The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 167: self-inflicted

  Chapter 167 Self-inflicted can't live

  Lin Qian smiled innocently like a baby who didn't understand anything, "What are you responsible for?"

   "You want to pretend nothing happened after the kiss? Lin Qianxiao, are you playing hooligan?"

  Lin Qian smiled and retorted with a blushing heart, "You have kissed me before, at most we will be even."

  He looked at her, his black eyes flickered with unknown meaning, "But you not only kissed me, but also did other things."

  Lin Qianxiao's heart skipped a beat, and a picture suddenly popped up in her mind: She unbuttoned his shirt and put her hand into his clothes...

  Lin Qianxiao not only blushed, her whole body was like a freshly cooked lobster, red and steaming.

   At this moment, she wished she could get a hole in the ground, and she would never drink again!

   "Remember? How are you going to be responsible?"

  Lin Qian smiled so ashamed and angry, her little head was raised like a quail, "I have 500 yuan in my wallet, and I will give you all of it."

  Jiang Zhi laughed angrily, stretched out his hand to lift her tender chin, "Do I look poor?"

Lin Qian pouted with a smile on her face, and glared at him depressedly, "You look very generous, so why are you so fussy about me? Don't you just kiss and touch you a few times without losing a piece of meat? You are a big man, why are you so stingy!"

  Jiang Zhi was about to speak when there was a knock on the bedroom door, startling Lin Qianxiao who was leaning against the door.

  He put his big hand on the back of her head, rubbed it comfortingly, and asked outside the door in a deep voice: "What's the matter?"

   "Sir, Doctor Tan is here."

   "Tell her to wait for me in the study."


  After the sound of Uncle Xu's footsteps went away, Jiang Zhi's black eyes fell on the girl's porcelain white face, "You think about how you want to be responsible to me. I'll go to the study and come back to listen to your answer."


  Until noon, Wen Yu drove Hu Lin away in anger, shame and hatred. She washed in the bathroom alone for a long time, and her skin almost broke from rubbing.

  The effect Song Huihuang found for her was too domineering. She was entangled by Hu Lin without realizing it for a while, and she couldn't refuse him.

  Wen Yu hated Lin Qianxiao so much that she gritted her teeth in her heart, it was Lin Qianxiao's fault for all of this!

   There are also two sluts, Shi Na and Zhou Simin, who threw her to Hu Lin when she was unconscious!

  She didn't care to think about how Shi Na knew about Hu Lin's existence, she just wanted to wash herself clean and leave this dirty place as soon as possible.

  After taking a shower, she realized that yesterday's clothes were completely unwearable, so she had to call Lin Fengjiao.

   Half an hour later, as soon as Lin Fengjiao stepped into the hotel room, she saw the mess all over the floor and the smell in the air, and instantly understood.

   "Hey, this is, what's wrong with this?"

  The moment she saw Lin Fengjiao, Wen Yu couldn't help throwing herself into her arms, crying bitterly, "Mom, that **** Lin Qianxiao killed me! She killed me!"

Lin Fengjiao hugged her daughter heartbroken, and kept comforting her: "Don't cry, be good and don't cry. Mom is here. Lin Qian laughed at that white-eyed wolf. Back then, I should have just thrown her into the cesspit and drowned her! Anyone who owns a dog knows how to be loyal and protect her." Lord, she dared to harm you like this, I can't spare her!"

  After hearing Lin Fengjiao's words, Wen Yu felt better.

  She raised her head from Lin Fengjiao's arms, her eyes were full of viciousness, "Mom, I want Lin Qianxiao to live like death!"

   "Alright, it's all up to you."

  In order to appease her daughter, Lin Fengjiao naturally agreed.

  Wen Yu wiped away the tears on her face, and begged: "Mom, only you can help me now, can you help me ask Lin Qianxiao out?"

