The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 163: Jiang is helpful

  Chapter 163 Jiang·Helpful

  Xiao Yi hesitated for a moment, and replied nervously: "Sister-in-law Feng asked for leave this morning and said that she had something to do to go out, but it's already late at night, and she hasn't come back yet, and her phone is turned off when I call her."

  Uncle Xu ignored a servant now, and waved his hand: "I see, you go to work first."



  Because the driver Lao Liu took a long detour because of his own cleverness, he could arrive home around 9:00, but it turned out that it was almost 10:00 before the Maybach drove into the gate of Jiang's villa.

  Jiang Zhi exuded a chill all over, and carried Lin Qianxiao, who was wrapped in his suit jacket, back to the bedroom on the second floor.

  Uncle Xu didn't dare to follow, and stood at the door of the bedroom to ask for instructions: "Sir, the doctor has arrived."

"Wait a moment."

  After putting Lin Qianxiao on the bed, Jiang Zhi turned around and went to the cloakroom to get a clean set of pajamas, ready to help Lin Qianxiao change into it first.

  Lin Qianxiao, who was completely unconscious, when Jiang Zhi's hand touched hers, she subconsciously clung to him, her fiery little hand wreaking havoc all over his body.

  Jiang Zhi took a lot of effort to push Lin Qianxiao, who kept jumping on him, back on the bed, and took advantage of the gap when she was lying face down, to unzip her skirt on the back.

Before he had time to help her take off her skirt, Lin Qianxiao had already climbed up from the skirt like a mermaid breaking loose, the girl's slender and beautiful body whiter than snow appeared in front of her eyes unexpectedly, and a hot stream flowed from Jiang Zhi's nostrils Outflow.

  He quickly raised his head, blocked the nosebleed with his index finger, got up and retreated from the bed, and said coldly to the door: "Little Xiao Er, come in!"

  Xiao Xiaoer ran in nervously, seeing Lin Qianxiao writhing naked on the bed, her eyes widened bigger than copper bells.

   "Don't be dazed, put on pajamas for the wife!"

"oh oh!"

  Watching the servant frantically put Lin Qianxiao on her pajamas, Jiang Zhi concealed the turbulent darkness in his eyes, he didn't care to clean up the blood stains on his hands and shirt, and turned to let Uncle Xu take the doctor into the bedroom.

  Uncle Xu led the doctor into the bedroom, saw blood on his hands and body, thought he was injured, and turned pale with fright, "Sir, do you want to be okay?"

  Jiang Zhi waved his hand, looked at the doctor with black eyes, and when he saw that it was a female doctor, the coldness in his eyes faded a bit.

   "She may have drunk something unclean, check it carefully for her."

   "Okay, Mr. Jiang."

  While the female doctor was examining Lin Qianxiao, Jiang Zhi went to the bathroom to wash his hands and face. Seeing the blood-stained shirt, he subconsciously frowned, then left the bedroom and walked quickly to the bed.

   "How is she doing?"

  Lin Qianxiao on the bed had calmed down a lot, but her face and body were still flushed, her thin eyebrows were slightly frowned, as if she was feeling unwell, and she let out an uncomfortable moaning sound.

Hearing his question, the female doctor quickly explained: "For the time being, Mrs. Jiang drank a drink that was tampered with, but Mrs. Jiang didn't drink much, and she was given a sedative, and her condition has basically stabilized. , In more detail, the results will not be known until a blood drug test is done."

  The black eyes glanced at the needle tube containing blood in the female doctor's hand, his face was slightly cold, but he didn't say anything.

   "When will the results of the drug test come out?"

"Tomorrow afternoon."

   "Do it comprehensively and carefully."

   "Okay, Mr. Jiang."

  Uncle Xu politely sent the doctor away, while Xiaoyi and Xiaoer stood in the corner, not daring to breathe.

  Not only was she shocked by the fact that Lin Qianxiao was framed by someone, but she was even more frightened and trembling by Jiang Zhi's cold air.

  Xiao Er saw Lin Qian on the bed covered in sweat with her bangs sticking to her forehead, and said tremblingly, "Sir, there is bath water in the bathroom, do you need us to help your wife take a bath?"

