The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 172: Fortunately you are useless

  Chapter 172 Fortunately, you are useless

  Hu Cheng has been a doctor for decades, and has seen all kinds of family members of patients. Although Jiang Zhi's gloomy and cold aura makes him frightened, compared with the brutal and violent family members of doctors making trouble with knives, it is not bad.

He settled down and continued to say: "Our body has a self-protection mechanism. Once a virus that destroys body functions and cells enters the body, the body will automatically form resistance and purification, and a small amount of continuous protection The virus is excreted from the body.

The concentration of UR-1425 in Mrs. Jiang's body has far exceeded the range that normal people can bear, but she herself does not seem to be seriously affected. The only explanation is that these drugs have slowly accumulated in Jiang through a very long process. in the wife's blood.

   During the process of resisting and purifying toxins, her body gradually developed antibodies and tolerance to UR-1425 ingredients. Therefore, these drugs did not cause serious damage to her body. "

  After listening to Hu Cheng's analysis, the hostility in Jiang Zhi's eyes was as strong as boiling magma, "Is her lethargy recently also affected by drugs?"

  Hu Cheng nodded, "Although the body's protection mechanism can protect the body's various functions and organs to a certain extent, it also has a limit. Mrs. Jiang's drowsiness is a signal for the body to warn.

Fortunately, it was discovered in time. If it is delayed for another month or two, once the nervous system is completely destroyed by UR-1425, even if Mrs. Jiang is not in danger, her cognitive function will gradually decline, and her intelligence, memory, comprehension, etc. will all be impaired. It is greatly affected, and even becomes dementia in severe cases. "

  Jiang Zhi's eyes were filled with ruthless scarlet, and the backs of his clenched hands were bulging with blue veins, and the air around him seemed to be frozen by the chill emanating from his body.

  Seeing that he lost control of his emotions, Hu Cheng quickly comforted him: "Mr. Jiang, please rest assured that Mrs. Jiang's health has not reached an irreversible severity."

  Hearing this, the hostility on Jiang Zhi's body faded a bit, and the scarlet in his black eyes also gradually receded.

  His cold voice was depressing and hoarse, "Use the best medicine. If you don't have it in China, you can buy it abroad, or find an authoritative biomedical institution to develop it, no matter how much you pay!"

Hu Cheng hastily waved Jiang Zhi's hand, "That's not necessary. In Mrs. Jiang's condition, the medicine can't help much, it can only be used as an aid. The most important thing now is to promote the elimination of toxins in the blood. Considering Mrs. Jiang's poisoning If the time is too long, it is not recommended to use hemodialysis, a treatment method with quick effect but high risk factor.

  Not to mention the high probability of complications caused by blood translucency, as far as Mrs. Jiang's body is concerned, if all the drugs in the body are discharged in a short period of time, it may cause disorder and imbalance in the functional system.

  So, I suggest using a more conservative and moderate approach, divided into three stages. "


After obtaining Jiang Zhi's consent, Hu Cheng began to introduce the treatment method: "No hospitalization is required, I come to the hospital every morning and receive a two-hour intravenous drip to promote the excretion of UR-1425 in the blood and replenish the body's electrolytes and acids. Alkaline balance. The first course of treatment lasts one month, after the first course of treatment, one month of rest, and then the second course of treatment, and so on.”

  Jiang Zhi has no objection, "You write me a copy of the precautions during the treatment."

  Hu Cheng nodded, "No problem. However, we have to wait for Mrs. Jiang's further blood test results before we can formulate a specific medication plan."

  Because there were too many items to be tested, and the results would not be available until two days at the earliest, Jiang Zhi had no choice but to take Lin Qianxiao away first, and wait for Hu Cheng to study and analyze the results before proceeding to the next step of treatment.

  The poisoner is still unclear, and everyone in the Jiang family must be questioned and investigated.

  Considering Madam Jiang's physical condition, although the criminal police did not interrogate Madam Jiang, they still took Xiaoguo and Xiaolan away from Madam Jiang.

  When she entered the ward, seeing Mrs. Jiang's face covered with frost, Lin Qianxiao was both surprised and disturbed.

  In her impression, Mrs. Jiang has always been weak, gentle and amiable. This is the first time she has seen the other party angry, not to mention, she looks quite similar to Jiang Zhi when she is angry.


  Hearing Lin Qianxiao's soft voice, Mrs. Jiang restrained her anger, put on a pleasant expression, and waved to her, "Xiaoxiao, come here."

Lin Qianxiao approached the hospital bed, and Mrs. Jiang took her hand, her eyes fell lovingly on her plain face, "Are you frightened? Don't worry, with me and Ah Zhi around, your body will be cured." .”

  Lin Qian smiled and shook her head quickly, "I'm not scared, Mom, you don't have to worry about me, I'm fine."

  Madam Jiang stroked her hairy head, smiled gently and said, "Okay, I'm not worried, I'll say a few words to Ah Zhi, you go inside and have a rest."

  Hoo, she finally stopped asking her to go downstairs to pick flowers.

  Lin Qian thought with a smile, subconsciously looked at Jiang Zhi who was silent, turned and went into the lounge.

  As soon as Lin Qianxiao left, the warm spring atmosphere in the ward suddenly turned into freezing cold.

  Before her son came, Mrs. Jiang was full of anger, but seeing her son's sluggish and gloomy appearance at this moment, the anger suddenly vented.

  During this period, the daughter-in-law spent no less time with her than her son, and she didn't notice anything wrong. Speaking of which, she was also responsible.

  Thinking about it, Mrs. Jiang sighed, "Is there any clue about the investigation by the police?"

"not yet."

  His mother's health has finally recovered, and he absolutely does not allow anyone to disturb his mother's body.

  Madam Jiang also asked casually, but didn't think too much about the answer, and was concerned about Lin Qianxiao's body.

   "What did the doctor say? Will there be any impact in the future?"

  Jiang Zhi paused, and said in a low voice: "If it is discovered in time, it can be cured."

  After hearing this, Mrs. Jiang breathed a sigh of relief, and then thought of something, "Will that affect future pregnancy?"

  Jiang Zhi was silent, and repeated Hu Cheng's words verbatim: "You can't conceive within half a year, and you shouldn't conceive within a year. There will be no effect after that."

  Hearing this answer, Mrs. Jiang was terrified and thankful, "Fortunately, you are useless, and Xiaoxiao didn't get pregnant at this time."

  Jiang Zhi: "..."


After half a night and a whole morning of fighting endlessly, Hu Lin was so hungry that his chest was on his back. As soon as he left the hotel, he couldn't wait to find a restaurant. He ordered a large table of good wine and food. He wobbled back to his own residence.

  Back to the residence, he took off his clothes and was just about to catch up on sleep when his cell phone rang.

  Seeing the words Miss Shi on the screen, he happily said, "The rich man is at your door", before answering the phone with a smile, "Miss Shi, what can you do?"

   "Where is the thing I want?"

  Hu Lin chuckled, "Of course the stuff is with me, but I've spent all my time and effort, so you can't work all night in vain, right?"

  Shi Na snorted coldly: "No, I just want money. The most important thing this lady lacks is money. Where are you? I want to inspect the goods myself!"

   The third one will be later~



  (end of this chapter)

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