The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 478: Interstellar Cubs Daily 36

Luo Ci pursed her lips and walked towards the tent, and the small figure sank into the tent until she couldn't see it.

Qi Yu withdrew his gaze, his dark eyes were very quiet, with a boundless black sea inside.

But that's just the surface.

he thought quietly.

A little **** off.

But it is more helpless and distressed.

It's just that he still handles the ingredients slowly.

Luo Ci directly put water in the small bathroom, turned into a mermaid, threw the energy stone into the water, and slowly absorbed the energy.

After all, it consumed a lot of energy, she fell asleep directly in the bathtub, and the little mermaid curled up in the water, carefully absorbing a sense of security.

When the bonfire dinner outside was almost ready, Qi Yu entered the tent and found her in the bathroom as expected.

Her face was much better than before, Qi Yu gently pushed her to wake up, "Get up and eat."

He picked up the mermaid cub from the water. The moment he left the water, the fish tail quickly turned into legs. Qi Yu held her in his arms and put on her shoes.

"Can you walk by yourself?"


When the two got out of the tent, Zhou Yingying leaned over and asked with concern, "Are you feeling better, Cici?"

Earlier, Qi Yu explained to the people around her that she was not feeling well, so as not to cause suspicion.

Luo Ci raised her face with a smile, "I'm much better."

Qi Yu glanced at her lightly, but said nothing.

The bonfire was burning vigorously, the food on the table smelled fragrant, and people had basically sat down.

Steaming soups, ice drinks and beers, as well as a wide variety of food, are plentiful.

Director Yun raised his glass, "Let's toast to a successful and successful dinner tonight!"

After the toast, he was still thinking about talking about the sky, but everyone had no such thought at all, and they all threw themselves into the arms of the food.

I've been so hungry for a long time, and toast is the last form. It's impossible to have such a leisurely chat.

Luo Ci was held in Qi Yu's arms, and Qi Yu would feed whatever she wanted.

Qi Yu's voice was very light, unable to hear joy or anger, "What else?"

She pointed to a plate, and then saw him clip it over, and said in a very plain, "Open your mouth."

Even a bit blunt.

As if deliberately expressing his displeasure.

Even if he didn't understand why he was unhappy.

When I was halfway through eating, there were vibrations nearby, coming from all directions.

Director Yun's expression changed slightly, but he was still in control. He secretly thought that when he went back, he must let the Yun family join forces with other families to solve this laboratory. Such a method of leading alien beasts to go crazy and attack them is really hateful.

The alien beasts are like this, and people may not be able to be controlled by them through medicine. When there will be internal chaos, relatives and friends will face each other. Such a scene is definitely not what the Federation wants to see.

[Before, I thought the picture of the actor and the others being chased by alien beasts was a bit funny, but now I can't laugh at all]

[The people in the lab are too disappointing, I hope they can spend it safely]

[I just feel shivering, what kind of medicine or method did such a large-scale crazy beast achieve? If it is applied to people, then there will be no distinction between friend and foe, hiss...]

[But they still seem to be eating and drinking]

Xue Ming asked in surprise, "Why aren't you panicking?"

He Xunian replied unhurriedly, "You have the strength to fight when you have enough to eat and drink."

He probably stayed with Qi Yu, Lu Yaochen for a few days, and He Xunian's thick lines and impatience changed a lot.

The alien beasts approached and rammed into the middle of the bonfire, but before they touched the power grid, they were electrocuted and twitched, losing their combat effectiveness. The conducted current coronas past.

So they were fairly safe.

These alien beasts are not considered powerful characters. The main difficulty lies in the large number of them. This powerful grid wall can basically be solved. The highlight is the laboratory members or leaders who may emerge.

Director Yun stuffed a piece of meat into his mouth, his voice was a little vague, not at all restrained, "Let's eat, we'll watch a performance."

Fortunately, his family's products are good, otherwise this group of alien beasts would have to consume a lot of their physical strength.

Then, the mad bird rushed from top to bottom, and now He Xunian couldn't hold back, "Damn it! There are still in the sky!"

Director Yun showed a fascinated smile, "Young man, don't worry."

Then, an energy network composed of electric currents appeared above. The birds were so electrocuted that they fell. Just when everyone thought that the food was about to fall from the sky, there was a muffled sound from the sky, which was the sound of smashing glass.

The crazy beasts are not stupid. When they saw their companions planted on it, they all ran away.

The next step is that the machines produced by Yun's will clean up the corpses of those alien beasts. During the whole process, Qi Yu and the others have no use in the slightest.

[Therefore, there is a reason why the Yun clan has not been able to stand for so many years. It is just a defense system in the wild. It is very good. If it is inside the Yun clan, it must be a copper wall and an iron pillar.]

[Yun's production, must produce high-quality products, eternal God! 】

【! Why is the screen suddenly black? Brothers, is it my network card? 】

[I also have a black screen, I can only see the barrage, and I can't hear their voices anymore]

【Ah, what happened? 】

[Sudden panic, there is no danger, right?]

In an instant, all the electronic equipment failed, and the little robot slumped to the ground, constantly chanting "system failure, system failure".

Only the kerosene lamps and the central fire were still glowing.

Three illusory figures appeared in the air, looking down at the crowd in front of the bonfire, as if looking down at a group of ants.

A woman on the left was playing an unknown musical instrument. Everyone fell asleep, except Qi Yu and Luo Ci, who all fell to the ground.

And Qi Yu also seemed to be affected, his eyes were a little dizzy, and some couldn't make corresponding defenses.

The woman did not simply play the tune, but simulated the bad effects of traveling through the wormhole, trying to erode Luo Ci's nerves.

Luo Ci jumped off Qi Yu, her body elongated, her face changed slightly, her silver hair reaching her ankles, and her beautiful glazed eyes were cold.

Her right hand was slightly opened, and a long sword covered with silver runes slowly emerged in her hand, with the simplicity of the avenue, and the three men became weaker as soon as the sword came out.

Although the three were fearful, they were more greedy.

This sword is a symbol of identity and strength.

Her voice was cold, the tip of her sword dropped, "Leave, or perish."

Not death, but annihilation.

Under the sword of judgment, there is no life.

The three did not answer, but attacked directly.

In fact, she has long known that with their greed, it is impossible to leave willingly.

They have been planning on this plane for so long, isn't it just waiting for her to come back one day.

The girl was suspended in mid-air, her beautiful face was indifferent, holding the sword of judgment in her hand to judge their fate.

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