The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 144: Her obsession is him?

  Chapter 144 Her obsession is him?

  Jiang Zhi was going to T city to inspect the industrial park development project today, but thinking about what he promised Lin Qianxiao yesterday, he had to postpone the business trip until tomorrow.

   Before starting work in the study, he called Shi Yu's phone number.

  “I can’t forget something, what’s the general reason?”

   Shi Yu didn't seem to want to go to bed yet, his voice was sleepy and hoarse: "You mean you?"

   "No, it's my wife. She had a peach before, and then the peach disappeared 'accidentally'. She never forgot about it and mentioned it from time to time. Will this incident affect her spirit?"

  Shi Yu yawned, sat up from the bed, picked up the water on the bedside table and drank it, cleared his throat, and said solemnly:

"In psychology, this kind of behavior is called a complex. It is a compensatory behavior for a certain expectation that has not been met. On the surface, it is an obsession with peaches, but the underlying factor is the grievance behavior that has not been satisfied. a way of expression.

   There will be no impact in the short term, but if the long-term expectations are not met and the obsession deepens, it will have a great impact on emotions and spirits, and it is easy to become paranoid. "

   After Shi Yu finished speaking, seeing that the friend on the other end of the phone was silent, he said again: "How about I go over and have a chat with my siblings?"

   "Okay." Jiang Zhi replied in a low voice, "Come here now."

  Shi Yuhui: "I have an appointment with someone else in the morning, let's go in the afternoon, come over in the afternoon, and I just happen to have dinner at your house in the evening."

"what ever."


  Lin Qianxiao sat on the swing set up in the backyard of her home, video chatting with Mrs. Jiang in the hospital.

  Bai Shuangshuang and her father will come to Jiang's house later, thinking that he hasn't been to the hospital for two days, and afraid that Mrs. Jiang will be lonely, so she took advantage of Bai Shuangshuang's spare time to chat with Mrs. Jiang via video.

   Seeing the swing she was sitting on through the video, Mrs. Jiang said with a smile: "I remember that there were a few crabapple trees planted there."

"That's right." Lin Qian smiled and turned the camera to take a picture of the cobblestone path opposite, "I asked them to move the crabapple trees to both sides of the path, and when they bloom, each path will be covered with pink petals, it must be beautiful. "

   As she spoke, she turned the camera back and pointed at the vines that were one person tall beside the swing, "A grape trellis will be built here in a while, and when the vines grow up next year, they can enjoy the shade and eat grapes.

  I specially asked Uncle Xu to find the rose grapes. The grapes are big and sweet, and there is a fragrance of roses, which is very delicious. "

   Probably infected by Lin Qianxiao's emotions, Mrs. Jiang suddenly wanted to eat grapes.

   She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a year ago. After nearly half a year of chemotherapy, her appetite has been deteriorating, which is why her body has been weak.

But during this time, things have improved a lot. Lin Qianxiao accompanies her every day to have lunch, talk with her to relieve boredom, and give her massage to clear her meridians. Her appetite and sleep quality have improved significantly, and she feels very relaxed. With the help of the servant, he can also get out of bed and walk a few steps in the room.

  Until just now, when she heard Lin Qianxiao's description, she was surprised to find that she suddenly had an appetite.

   "Is the rose grape you mentioned selling outside now?"

  Lin Qianxiao nodded quickly, "Yes, do you want to eat? I have them at home, and I peeled a big plate for Jiang Zhi yesterday."

  Madam Jiang pretended to be regretful and sighed: "Azhi has never liked eating fruits since he was a child, especially sour ones like grapes. Your efforts are in vain."

  Hearing this, Lin Qian was stunned with a smile.

   Doesn't he like grapes?

  But when she went to the study to deliver dinner at night, the fruit plate on the desk was obviously empty.

   Forget it, since he doesn't like to eat it, he won't peel it in the future.

   Seeing her daughter-in-law's face, which was as clean as white paper and whose thoughts could be seen through at a glance, Mrs. Jiang showed a gratified (sly) smile.

