The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 123: go to bed and wait for me~

  Chapter 123 Go to bed and wait for me~

   After Shi Yu had dinner at Jiang's house, he went back to his own home.

  He originally wanted to sleep at Jiang's house for one night, but he was afraid that he would be irritated by some unsuitable sounds for children in the middle of the night, so he finally decided to go back to his kennel.

  After sending Shi Yu off, Lin Qianxiao walked a few steps quickly, catching up with Jiang Zhi who was walking in front of her, who was looking down at his phone.

   "Jiang... Zhizhi."

  Jiang Zhi paused for a moment, then put away his phone, and continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened, but his pace slowed down without a trace.

  Unconsciously, Lin Qianxiao followed him, carefully scrutinizing his expression, "I've thought about it, helping Shuangshuang's father find a job."

  Jiang Zhi glanced sideways at her, but didn't make a sound, his pace was still unhurried.

   "Your company's recruitment requirements are too strict, so I want to ask you to help find out about other smaller companies, and apply for jobs with less demanding requirements."

  Hearing her explanation, Jiang Zhi was silent for a few seconds, and said softly, "Follow me to the study."


  Lin Qianxiao thought that Jiang Zhi asked her to go to the study room to talk about finding a job for Bai Shuangshuang's father, but when he got to the study room, he motioned her to sit in the study seat specially reserved for her, and immediately quit.

   "I don't want to do the test paper, it's fine if you don't help!"

   After finishing speaking, she turned around and ran towards the door of the study room, her foot suddenly lightened within two steps, and Jiang Zhi picked her up by the waist.

   "Jiang Zhi, let me go, or I will go to the hospital tomorrow and tell my mother that you bullied me!"

  Jiang Zhi easily carried Lin Qianxiao, who was clapping her hands and kicking her feet, onto the chair beside the desk.

   "No papers today."

  Hearing what he said, Lin Qianxiao stopped struggling, and snorted, "You're a pig for lying to me!"

  Looking at the girl's fire-breathing almond eyes, Jiang Zhi's black eyes were stained with a faint smile, "Don't scold yourself like that."

  Lin smiled slightly:? ? ?

"what do you mean?"

  The corners of Jiang Zhi's lips curled slightly, he turned around and went to the filing cabinet behind the desk, took out a bound document, and put it in front of her.

  Looking at the girl's almond eyes with doubts, he said in a low voice: "Read these materials."

  Lin Qianxiao bowed her head and turned to the first page of the information. It turned out to be the Jiang Group's corporate culture manual.

   This information is thicker than her palm, when will I see it?

  She raised her head and asked dissatisfied: "I don't go to work in your company, why should I read this?"

  Jiang Zhi will definitely look at her, "I am the top decision maker of the Jiang Group, owning more than half of the shares of the Jiang Group. As my wife, it is necessary and necessary for you to know what business your husband is mainly engaged in.

  Mrs. Jiang, you don’t want to be discovered by Jiang’s employees one day. Their bosses don’t even know what their company does, do they? "

  Mrs. Jiang's address successfully made Lin Qianxiao's face blush like a tomato.

  She lowered her head, said "oh" like a mosquito, and obediently began to read the manual.

  Black eyes fell on the girl's pink and shy cheeks like peach blossoms in spring, and the corners of Jiang Zhi's lips curled slightly.

  Although Jiang’s corporate documentation manual is thick, it is full of pictures and texts. If you just read it, it will not take long.

  An hour later, Lin Qianxiao closed the manual, and looked admiringly at the man not far from her who was working seriously.

In addition to the Grand Hyatt Hotel Chain and Mengya Cosmetics, Jiangxin Group also owns Jiangxin Group, which focuses on the development of new urbanization housing. The initial investment in the development of the industrial park in cooperation with the T city government alone is as high as tens of billions.

  In addition to this, there are more other extended businesses, such as catering, transportation, real estate agency, material decoration, etc.

