Chapter 129 Seduce

  Lin Qian stared angrily at Jiang Zhi for a while, rolled her eyes, and got an idea.

   "You and my name are on the hot search."

  Jiang Zhi flicked his jade-like long finger across the phone screen, without looking up, he asked, "What's the content?"

  Lin Qianxiao coughed and said slowly, "Jiang Zhi seduced Lin Qianxiao."

  Jiang Zhi stopped moving his hands, turned his head slightly to look at her, and there was a trace of unexplained emotion in his black eyes, "Lin Qianxiao, are you sure?"

  Lin Qianxiao's heart skipped a beat, she couldn't hide her guilt, she cast her eyes elsewhere, and said softly "Mmm".

  Jiang Zhi raised the corners of his lips in an unclear manner, "Then tell me, how did I seduce you?"

  Lin Qianxiao didn't dare to look at his face at all, and hummed in a voice softer than a mosquito: "You kissed me."

  Jiang Zhi stared at her for a moment, then stood up suddenly, scaring Lin Qianxiao back two steps, looking at his almond eyes with a hint of vigilance.

"what are you doing?"

  Jiang Zhi slowly put his phone into his trouser pocket, and approached her, "I think we need to discuss some issues clearly."

   While speaking, he had already walked in front of her, less than half an arm away from her.

  Lin Qian smiled and raised her head, her clear apricot eyes were full of doubts, "What's the problem?"

  The black eyes lingered on her porcelain-white and tender face for a moment, and he said "come up" before turning and leaving the dining room.

  Lin Qian smiled and hesitated for two seconds, then slowly turned around and followed.

  He thought he was going to take her to the study to give a lecture again, but when he went up to the second floor, he turned in the opposite direction and went to the bedroom.

  She followed in suspiciously, and found Jiang Zhi standing not far from the door, seemingly waiting for her.

  She was about to speak when the bedroom door behind her was suddenly closed. She was about to turn around when she heard the noise, but the man suddenly leaned forward and approached her. She subconsciously backed away until her back was pressed against the bedroom door.

  But he showed no sign of stopping at all, his tall body continued to press towards her.

  She stretched out her hand to his chest in a panic, trying to prevent him from approaching, her thick and curled eyelashes kept trembling, "You, I have something to say... um..."

   Before the girl could finish speaking, he suddenly reached out and lifted her slender chin, leaning over to kiss her pink and soft lips like cherry blossom petals.

  He kissed domineeringly and deeply, rubbing against her tender lips, completely different from the last time.

  Strictly speaking, the last time was not a kiss, but a simple touch between lips.

  Lin Qianxiao's slender body was firmly pressed against the bedroom door. After a short period of sluggishness, she began to struggle, pushing and beating her opponent's body with both hands.

  However, for a man who has been exercising for many years, these strengths are like a newborn cat, weak and cute, and will only arouse his excitement.

   Gradually, Lin Qianxiao stopped struggling, her breath was plundered and she couldn't take a breath, causing her head to be blank like a vacuum, and her whole body was dizzy.

   Sensing her body sinking limply, Jiang Zhi wrapped one hand around her slender waist, and let go of her with hot lips.

  The dark black eyes lingered on her confused almond eyes and the bright red and swollen lips for a moment, Jiang Zhi moved his hand from her chin to her cheek, patted her twice, and called her in a hoarse voice:

   "Lin Qian smiled and took a breath."

  Hearing his voice, Lin Qianxiao's absent-minded pupils focused on a spot of light, and after a short breath, she began to cough violently.

  Jiang Zhi could only put one arm around her waist, and put the other hand behind her back to help her relax.

  Coughing for a while, Lin Qianxiao recovered her breath, staring at the man who was close at hand, her eye circles gradually turned pink, and tears fell like broken beads.

  It wasn't the first time for him to face her crying, but it was completely opposite to the strange pleasure before, and his heart felt a suffocating feeling of being tightened.

   Of course, an apology is out of the question.

  If he did it all over again, he would only kiss harder.

But watching her cry is not a solution, nor is it his style. Ebe, who has always been invincible in the mall, uses his IQ matching his height at full speed, as well as what he has learned all his life, to search desperately to make his wife stop. Way to cry.

   A minute later, he finally found his mother's warning in his memory: I tell you, if you make her cry, I won't help you coax her.


  He still held her waist with his left hand, and took out the mobile phone from his trouser pocket with his right hand.

  Seeing him holding the phone, Lin Qian smiled and cried even harder.

   She was crying so sadly, it's fine if he doesn't apologize, and he still has to work in front of her, what a frenzy! savage!

  Jiang Zhi didn't notice Lin Qianxiao's emotion, he turned on his phone and searched: How can I comfort my wife when she's crying?

  The first answer pops up: Kiss her until she can't cry.

   This answer... won his heart.

  His eyes turned slightly, and fell on her bright red and swollen lips. After a pause for two seconds, he silently moved back to the phone.

  Next answer: Take the initiative to admit your mistakes, and apologize and admit your mistakes without a bottom line of principle.

  The answer...was beyond his consideration.

   Next answer: Hold her, hold her tightly, even if you struggle, never let go!

  After pondering for two seconds, he put the phone back in his trouser pocket, turned his head, and met the girl's tearful almond eyes filled with anger.

   "You burp..."

  Lin Qianxiao hiccupped as soon as she opened her mouth, and before the hiccup finished, she was hugged by the other party.

  She was startled, subconsciously resisted and struggled, and the other party's low voice suddenly sounded in her ear: "Okay, don't cry."

  She slowly stopped struggling, a burst of unspeakable grievances welled up in her heart, and then she heard the other party say:

   "I just use practical actions to let you understand what a kiss is."

   "I told you before, don't talk nonsense if you don't want to be kissed, otherwise, I will use this method to block your mouth in the future."

   As he spoke, he suddenly chuckled, "Lin Qianxiao, are you satisfied with my seduction?"


When she received a call from her mother, Lin Fengjiao, Wen Yu was packing her luggage at home. Although she wasn't about to move out of Wen's house immediately, she had too many things, especially jewelry, which were all expensive luxury items. He was afraid of being ruined by the servants, and secondly, he was also afraid of arousing suspicion from the Wen family.

  These jewelry, except for a small part was given by the Wen family, the rest were purchased by Wen Ziming and her privately, worth tens of millions, and the Wen family didn't even know about it.

   "Hey, mom misses you, and made you your favorite braised pig's trotters, why don't you come over for lunch today?"

  Wen Yu felt irritated when she heard the stewed pig's trotters, "Mom! Knowing that I'm losing weight, you still cook such greasy meat dishes, do you want to fatten me to death?"

  Lin Fengjiao was not angry either, and said with a grin: "Didn't Mom think that you like to eat? It doesn't matter if you take a bite. Anyway, you will only join the group next month. After eating, you can continue to lose weight."

   "Got it, I'll come over later."

  After hanging up the phone, Wen Yu changed into inconspicuous clothes, picked up her hat and mask, and deliberately chose a popular handbag. She didn't even take the car keys, but asked the driver to take her near the school.

  After getting off the bus, she put on her hat and mask before going to the apartment she bought near the school.

   In fact, this place has been renovated a long time ago, and her own mother Lin Fengjiao has always lived here, and she seldom comes here.

  After entering the door, before Wen Yu took off her mask, she found a middle-aged man sitting on the sofa in the living room.

  (end of this chapter)

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