  The thing is like this, Mrs. Jiang chatted with her son on WeChat yesterday afternoon and asked him what he was doing, and the other party sent her a plate of peeled grapes:

  【I’m eating grapes peeled by your daughter-in-law. 】

  Jiang Zhi didn't know that because of his mother's deliberate mischief, he didn't enjoy the benefits of his wife peeling grapes for a long, long time afterwards.

  The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law chatted for a while, until Bai Shuangshuang called.

  Jinjiang’s house has three gates, one gate for Poly International Community, one for the golf villa area, and then Jinjiang’s house.

  Lin Qianxiao asked Xiaoxia to drive her to the gate of the community to pick up Bai Shuangshuang.

Bai Shuangshuang's father looks very honest and simple, with a smile on his face, he sincerely expressed his gratitude when he saw her: "Thank you for taking care of my family Shuangshuang and helping me find a job. I don't have any good things in this country, so I will give it to you and your husband." I brought some peaches and food, all grown and raised by myself."

  Lin Qianxiao realized that the stuff on the small truck parked behind Bai Shuangshuang was a special thank you gift from Bai Zili.

   "Uncle Bai, you're welcome, Shuangshuang and I are friends, just ask me to smile."

  With Lin Qianxiao's car leading the way, Bai Shuangshuang's small truck drove into Jiang's house smoothly.

  There were far more things on the van than what Lin Qianxiao saw.

  There are several baskets of peaches alone, and each of them should be carefully selected, big and round, rosy in white, and I like it when I look at it.

  Lin Qian smiled and picked two big and red ones, humming a song and went to the study on the third floor to find Jiang Zhi.

   "Here, here you are."

  Jiang Zhi raised his eyes from the document, paused for two seconds on the two big pink peaches on the desk, looked at her, "What do you want me to do?"

  Lin Qian glared at him with a blushing blushing smile, "Don't worry about other people's 'Peaches' all the time!"

  He looked at her silently, thinking about what Shiyu said on the phone in the morning that she had a crush on Tao Zi, and she had a deep obsession with it.

  But now that she got the peach she always wanted, she turned around and gave it to him happily.

   In other words, her complex and obsession actually came from wanting to give him peaches?

  Is it the obsession left by her because she failed to give him the peach last time?

  So, the generation gap is not limited to patterns and concepts, but also manifested in IQ and city government.

  One is too smart and the other is too stupid.

  One city is deep and the other innocent.

  However, as long as you have the heart, it's not a big problem.

  Jiang Zhi accepted Tao Zi, and asked her quietly: "Is your friend here?"

"Well, Uncle Bai was too polite to move things in the yard downstairs. He brought a truckload of things to our house. Besides peaches, there were also wild river prawns, small miscellaneous fish, and by the way, a few wild roosters. , said to make soup for mother to nourish her body, and the others are peaches, vegetables, peanuts and beans, anyway, there are a lot of them.”

  Lin Qian smiled and said a lot, but Jiang Zhi only heard three words: our family.

  By the time Lin Qianxiao and Jiang Zhi got down, the pickup truck was almost empty.

  Lin Qian smiled and pulled Bai Shuangshuang to introduce to Jiang Zhi: "This is Bai Shuangshuang, my good friend."

  Jiang Zhi Chaobai both nodded lightly, "Hello, I'm Jiang Zhi."

  Bai Shuangshuang was flattered by Jiang Zhi's initiative, and his tongue was so nervous that he stiffened, "You, hello, Mr. Jiang."

  Bai Shuangshuang had only seen Jiang Zhi in news and magazines before, and this was the first time meeting him face to face. Moreover, the cold and gloomy aura on Jiang Zhi's body is full of deterrent force to Bai Shuangshuang.

   Thanks [Wu Shixun is a Fairy] 2 monthly tickets

   Bow to thank the little cute monthly ticket support, okay~


   Thank you [JDC] for rewarding 588 book coins. The backstage is broken and I can’t send a thank you letter. Thank you~

   The second watch will be later, about 10:30



  (end of this chapter)

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