legs and walking that consumes too much physical strength.

Before falling asleep, she thought in a daze, when the fragments cut her wrist and bleed her fish tail, it brought some warm power, and it was extraordinarily familiar, as if it had been soaked in his blood before.

But she couldn't remember anything.

Seeing that she was asleep, Qi Yu took off her glasses, the smile on her lips disappeared, the dark eyes were full of sharpness and blood, and there was no normal mildness. .

Glasses, like a seal.

And now, the seal has been lifted.

He leaned against the bed, bent his knee on one leg, raised his hand to pick up the merman cub and put her on his lap.

Qi Yu lowered his dark eyes, unable to see the emotions in his eyes. The moonlight shone through the window, making his slender fingers more and more white. He stroked her cool and soft silver hair with light force, and his fingers stroked her delicately. Small face, her fragile neck.

A dangerous aura spreads.

A very light sigh overflowed, as if restraining something, and finally hugged the mermaid cub in his arms.

He really was reluctant.

The shallow lips parted slightly, "Little guy, be good."

Be good, he doesn't want to control everything about her.

This strong desire for control, he thought it would not explode.

But it started as early as the first time I saw her.

That feeling of wanting to watch her all the time, wanting to take over all aspects of her, from eating to bathing and sleeping.

But when she said that the custom-made fish tank was too small and uncomfortable, he had to compromise.

She strongly wanted to stand up and walk by herself, go up the stairs by herself, and take a bath by herself. All are out of control.

Not seeing her, not feeling her breath, was completely unbearable.

He divided her into his own possessions, but she had her own consciousness, and it was impossible for her to follow his thoughts. This was the constantly rising emotion that he suppressed on weekdays.

He is not normal.

Because of the strong domain awareness, there is only one robot housekeeper in Nuoda's villa, no one else, and no one is allowed to change the layout in the slightest.

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