But more importantly, Chu Si fed Luo Ci.

Some people seem to be very appetizing when they are born to eat, and even these long-tired breakfasts feel tempting and delicious.

Luo Ci still bit the bun in her mouth and asked vaguely, "Why did you suddenly come here today?"

She was still thinking about going there later.

Chu Si's expression softened suddenly, and he said softly, "How can I let you come here in the cold wind all the time."

How could she be willing to keep taking the initiative.

He knew that she was not really an active person and had her own self-respect. If he treated her coldly over and over again, and rejected her again and again, she might... leave without looking back. .

Will be very determined to give up on themselves.

Because he doesn't want it, she won't want him either.

What's more, he didn't want to treat her like that from the bottom of his heart, he couldn't bear it.

How could he be willing to make her really sad.

Because he understands this so clearly, he doesn't need to wake up when he has no time to regret, he just needs to know that losing her is absolutely, absolutely unacceptable.

Although Fragment only said this sentence, she could understand what he meant, Luo Ci bent her eyes and responded.

It's just that there are always people interrupting the rare time together.

Because Chu Si did not conceal his whereabouts this time, and because Emperor Chu already knew that he had a close relationship with Emperor Luo, the rest of the princes naturally also learned the news, and they were unwilling, so naturally they couldn't help but come to look for trouble.

There was a commotion outside the hall, mixed with the man's reprimand, and the palace maid's whisper, neither humble nor arrogant.

The chill in Chu Si's eyes flashed away, and he lightly held Luo Ci's hand and whispered, "Let me solve it."

Although she is an empress, she is loved by her empress and protected by her father. There is no conspiracy in the harem, and no one in the court dares to make things difficult for her. He has hardly seen these pickled things, and he does not want them to pollute her eyes.

She hesitated slightly, but the fragment had always lived in the side hall before, and it was a completely small transparent.

Chu Si's eyes were slightly soft, "It doesn't matter, after this time, you can take me back to Luoguo."

It is equivalent to giving up the previous plan and giving up the opportunity to compete for the rights of Chu State.


Chu Si got up and went to the gate of the palace, his expression became a little colder, and Qian Tong looked at the eldest prince and the others with no emotion.

The corners of his lips raised a sneering arc, "I don't know what the big brother and the second brother are coming here for?"

The eldest prince was not a direct descendant. His biological father was a servant who served by the Emperor Chu's side, and was later raised as a concubine. Because his biological father had little knowledge, his heart became more and more inflated to be honored and favored by the Emperor Chu. After the Emperor Chu conceived his first child The more arrogant he became, so he did not teach the eldest prince well, but only asked the eldest prince to find a good wife and master so that he could help Emperor Chu, so that his position in the heart of Emperor Chu would be more stable.

Therefore, although the eldest prince has the status of a prince, he can be coaxed to learn how to please women, and his behavior should be more vulgar than others, and it is difficult to be elegant.

The eldest prince looked at Chu Si's eyes full of jealousy and malice, "This prince heard that Emperor Luo had taken a liking to the fourth brother who was afraid to see people on weekdays, and he was really curious, so I came to see it."

The palace maids on the side frowned, and the impression of the first prince was even worse. To belittle the fourth prince, wouldn't that mean to belittle their Majesty's bad eyesight?

Immediately, the maid of honor said, "Is the first prince implying that His Majesty is not good?"

She has practiced martial arts, and is the maid of honor by Luo Ci's side. She is also in charge of many people in the harem.

The eldest prince slid down in cold sweat. Rao felt resentment in his heart, but he said with a sullen face, "This prince said the wrong thing, Luo Huang's peerless elegance is unique, how can it be bad?"

The second prince's biological father is Side Jun. He smiled mildly, with a shyness on his face, "A woman like Luo Huang, which is rare in the world, is naturally admired by this palace. I wonder if you can allow me to meet you?"

He even said to Chu Si, "If the fourth brother can introduce me to one or two, that would be the best."

There was a deep chill and hostility in Chu Si's eyes, how could he bring other men to her.

His eyes stared at the second prince coldly for a long time, his tone was cold, "Luo Huang is not feeling well today, and it is not suitable to see guests."

His expression suddenly softened, with deep affection in his eyes, and his tone was intimate, "Furthermore, she has never liked these strong fragrances. The smell on the second emperor's brother is too pungent, so don't disturb him."

It is both an oath of sovereignty and a mockery of each other face to face.

Chu Siyu's eyelashes drooped slightly, and the other party touched his bottom line, how could he let it go so easily.

The second prince immediately turned blue, but he was not as mindless as the eldest prince. He looked down and looked very disappointed, and seemed to be deeply apologetic, "It's the palace that was abrupt."

Chu Si glanced at him coldly, and then looked at the other princes, "What else do the princes have?"

Emperor Chu had more princesses than princes, and the other princes were not as high as the second prince, and now they couldn't afford to offend Chu Si, and the group had to go back in shame.

After dealing with these princes, his eyes were extremely pale, and there was a bit of chill in the depths of his pupils.

There are many things he has to solve.

Reining in the emotions in his eyes, he returned to the temple, and his expression became gentle again.

"It's all done."

Luo Ci didn't ask him how to solve it. She raised her chin and asked, "When do I want to propose marriage to Emperor Chu?"

The corners of Chu Si's lips twitched slightly, and he knew that this meant respecting himself.

If she had expressed her desire for herself to Emperor Chu from the very beginning, I am afraid that Emperor Chu would have wanted to pack him up and give it to her.

But she followed her own opinions from beginning to end, and didn't go beyond the norm, so now he was willing to fall into her net.

"Wait three more days, okay?"

He should have the chips by then.

Luo Ci nodded, "Then I'll write to the Empress and the others first."

Saying that, he said softly to him, "Help me polish the ink."

Chu Si was slightly startled. She made him even more happy than she imagined. She wrote to the former queen so early and told him to brush ink without caring what he meant.

How lucky he was to have her love.

Looking at the pure and clear light in her eyes, he was a little lost.

The heart is sour and astringent, but it is sweet, like the bitter end of the sweet.

After writing the letter, she called the dark guard without hesitation and ordered him to send the letter back.

When he turned his head to look at the fragments, he realized that he was staring straight at him, and was stunned, "What's wrong?"

Chu Si shook his head, "I just remembered some past events."

Life is like a gamble, and everyone starts out with trust.

It only depends on the person who chooses whether he can win.

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