The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 475: Interstellar Cubs Daily 33

About two hours later, I came to the Piranha River. The river was fast, and a group of dense fish could be seen from the shore.

He Xunian stepped forward. He had a long wooden stick in his hand. He reached into the water and probed. When he pulled back, he felt resistance. Several piranhas bit the head of the stick and pulled Do not loosen.

When he pulled back hard, he finally pulled the stick back, but he stumbled a few steps. There were a lot of sharp tooth marks on the head of the stick, and part of it was missing.


He turned his head to look at the crowd, quite speechless, "These piranhas eat everything?"

Zhou Yingying exclaimed, "Dad He, get away!"

He Xunian subconsciously ducked to the side, turned his head slightly to see, good guy, two piranhas rushed towards him directly.

Zhou Yingying looked at the two piranhas on the ground and said, "Can piranhas be eaten?"

It was quite big, and it fell to the ground and was already half-dead.

He Xunian then said, "Just punch them in the brain, and you can't eat it. What if you eat it and become stupid?"

Without the water, he had to jump ashore, just to bite him.

Qi Yu walked to the vicinity of the two piranhas and kicked both of them at will, just in time to kick them into the river.

In a low voice, "Is this position okay?"

Before in the swimming pool, the little guy was angry with him, but the water surface was frozen, and the thick layer of ice lasted for half an hour before it melted.

This is her ability. Mermaids are generally able to control water. In a sense, it can be regarded as an ability, but a mutation has occurred, so it can turn water into ice.

It's fine to just freeze part of the river and cross it.

Luo Ci nodded, "Yes."

With her palms facing upwards, a snow-white ice mass slowly emerged, and finally condensed into the size of a human fist. After weighing it, she threw it lightly into the river, and the river quickly froze, even freezing a group of piranhas floating on the water.

"You can go."

Lu Yaochen smiled lightly, "I thought it was Cici that could order piranhas, but I didn't expect it to be an ice-type ability."

Luo Ci continued to be buried in Qi Yu's arms, looking a little weak and sullen, and didn't want to pay attention to anyone.

Qi Yu knew that this was the reason for the high energy consumption. The swimming pool at home could last for half an hour. First, it was because she was at the bottom of the pool, in direct contact with the water, and continuously released powers, which was equivalent to consuming 100 yuan per minute. Two-thirds of the energy, and secondly, she can absorb the energy replenishment loss of the night pearl at the bottom of the pool, so it basically has no effect.

Now, 40% of the energy is released in one breath, stored in the ice hockey, and they are maintained in a relatively stable state. The energy is released until it touches the water surface, including the control of mental power, which will definitely be uncomfortable. .

The group stepped on the ice and crossed the river smoothly. The ice lasted for twenty minutes.

[Can't help but send out the torture of the soul, is this the ability that a cub should have? 】

[I'm going to doubt my life. I'm a level 7 ice-type power user. I can keep the ice surface for a longer time, but I can't store the energy in the ice ball. It will explode in less than two seconds]

[Hey, I can't help thinking, is the cub born... or is it caused by the laboratory... If it is the latter, there must be serious sequelae]

After this barrage, all those who were envious of her talent calmed down, but there was no pink eye.

Lu Yaochen said worriedly, "Is Porcelain okay?"

Qi Yu's voice was light, "She has a lot of energy loss, and she can recover by absorbing energy stones."

As he spoke, he took out a pure and clear energy stone from the space button and stuffed it into Luo Ci's hand. This was a Grade A energy stone, which was relatively rare.

Lu Yaochen nodded and withdrew his eyes. He pointed out, "I don't know if your previous crew will regret it."

Judging from Qi Yu's performance in the past few days, it is obvious that his identity is not as simple as an actor on the surface. It's okay to have a space button. If you save enough money, it's not impossible to buy one, but he can give this mermaid cub. One.

He also easily took out an A-level energy stone. The control of energy stones is very strict. Basically, they are in the hands of the top ten families or empires of the Federation. Ordinary people can only get B-level energy stones without special channels.

Of course, the most important thing is that he had accidentally discovered the star ring on Luo Ci's wrist before, and the spar inlaid on it was Mojing.

To be able to keep such a talented mermaid cub in his hands and not be taken away by the joint pressure of the Institute and the Federation shows that Qi Yu's personal power is also very strong.

Qi Yu said indifferently, "It's nothing to do with me anyway."

It's enough for them to be overwhelmed now. When the new drama is released, if there is no brilliant place, it is bound to be sprayed.

This kind of small role, he did not take it seriously.

Lu Yaochen smiled bitterly. Sometimes he envied Qi Yu. He was alone in the entertainment industry. No matter what, he never caused a storm. No one deliberately fired CP, and no one dared to black him out. Apologize.

[Just now Heizi seemed to be saying that the actor was incompetent and let a cub try to be strong]

[The actor is also very concerned about the cub's health, and he said that the energy consumption is a bit large, and he did not force the cub to act]

[That is, the actor held the cubs throughout the whole process, and also took out the A-level energy stone. There will be no one who does not know the preciousness of the A-level energy stone.]

[Brothers, I just checked the source of those sunspots, a friendly reminder, point to a certain crew, focus on firepower]

[Understand, the artillery fire is full]

[Actually, I think every wilderness survival show is quite touching. Our current life is basically inseparable from artificial intelligence robots. If there is no electricity, as in the show, everything must be self-reliant]

[Yes, I think these basic hands-on abilities still have to be retained. Those shadow beasts left a deep impression on me before. If I didn’t think of igniting it, wouldn’t it be full of darkness and eyes? 】

[Director Yun is not only for the show, but also to promote the new products of Yun's Group, whisper bb, although I am still attracted]

After walking for a while, Qi Yu looked at the sky and frowned, "Let's take a rest here, it seems like it's going to rain."

In addition, they all walked all the way with their children in their arms, and they were really tired. It happened to be noon, and they had lunch before continuing to move.

They sat on a small bench under the tree, and He Xunian took out the thermal insulation box from the space button. A drop of rain fell and fell on the thermal insulation box in front of him. The surface of the thermal insulation box quickly corroded a small piece. And the rain was spreading towards the edge.

"Fuck! What is this?"

As soon as the voice fell, the crackling rain fell down.

Qi Yu reacted in advance and released a transparent space cover over the several people.

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