Chu Si paused, "I haven't considered this issue."

He never thought that there would be an extra wife and master, and he never expected, and even only hated the word wife and master.

Luo Ci lay on the table, "Oh."

Her voice was soft, like a little milk cat, and she looked very well-behaved.

Some unspeakable emotions spread in Chu Si's heart, and he was inexplicably at a loss.

For some unknown reason, he got up and brought some snacks over and put them in front of her, "This is better."

Luo Ci blinked, why did she think... the fragments were coaxing her?

Dim sum was something she had asked before, and it was the only thing he could give.

But just finished eating, where can I get a snack?

After thinking about it, she took a piece, split it in half, and handed the extra half to Chu Si.

Chu Si paused for a while and took it.

He realized with hindsight, how could she possibly eat it now.

While eating snacks, Luo Ci's cheeks bulged slightly, and she said vaguely, "Can you take me out of the palace tomorrow? They are so annoying. If you don't want to reveal your identity, we can sneak out."

Of course, disgust with those princes is only secondary.

Fragment's daily life seems to be very monotonous, and he can't leave the palace, it would be better for her to take him out to relax.

Chu Si was still holding the other half of the snack in his fingers, and he heard himself say slowly, "Okay."

He lowered his eyes slightly, and there was a slight daze in his pupils.

It feels weird.

"Then we agreed, I'll pick you up at 90 tomorrow."

The boy replied softly, "Yeah."

Luo Ci didn't stay too long and left soon.

When they left, they passed a **** who was carrying a food box. When the other party saw her, he hurriedly bowed his head and said hello.

When their figures were gone, the **** looked at the road. They seemed to have come from the direction of the Palace of the Fourth Prince, and his eyes turned slightly. He turned back, took the meal again, gritted his teeth, and took out the silver charcoal that he had deducted. I took out some and went to the Palace of the Fourth Prince.

Chu Si held the book in his hand, and his eyes seemed to fall on the book, but his pupils were not focused, obviously his mind was not on it, and he was wandering in the sky.

He ignored the sound of footsteps that was the same as usual, and his mind returned, and he sat quietly in front of the desk with a very light expression.

But someone wants to break his quiet time.

The eunuch's voice was very harsh and unpleasant, and it was especially loud, neither male nor female, which was really uncomplimentable.

"His Royal Highness, your previous meal was stolen. It was prepared temporarily. Please take care of it."

Chu Si was slightly surprised. There were only a few eunuchs who delivered meals to him. All of them had a cold and rigid attitude, and they had never been so flattering.

Seeing the fourth prince looking over, the **** hurriedly put the dishes on the table, as if deliberately, and even took out a somewhat worn bag, "This is the silver charcoal that the servant took out on purpose, now the weather is cold, Your Highness must pay attention to your body."

Chu Si's eyes were indifferent and did not respond.

Although the **** wanted to stay a little longer, he felt an inexplicable chill in his back, so he did not dare to stay any longer and left soon.

After the **** left, his subordinates appeared in the hall and reported the situation. After learning that the **** deliberately turned around and went back to change the food, Chu Si said in a low voice, "Take it all."

It also included the bag of silver charcoal.


He was disgusted when he saw these people, and the contaminated things never moved.

Because he hates it.

The teenager thought of something, and said again, "Don't let him talk nonsense."

Chu Si knew in his heart that the **** saw Luo Ci leaving from him, and he thought that their relationship was not normal, so he deliberately flattered.

Like a bet.

But how is that possible.

It seems that by changing his attitude from now on, he can erase what he has done in the past and make him grateful, which is too beautiful to think about.

What's more, there was nothing in his body that she liked.

He knew that women would have curiosity and a desire to conquer those who do not conform to themselves and do not please themselves, but that is not liking.

The freshness has faded, and it is not a shoe that will be abandoned.


The next morning.

Luo Ci wore casual clothes and brought two curtains. She used Qing Gong to avoid the gaze of the palace servants and went to the Palace of the Fourth Prince.

Sitting in the courtyard, Chu Si looked slightly sideways, and only saw half a good-looking profile face from her angle.

Luo Ci handed him the Muli in his hand, "Let's put on this and go out for breakfast."

From the point of view of identity, they should not show their faces, and if someone sees the burnt face of Shard, there must be a strange look, she doesn't want Shard to be unhappy.

Chu Si took Muli, "Thank you."

"Do you know martial arts?"

Her pupils were clear and her question was very pure.

In the state of Chu, men were not allowed to practice martial arts, because it would threaten the queen's rule, so it was banned from the root.

He knew that he shouldn't answer, but he unexpectedly replied, "I will."

"It's more convenient that way. I've already figured out the way yesterday, and I'll take you out of the palace." She rolled her eyes, it turns out that the fragments have martial arts, so they shouldn't have been bullied so much and can protect herself.

It is impossible to find the way. After all, when she got back, she took a hot bath and shrunk into the bed. It was the tool person who planned the route and told her.

Chu Si's eyes touched her momentary joy, and she paused. Is she happy because she has martial arts?

But in this country of Chu, it is absolutely not allowed.

On the way out of the palace, he silently followed behind her, watching her looking around, carefully avoiding the guards, and sneaking, he would find it a little cute.

She hid behind a statue and whispered to him, "You can go out from here. We will move after they all carry their backs."

Across the screen, he vaguely saw her clear and beautiful eyes, as if he could see the tension and vigilance in her eyes.

His lips parted, but he didn't say anything. don't have to be so nervous.

But she was very serious, as if she regarded this as a major life event, and nervously pulled him inside, covering the exposed corners of his clothes, for fear that they would be discovered.

In her ears was the hot air she exhaled, mixed with an unknown fragrance, very light and warm, her voice was small, "It's alright."

It's just that she was too nervous, stepped on a stone under her foot, made a noise, and fell outwards.

He subconsciously took her into his arms and threw a stone at him to lead the guards away.

Seeing that she was distracted, he grabbed her waist and used light energy to quickly leave the palace.

After leaving the palace, she relaxed and patted her chest with her hands, looking relieved, "You scared me to death just now."

Chu Si looked down at her quietly, no longer as plain as before.

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