Chu Si knew that she didn't want Luo Guo's people to despise him, and her eyes gradually softened, "Okay."

Although the relationship has been established, he did not stay in Mingyou Hall all the time, and left after a while, but the direction of departure was not his own palace, but the second prince's palace.

He always has to give each other a little warning.

The next morning.

Several carriages drove towards the gate of Chu State, and the one in the middle was more delicate than the others.

Inside the carriage, Chu Si lifted the curtain on the right side of the carriage, revealing a delicate and flawless right face.

Before that, he had never thought that he would leave the Chu country in this capacity, let alone that he would be willing to give up his previous plans.

It was obviously the most unlikely thing to happen, but he jumped in willingly.

She lowered her eyes and looked at the drowsy girl who was sleeping on her lap. When she woke up in the morning, she had a clear sense of getting up, and she was not used to being tired by traveling, so she went back to sleep after using a little early.

Snow-white fingers stroked her hair, her shallow eyes filled with softness.

But those are not what he needs, what's more, after completing what he wants to do, she will be farther and farther away from herself.

How could her parents allow a person who wants to change the dynasty to be with her, especially if he will threaten her rule in the future, for her parents, they are a ticking time bomb.

There are indeed many obstacles between them, and it takes a lot of effort and cost, but it is not so difficult that they cannot be together.

As long as she has him in her heart, he will push through all obstacles at all costs.

After stopping and resting, it took three days in total, and they returned to the capital of Luoguo, which was in the evening.

The carriage went from the hidden road to the south gate and entered the palace.

After three days of exhaustion, Luo Ci was already exhausted. No matter how soft the inside of the carriage was, it couldn't compare to a big bed.

As soon as she came back, she had a meal and a bath. During the bath, she was lying in the hall through a screen and soaked comfortably. The maids knew that she did not like being served by others, so they put the hot water and sprinkled the petals and then retreated.

At this time, there were only her and Fragment in the hall.

Chu Si was still a little far from the screen, but under the candlelight, she could see her figure, and the sound of water splashes made people imagine.

Although the tips of his ears were already flushed, he still forced himself to remain calm. He subconsciously poured a cup of herbal tea and drank it, trying to suppress the heat.

It's just that there was gradually no movement on the other side of the screen. He opened his lips and wanted to call her, but found that he didn't know how to call her.

Calling her by her name seemed unfamiliar, not to mention it was offensive to call her like that in the palace, and calling the queen even more alienated.

He paused, and after a long while, he said, "Master wife."

A low, soft voice called out, mixed with the youth's helplessness and embarrassment.

He didn't expect that he would be so willing to call a man's wife and master, and before that, he was very disgusted with the word wife and master, and even wanted to change the situation of women being superior to men.

Perhaps the sound was a little low, and there was no response from the screen.

His voice became louder, "Master wife, have you washed yourself?"

no respond.

Not even a small splash of water.

Chu Si paused, then got up and walked towards the screen. As he expected, she was indeed asleep.

The small head rested on the edge of the tub, and it happened that a place for a pillow was specially made on the edge of the tub, otherwise, it might be tilting his head and his neck would be sore.

Just thinking about it, she moved her head, just tilted to the side, but fell into the empty space, and seeing that she was about to plunge into the water, Chu Si quickly supported her body.

Under the palm of his hand was delicate and soft skin. He took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "Master, take a shower and then sleep."

But she looked impatient to hear his voice, obviously dissatisfied that he made a noise to herself, and she didn't know what she was muttering.

He got closer, only to hear her babbling, "No...noisy..."

He also waved his hands weakly.

After a while, she realized, "...cold."

Chu Si couldn't help her, his eyes were a little hesitant, it was probably impossible for her to get up by herself, and he was even more reluctant to call the palace maid to take her back to bed.

In the end, the young man blushed, pursed his blushing lips, and hugged her from the water. He didn't care about the water on her body at all, but wrapped her tightly with his robe.

With a sullen face, he wiped her body with a silk handkerchief, and found a bedclothes for her to put on. During the period, he was sweating profusely, and his heart was extremely hot, but his eyes were always clear, and he did not overstep the rules in the slightest.

After tidying up everything for her, he sat beside the bed and asked her softly, "Master wife... You haven't said where I live yet."

At this moment, Luo Ci replied half-dreamingly, "Just... live here."

Chu Si was slightly stunned. He was almost lying on the head of the bed, very close to her, and coaxed in a low voice, "Could you say that again?"

She frowned, half-opened her eyes and looked at him, her tone slightly serious, "You want to live with me."

Having said that, he hugged the soft pillow and rolled to the side again, completely immersed in his own dreamland.

Even in a half-dreaming state, she responded to herself very seriously.

He stared at her quietly, his eyes very soft.

After staring at her for a long time, Chu Si called the palace servants to add hot water, and the bedclothes for his bath were prepared in advance.

She specially wrote a letter to let people buy his clothes and sent a message in advance. No one in the palace dared to be disrespectful to him. She really took herself to heart.

After bathing, he turned off the lights in the hall, leaving only one palace lantern near the outside of the hall.

Chu Si walked to the edge of the bed and slowly lay beside her. His heartbeat began to beat violently uncontrollably again. He opened his eyes and couldn't sleep.

She had slept on top of him before, and his heart was beating fast, but now he was just lying beside her without even touching her.

He squinted slightly, looking at her back.

She slept on the inside, herself on the outside.

Because women are superior to men, men have to sleep on the outside, and if there is any danger, men will block them first.

He used to be unhappy, but now he is happy.

Chu Si opened his hands and wanted to hug her, but he still didn't dare to act rashly, for fear of being abrupt.

But the girl turned over to face him, just threw herself into his arms, but there was an untimely extra soft pillow in the middle.

He glanced down, then tried to pull the soft pillow away as lightly as possible, and threw it to the corner of the bed. The girl was slightly dissatisfied, but she soon felt that there were other unknown objects around her, so she subconsciously hugged it, so In the end he was used as her pillow.

He slowly closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep.

On the first night in Luo Guo, he fell asleep so smoothly.

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