Chapter 197 Deeds

After Wen Hai went upstairs, Mother Wen, who was hiding behind Wen Yu, dared to show her head. She glanced at the stairs with lingering fear, and comforted Wen Yu in a low voice: "It's okay, your grandma has this temper, and I've come here all these years too. .”

   After finishing speaking, seeing Wen Yu covering her face and crying, Mother Wen sighed sympathetically, "Go back to your room and change your clothes, and I'll go to the kitchen to get you an ice pack."

   "Well, thank you, Mom."

  After Wen's mother turned around, Wen Yu's slightly downcast eyes showed a cold and vicious light.

  Damned old woman, this slap plus the humiliation you gave me in my previous life, I will definitely repay you with all my capital and interest!

  Wen Yu went back to her room on the second floor, took a shower and changed her clothes. Mother Wen brought in ice cubes, and when she saw the cardboard boxes all over the floor, her face was indescribably complicated and melancholy.

  If the daughter had moved away earlier, the husband would have been fine.

  Ke Wenyu is the daughter she has carefully raised for twenty years. She is outstanding, well-behaved, sensible, and considerate. After all, she is still a little bit reluctant.

  She handed the ice pack wrapped in a towel to Wen Yu, "Where are you moving out? Give me the address. I'll see you when I'm free."

Wen Yu took the ice pack and gently applied it to her face, "Mom, I haven't packed it yet, I just moved my things in first, and I'm going to join the crew on the 10th. "The Legend of the Medical Concubine" must at least It will take about two months, and I will give you a key after I pack it up."

  Hearing this, Mother Wen didn't think too much about it, "That's fine."

The mother and daughter had a conversation, Wen Yu looked in the mirror and saw that the fingerprints on her face had almost disappeared, so she returned the ice pack to Mother Wen, "Mom, I went to Grandpa's study, you haven't had a good rest since yesterday, go back to sleep Will."

   "Xiaoyu." Hearing that Wen Yu was going to the old man's study, Wen's mother grabbed her in panic, "Your father has become like this now, can you, can you stop worrying?"

   "Okay." Wen Ji smiled inexplicably, "Mom, don't worry, I won't blame Dad."

   On the contrary, she would also like to thank Wen Jiaji.

   Otherwise, she would not have gotten 5% of the shares so easily.

  After watching Wen Yu leave the room, Mother Wen was very flustered. She always felt that her daughter's smile just now was kind of indescribably weird.

  In the study.

  When Wen Yu went in, Wen Ziming was already there, and Wen Hai signaled her to close the door.

   After she sat down, Wen Ziming picked up the teapot and poured her a cup of tea. Wen Yu smiled softly, "Thank you brother."

   Wen Hai, who was sitting directly in front of her, stared at her seriously, "Xiaoyu, how many shares of Wen's do you own now?"

  Wen Yu calmly took a sip of tea, put down the cup and replied, "Including my own shares, it's 5% in total."

   This number shocked Wen Hai's pupils slightly, and even Wen Ziming beside him couldn't help showing surprise, because Wen's father only had 5% of the shares in total.

  Before they heard from Wen Yu that Wen's father transferred a part of the shares to her, they thought it would not exceed 2% at most, but they didn't expect to transfer 4% to her.

  Wen Hai's eyes were sharp, "Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?"

  Wen Yu lowered her head pretending to be afraid, "Dad forbids me to tell, lest you will scold him, and Dad also said that you are old and in poor health, so I don't want you to worry too much."

  Wen Hai turned blue with anger, trembling all over, and slapped the coffee table hard.

   "This bastard!"

  Wen Ziming quickly poured Wen Hai a cup of hot tea, "Don't get angry, drink a cup of tea to calm down."

   As he spoke, he glanced at Wen Yu calmly, "Don't worry, these shares are in Xiaoyu's hands, so there won't be any problems for the time being."

  Wen Yu said knowingly: "Yes, grandpa, didn't you always say that I am from the Wen family? Wen's shares are in the hands of the Wen family, so there will be no problem."

   On the surface, there is nothing wrong with this.

  After all, even Wen Hai himself told Wen Yu that he would regard her as the daughter of the Wen family.

   But now, Wen Yu holds 5% of Wen's shares, and if she said such a thing, there was a hint of coercion in it.

  Of course Wen Hai would not turn against Wen Yu at this time, he softened his tone, "Xiaoyu, don't worry, what I said counts, even if we smile back, you will always be Wen's family."

  Wen Yu smiled slightly and said nothing more.

  Wen Hai naturally hopes that Wen Yu can take the initiative to transfer Wen's father to her, and even return the 1% of the shares she originally owned to the Wen family.

  But Wen Yu, who was originally sensible and considerate, kept silent about the shares, but instead talked about Wen's father being injured.

   "Dad was injured yesterday, and it was the first time I was interrogated by the police. I was very confused. I may have said something that I shouldn't have said. I promised my mother that I will go to the police station today to revise my testimony."

  Hearing this, Wen Hai really had no time to care about the shares.

  Although he injured his own son, in terms of criminal law, it can also be regarded as the crime of wounding.

  Although there is no subjective fault in negligent injury, it still needs to bear certain legal responsibility, and accidental injury can not be punished.

  Afterwards, Wen Hai and Wen Ziming were busy looking for ways to help Wen Yu revise her previous "erroneous" testimony.

  Wen Yu returned to her room on the pretext of wanting to rest, and was about to continue packing, but suddenly received a call from her mother, Lin Fengjiao.

   "Hey, is it convenient for you to talk now?"

  Hearing that Lin Fengjiao's tone was not right, Wen Yu glanced at the closed bedroom door, frowned and asked, "Mom, what happened?"

  Lin Fengjiao said anxiously: "Mom used to know a sister when she was a nanny. She is now a nanny in the next door to Jiang's family. She just told me that something happened to Jiang's family a few days ago."

  Wen Yu's heart tightened slightly, "What happened?"

   "She doesn't know the details. A few days ago, at noon on the day I picked you up from the hotel, the police went to Jiang's house and brought all the servants of Jiang's house back to the police station for investigation."

  Wen Yu subconsciously guessed that what Mrs. Feng did must have been discovered!

  She has been busy plotting against father Wen these two days, so she didn't have time to contact Mrs. Feng.

  She originally thought that there would be no mistakes at the charity dinner, and she successfully got the video of Lin Qianxiao's cheating, so Aunt Feng would have no effect on her.

  So, when Sister Feng asked for more money, she refused without saying a word, and used her handle on Sister Feng to warn Sister Feng.

   Could it be that Mrs. Feng has a grudge and informed Jiang Zhi?

   No, no, if that was the case, the police would have come to the door a long time ago! She won't be ignorant of this matter until now!

  Wen Yu opened the locked drawer at the bottom of the dressing table, took out a mobile phone, and was about to turn it on when she suddenly stopped.

  She found a wine bottle, smashed it **** the mobile phone, then broke the smashed mobile phone to pieces, dismantled it into pieces, and threw it into the trash can.

  At this time, she didn't know that her every move was recorded by the ultra-high-definition camera installed in the window of the opposite neighborhood.

  (end of this chapter)

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