  Jiang Zhi was silent for two seconds, then said coldly, "No need."

  Xiaoyi thought of the hangover soup she was warming on the stove again, and asked in a low voice: "I made hangover soup, do you want to bring a bowl for my wife?"

   "Yeah." He responded, and suddenly remembered that he and Lin Qianxiao didn't have dinner, so he looked at Xiao Yi with his black eyes, "What else is there to eat in the kitchen?"

   "There are wontons, lean meat porridge, tamales, fried mushrooms with broccoli..."

   "Serve the porridge and hangover soup."


After the servant left, Jiang Zhi went to the bathroom to test the temperature of the water in the bathtub, and found that it was a little cold, so he added some hot water to it. After the water was hot, he returned to the bedroom and hugged Lin Qianxiao on the bed into the bathtub. in the bathtub.

  The thin pajamas were wet with hot water, revealing the girl's beautiful and slender body.

  Jiang Zhi's ears turned slightly red, and her black eyes rested on her rosy cheeks for a moment, carefully cleaning the sweat from her forehead and neck with a towel.

  Slender and distinct fingers gently unbuttoned the pajamas, and then the pajama pants.

  He helped her wash her body earnestly and attentively, the redness behind her ears spread to her neck and face, and the color in her eyes became more and more intense.

  Ten minutes later, he picked her up from the bathtub, wrapped her in a large bathrobe, carried her out of the bathroom, and gently put her on the bed.

   "Sir, the porridge and hangover soup are here." Xiaoyi stood at the door of the bedroom and asked for instructions softly.

  Jiang Zhi didn't ask Xiao Yi to come in, he got up and walked to the bedroom door, took the tray from Xiao Yi's hand, and closed the bedroom door.

  Xiao Yi outside the door: "..."

Putting the scented and hot tray on the coffee table, he went to the cloakroom and found a new pajamas for Lin Qianxiao. It was a dress style, pink and tender, with a little rabbit printed in the middle. He had seen her wear it before. , but after she moved into his bedroom, she stopped wearing it.

  After helping Lin Qianxiao put on her pajamas, he helped her lean against his arms, and carefully dried her hair with a hair dryer before letting her lie back on the bed.

  He picked up the bathrobe he had just used to wrap her, went into the bathroom and took a cold shower for half an hour before coming out.

  He took a sip of the hangover soup, the temperature was just right, not too hot or cold, to suit Lin Qianxiao's taste, the hangover soup was sweet, with tangerine peel, shredded ginger, wolfberry and brown sugar.

   "Lin Qian smiled, drink something before going to bed."

  Lin Qianxiao was forcibly shaken awake, and dimly opened her almond eyes. When she saw that it was Jiang Zhi, she buried her head in his chest, and murmured coquettishly: "I'm so sleepy, don't disturb me."

  The girl's fluffy head rested on her chest, and the soft hair exuded a peach-like fragrance. His heart had never been so full as it was at this moment, without a single gap.

  Even he himself didn't know how gentle his eyes were when he looked at the girl in his arms. He put his hands on her back and coaxed softly: "Drink something before going to bed, or you'll have a headache tomorrow, huh?"

   "Don't drink."

  Lin Qianxiao still buried her head in his chest, shaking her head lightly.

   "Shall I help you drink?"


  Jiang Zhi smiled lightly in his black eyes, picked up the hangover soup on the bedside table, took a sip, then lifted the girl's chin in his arms, bowed his head and kissed her lips.

   Thanks [Girl] for 2 monthly tickets

   Thank you【Songyue Rusong】1 monthly ticket

   Thanks [sugar] for a monthly ticket

Thank you [Who can be Changle Wuyou] 1 monthly ticket (I read the name five or six times before I read the name correctly, I thought it was {Who has Coke Changwuyou} I said this little cutie loves to drink Coke, and later Turns out it's not... lol)

   Bow to thank the above little cute monthly pass support~

   Qiqi held a lottery event, drawing 15 50 book coins, everyone can click to participate after the end of the chapter, because it is the first time, I don’t know much about it, and there will be more after this lottery draw is over.

   Chapter 162 has been blocked, and it will be released after I revise it.



  (end of this chapter)

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