   No wonder he has endless work every day, and he doesn't even take a break in the car.

   so pitiful~

  After being observed by Lin Qianxiao with her chin propped up for several minutes, Jiang Zhi, who was buried in his work, finally noticed her and raised his eyes to look at her, "Finished?"


  Lin Qian smiled and got up and walked across to the desk, put the manual on his desk, and asked him softly, "Are you tired? I can give you a massage."

   Seeing the man showing a smile that was not a smile, she quickly explained: "It's a serious massage."

   After finishing speaking, she vaguely felt that something was wrong, but before she could figure it out, she heard Jiang Zhi on the opposite side of the desk casually say: "Then you admit that the last massage was not serious?"

  Lin Qianxiao finally understood what was wrong, her small face flushed red.


  She was about to explain, when she suddenly met Shang Jiang Zhi's black eyes with a playful smile, and suddenly realized that the other party was deliberately teasing her, and suddenly became angry like a puffer fish.

   "Just forget it!"

  She threw down a sentence angrily, turned around and walked towards the door of the study, and within a few steps, she heard a deep man's voice behind her:

   "I want to, wait for me on the bed."

  Hearing these words, Lin Qianxiao slipped and almost didn't fall.


  Lin Qianxiao returned to the bedroom, found the mobile phone on the bedside table, and found several WeChat messages from Zhao Meimei.

  【You are on the hot search again! 】

  【Sister, I think it’s too early for you to retire from the industry. With your hot-searched physique, you can squeeze into the ranks of first-line actresses every minute! Are you thinking about coming back? 】

  Lin Qianxiao immediately opened Weibo, and saw #林浪笑验江胧# on the eighth most searched list, her eyes almost popped out.

  In fact, Jiang Zhi received a call from Gao Chen an hour ago: "Mr. Jiang, your wife is on the trending list again, should you still handle it in the same way as before?"


  After hanging up the phone, Jiang Zhi turned on the phone on a whim, and then saw #林浪笑验江胧#, which was ranked tenth in the most searched list. He was silent for a second, and then sent a text message to Gao Chen.

  Hot searches don't need to be withdrawn.

  When Jiang Zhi returned to the bedroom from the study, he found no one on the bed, subconsciously scanned around the bedroom, and then his eyes stopped at the door of the bathroom with the light on.

  The faint sound of rushing water made his mouth dry for no reason.

After standing there for a few seconds, Jiang Zhi turned around and went to the kitchen on the first floor, poured a glass of ice water and drank it, and was about to leave the kitchen when he caught a glimpse of the servant carrying a plate of freshly peeled walnuts, and was about to go upstairs look.

  He subconsciously remembered what Shi Yu said before dinner: She seems to have a heart knot or a psychological shadow for you.

  Knowing that she doesn't like to eat walnuts, but forcing her to eat them, could this also be one of the reasons why she has feelings for him?

Xiao Er, the servant who was cleaning the kitchen utensils in the sink behind the kitchen, saw that Xiao Yi had just left and came back a while later, and hurriedly reminded: "It's getting late, my wife usually goes to bed at ten o'clock on time, why don't you tell me?" Send the walnuts up? Not afraid of being detained... Well, you are crazy! How dare you steal the walnuts from your wife!?"

  Seeing that Xiao Er turned pale with fright, Xiao Yi giggled and said, "Don't worry, eat it, sir, let us eat it ourselves, the ones in the warehouse are all ours."

  Xiao Er was relieved after hearing this, and after chewing the walnut in his mouth, he asked her: "It's good, sir, why did you suddenly let us eat walnuts?"

  Xiao shook his head while eating, "Anyway, I met my husband in the kitchen, and he told me not to peel walnuts for my wife in the future. I asked him what to do with the walnuts in the warehouse, and he said let us eat them."

   The title is very fierce, in fact... hahaha

   Take Jia Geng to ask the little cuties for support, okay~



  (end of this chapter)

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