Chapter 203

  Shi Na would know that she owns 5% of Wen's shares! Wen Ji felt faintly uneasy.

She suppressed the doubts in her heart, and showed a gentle and harmless smile to Shi Na, Zhou Simin and others in the private room, "Nana's news is really well-informed, and the family originally planned to announce the matter after the board meeting tomorrow. I didn't expect everyone to know in advance, how about it, I will pay for your consumption today."

  Hearing Wen Yu's generous admission, the little sisters who often play together in the box all showed surprise and complicated expressions.

  When Shi Na told them about this before, everyone was skeptical.

  They are all daughters with good family background and well-off lives. Most of them are still in school. Their daily routine is eating, drinking, playing, chasing stars, and buying famous brands. The management of the family company has nothing to do with them, let alone the shares.

  Wen Yu is the youngest among them. She is only 20 years old this year, but she already holds 5% of Wen's shares.

  Based on Wen's current market value, 5% of the shares are worth at least 500 million yuan. This value, among their group, can be regarded as the existence of the cloud.

   "Xiaoyu, are you going to join the company to participate in the management?"

   "Which department does your grandfather plan to arrange for you to work in?"

   "Are you going to let you manage a branch just like your elder brother Wen Ziming?"

   "Wow, Xiaoyu, if that's the case, are you going to quit the entertainment industry and become a female president?"

   "Xiaoyu, the skirt on your body is so pretty. Is it a limited edition of the C family? I really want to buy it, but I don't have enough pocket money, so I can't buy it."

   "Oh my god, Xiaoyu's bag is the latest platinum bag from A family! More than 200,000 pieces!"

  Worshiping the high and stepping on the low is the norm in society, and the wealthy circle is no exception. At this time, in the eyes of all the little sisters, Wen Yu seems to have become a rising star, a celebrity upstart.

  Shi Na looked at the little sisters who had been chasing her all along, and now they all surrounded Wen Yu to show their courtesy, with strong jealousy and hatred in their eyes.

   Thinking back to the day of the dinner party, seeing Wen Yu and Wen Ziming hugging each other in the aisle, her fingernails dug into her palm, and her lower lip turned white from being bitten by her teeth.

   "You all get out!"

  Everyone was chatting hotly, when Shi Na's roar suddenly sounded in the box, and everyone immediately fell silent.

  Although they wanted to hug Wen Yu's thighs, they didn't want to offend Shi Na. After all, Shi Na's family background was there, and she had a talented elder brother who protected her weaknesses.

   "Nana, who upset you?"

  A little sister tried to ease the tense atmosphere, but was stared at by Shi Na's angry eyes so that she dared not speak anymore.

   "You go out first, I have something to say to Wen Yu."

  A group of little sisters looked at Shi Na and then at Wen Yu, leaving the box one after another with curiosity and gossip.

  In the end, only Shi Na, Wen Yu, and Zhou Simin, who had almost zero sense of existence, were left in the box.

  Shi Na got up from the sofa, walked in front of Wen Yu, and stared condescendingly at this face that she couldn't help but want to scratch.

   "Everyone revolves around you now, you are very proud, aren't you?"

  Wen Yu smiled softly, "Nana, I don't think so..."

   Shi Na scoffed in disgust: "Don't call me Nana, I saw you and Wen Ziming that night!

Even if you and him are not biological brothers and sisters, but you grew up together, and your relationship is closer than Shi Yan and I, tsk tsk, tell me, if your fans know about this, will your reputation be better than that of Lin Qian before? Laughter still stinks?

  Ah, I almost forgot, Lin Qianxiao was hacked by the whole Internet, and you did it secretly, right? Don't think I can't see it, you are afraid that Lin Qianxiao will squeeze out your position as Miss Wen's, right?

  You are promiscuous and have the nerve to come up to me and slander Lin Qianxiao as a mistress. Believe it or not, if I make the video public, what will happen to you?

   Do you think that everything will be fine if you hold Wen's shares now? If Jiang Zhi knew that you bought Hu Lin and tried to destroy Lin Qianxiao's innocence, how do you think Jiang Zhi would deal with you with his cold and gloomy personality?

   When the time comes, don’t say that the Wen family can’t protect you, even the entire Wen family won’t be enough in front of Jiang Zhi! "

  Speaking of which, there is no need for Wen Yu to continue pretending to be weak. She put away her smile, glanced at Zhou Simin who was hiding in the corner of the sofa, "Shi Na, what I have to do with you has nothing to do with anyone else."

  Shi Na snorted coldly, "Aren't you thick-skinned? What are you afraid of? Besides, Simin is no one else. She is the witness who saw you tampering with Lin Qianxiao's glass that night!"

  Wen Yu's eyes flashed with anger, "Shi Na, what exactly do you want?"

  Shi Na casually clicked on the video on her phone, and soon, the video and recording of her conversation with Shi Na when she was in the Dream design studio were played on the TV screen in the box.

  Wen Yu secretly hated.

  If this video really gets out, it will definitely have a huge impact on her acting career!

   What's more deadly is that Shi Na saw her and Wen Ziming that night.

  She is not sure now, whether the scene at that time was photographed by Shi Na.

The more she thought about it, the uglier Wen Yu's face became, she suppressed the roiling anger in her heart, pretended to be panicked, and lowered her posture to beg: "Shi Na, I only said these words in a moment of anger, can you delete the video? If you have any conditions, just say it, as long as I can do it, I will promise you."

  Wen Yu's humble begging made Shi Na feel very comfortable. She stared at Wen Yu meaningfully, "My request is very simple for you, 5 million!"

  Wen Yu's face turned pale all of a sudden, she looked at Shi Na in shock, "Shi Na, are you kidding me? How could I get so much money?"

"Wen Yu, don't pretend to be in front of me." Shi Na snorted mockingly, "Hu Lin told me everything you did with Hu Lin, and you promised him 4 million in order to destroy Lin Xiaoxiao's innocence! What, Do you think your own reputation is not worth 5 million?"

  Wen Yu shook her head with a pale face, "No, Shi Na, you misunderstood. I don't know what Hu Lin told you, but I swear, I never said that I would give him 4 million."

  Seeing Wen Yu's categorical words, Shi Na couldn't help but murmur in her heart.

   Could it be that Hu Lin deliberately lied to her in order to kill her and pay a high price?

  Actually, she was also skeptical about Wen Yu spending 4 million yuan to find someone to destroy Lin Qianxiao's innocence.

  Lin Qianxiao is not bad looking, and has a good figure, not to mention spending money, even if he doesn't spend money, there are plenty of men who are willing to do this kind of thing.

   "You really didn't say to give him 4 million?"

Hearing Shi Na's question, Wen Yu complained with a sad face: "You know my situation, I haven't made any money in the past two years since I entered the entertainment industry, and I paid a lot of money, and the usual expenses are also high. I can't save money. As for the shares I own now, they have just been transferred to my name, and I won't get the income until the end of the year.

   Moreover, even if I can take out 4 million, it is impossible to give it to someone like Hu Lin.

  My boss bought him to do things for me, but I only promised to give him 100,000. "

   The update is late, draw 3 100 book coins to make everyone happy~




  (end of this chapter)

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