Realizing that her daughter wanted to be serious, Lin Fengjiao's heart skipped a beat, and she asked in surprise, "My dear, what do you want to do? You can't be stupid, you are a rich lady, or a big star, rich and famous, can't you?" Get yourself in."

   "Mom, Jiang Zhi came to the charity dinner last night. Not only did he publicly announce that he married Lin Qianxiao, but he also told everyone that his fiancée was only Lin Qianxiao from the beginning to the end!

  My face has long been trampled into the mud. Now, I am afraid that the entire wealthy circle in S City is laughing at me behind my back.

   There is also the Wen family, the Wen family plans to announce Lin Qianxiao's life experience when the old lady celebrates her birthday next month. Mom, I can't wait any longer, I must destroy Lin Qianxiao before she officially recognizes her ancestor and return to her clan. Only then will the Wen family not give up on me as a fake daughter!

  Besides, my innocence has been ruined, and now my heart is pierced with pain, I want to die, I must let Lin Qianxiao suffer worse than me, so as to relieve my hatred! "

  Hearing her daughter's plan, Lin Fengjiao hesitated.

  Of course she didn't want her daughter to be kicked out of the Wen family.

  Her biggest dream in this life is to marry into a wealthy family and become a noble lady. Unfortunately, she met unkind people, was deceived by men, and accidentally got pregnant.

  At that time, she didn't intend to give birth to the child in her womb. Before she found the opportunity to go to the hospital for surgery, the mistress of the house she worked as a nanny was also pregnant, and the month was still the same as her!

  She didn't think much about it at first, only lamenting the coincidence.

   Later, I saw that the hostess was loved and cared for because of her pregnancy, but she secretly hid her stomach every day, for fear of being discovered and dismissed her.

   Gradually, she became more and more unbalanced.

  They are also women, she looks not much worse than Yang Fang, but she has to kneel and wipe the floor every day, Yang Fang is pampered every day, living a luxurious and rich life.

   Even the dog raised by the young master of the Wen family is better fed and housed than her nanny.

  Until one day, she saw the news in the newspaper that because of the hospital's negligence, two babies born at the same time were taken to the wrong family.

  Evil thoughts are like seeds taking root in her heart.

  In order not to show her pregnancy, she only ate half a bowl of rice every meal. Until the time of giving birth, the entire Wen family did not see that she was pregnant and thought she had gained weight.

It was not until the ninth month that Yang Fang slipped and started early. She followed in the ambulance in the name of taking care of Yang Fang. After seeing Mrs. Wen being sent to the delivery room, she deliberately fell and caused premature labor. into the delivery room.

  Even God is helping her, she and Yang Fang are actually in the same delivery room!

  She and Yang Fang gave birth to daughters one after another. After the nurse washed and wrapped the two babies, they pushed them into the ward for her and Yang Fang to see.

  Yang Fang was weak, and before she woke up, she found an excuse to send the nurse away, and quickly exchanged the bracelets of the two baby girls.

   Just like that, her daughter became Miss Wen, and she returned to the countryside with the real Miss Wen.

  In the past twenty years, although Wen Yu has not been raised by her side, she would go to the city every month to secretly see her own daughter, barely watching her grow up to such an age with her own eyes.

   Seeing her daughter in great pain, Lin Fengjiao felt terribly distressed, "Be good, you don't have to worry about innocent things. Now that technology is advanced, it can be repaired with a little money."

  Yes, she almost forgot!

  Wen Yu's eyes lit up, and she immediately picked up her phone, "I'll make an appointment at the hospital!"

  Lin Fengjiao stopped her daughter, "Stupid boy, if we want to do this kind of thing, we should do the best, and we can't do it in China. It's easy to be caught by others, and the operation records are also easy to find."

  Wen Yu knew everything, "Then next month, I happen to be going to France to watch Fashion Week, and then I will have surgery there before returning to China."

  The mother and daughter discussed about the repair operation, and they talked about Lin Qianxiao again.

   "Honey, how do you want to deal with that **** Lin Qianxiao?"

  (end of this chapter)

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