The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 210: Kiss of Braised Pork Instant Noodles

  Chapter 210 Kiss of Braised Pork Instant Noodles

  After sending Zhao Meimei away, Lin Qianxiao hugged the pillow and sat cross-legged on the bed, thinking hard about the countermeasures to please Jiang Zhi.

  Although she doesn't know Kangtai, but she heard from Zhao Meimei that few people in S City would dare to provoke Kangtai. She didn't dare to be arrogant and think that Jiang Zhi would easily agree to help him.

   After all, for something as simple as helping Bai Shuangshuang's father find a job, she cooked noodles, delivered meals, and was taken advantage of by him before he was willing to help.

  Thinking about it, Lin Qian's smiling face glowed with enthusiasm.

  If she offered noodles with better taste this time, would he agree as soon as he was happy?

  However, cooking is a very difficult task for Lin Qianxiao. It is as difficult as heaven to cook a bowl of delicious noodles.

  Jiang's family counts Mrs. Xu as a good cook, and knows Jiang Zhi's taste very well, but this time is too late, and Mrs. Xu is pregnant with a baby, so it is not good to disturb Mrs. Xu.

   Thinking that Bai Shuangshuang could cook, Lin Qianxiao sent Bai Shuangshuang a WeChat message, 【How to cook delicious noodles? 】

   Waited for a while and didn't receive a reply. Guessing that Bai Shuangshuang was still busy with work, she searched "how to make delicious noodles" on her mobile phone on Baidu.

   After reading a few tutorials on making noodles, she silently closed the page.

   Don't just follow suit, she can't even read it.

  She has never even eaten noodles with fried sauce, sliced ​​noodles, or braised noodles. The most important thing is that even those complicated side dishes, there are no noodles in the apartment.

  Lin Qianxiao thought for a while, and clicked on the takeaway software. There are many restaurants selling noodles nearby, but I don't know which one is better.

  She only knows Gao Chen who lives nearby.

   "Ma'am, what can you do for me?"

  Hearing that the environment in Gao Chen's place was relatively noisy, Lin Qian asked suspiciously, "It's so late, are you still outside?"

  Gao Chen replied bitterly: "I just came back from a business trip, and I'm having a late-night snack in the waiting hall, and I'll wait for the driver to pick me up."

   "Oh, what are you eating?"

  Gao Chen sighed miserably: "It's too late, the restaurants at the airport are closed, so I can only eat a bowl of instant noodles to pad my stomach."

   Instant noodles?

  The bodyguard knew that Lin Qianxiao was going out to buy instant noodles, so he was silent for a while before replying, "Madam, I happen to have some here, how about I bring them to you?"


  Knowing that Lin Qianxiao doesn't like spicy food, the female bodyguard gave Lin Qianxiao a bowl of braised beef noodles.

  Knowing that she had never eaten instant noodles, the female bodyguard was slightly surprised, and then patiently helped her boil water and soak the noodles, "Madam, you can open and eat in three minutes."

  Lin Qian smiled and opened her almond eyes wide in surprise, "Just soak it in this way? Will it be cooked?"

   "Well, Baoshu."

  Lin Qian happily sent the female bodyguard away with a smile, ran to the kitchen, guarded the instant noodles covered with a plate, and counted the time until the noodles were cooked.

  Three minutes later, Lin Qianxiao removed the plate and opened the lid of the instant noodle box, and a strong fragrance immediately filled the air.

"smell good."

  Lin Qian smiled, staring at the tender, curly, steaming noodles, and swallowed.

five minutes later.

   "Knock knock."

  Hearing the knock on the door, Jiang Zhi said in a deep voice without raising his eyebrows: "Come in."

  Lin Qian smiled and opened the door, poked his head halfway in and looked at him, then turned around and brought the noodles placed in the corridor into the study room, and placed them on Jiang Zhi's desk.

  The strong and unique smell of instant noodles made Jiang Zhi's eyebrows twitch slightly, and it disappeared in an instant.

  Lin Qian smiled and took the instant noodles served in a large white porcelain bowl, and said flatteringly, "It must be very hard to work so late. This is a late-night snack I specially made for you. Try it."

  He stared at the sparse noodles soaked in light brown soup in the white noodle bowl with black eyes, and after a moment of silence, he picked up a strand of chopsticks and raised his eyes to look at her.

   "A bowl of noodles is just that small, are you feeding the cat?"

  Lin Qian smiled and opened her innocent almond eyes, "I didn't steal it, there are always so many of it."

  Jiang Zhi smiled faintly in his black eyes, "Remember to wipe your mouth clean next time you eat."

  Lin Qianxiao subconsciously covered her mouth, then she reacted and let go of her hand, "I wiped my mouth."

   After finishing speaking, she blushed and defended softly: "I'll just take a bite and taste it."

  Jiang Zhi looked at her quietly, with black eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, "Eat half a bowl in one bite?"

  Lin Qian's smiling face turned even redder. She scratched the edge of the desk with her slender fingertips, and said guiltily, "I only wanted to eat one bite, but I couldn't help but eat two more. This is not much."

  After listening to her explanation, Jiang Zhi looked down, picked up a strand of noodles and put it into his mouth, chewing slowly.

  Lin Qian smiled and asked him with bright almond eyes, "Is it delicious?"


  Lin Qian smiled, resting her chin on the desk, "I also think it's delicious, I didn't expect instant noodles to be so delicious."

  Jiang Zhi fished out the few noodles left at the bottom of the bowl with chopsticks, and asked casually, "Have you never eaten it before?"

  Lin Qian nodded seriously with a smile, "We don't have instant noodles there, and the people there don't eat much."

  People in the fairy world are devoted to cultivation and don't have the appetite of ordinary people, but when Jiang Zhi heard this, he had a different understanding.

  In the past few years, the Jiang Group has actively invested in and participated in many public welfare and charity undertakings.

  Hearing Lin Qianxiao's words, he subconsciously thought of the photos he had seen of children in impoverished mountainous areas who were naked and skinny in rubber clothes. His heart seemed to be pulled, and his eyes filled with hatred and hostility towards Lin Fengjiao and Wen Yu.

  He originally planned to throw out the clues and evidence collected at the board meeting of the Wen Group tomorrow, so that Wen Yu would be kicked out of the Wen family, but now, he felt that it was far from enough.

  Lin Qianxiao didn't know what Jiang Zhi was thinking, seeing that he was absent-minded, she asked without thinking, "Why don't you eat it, don't you like the taste?"

  Jiang Zhi's dark eyes rested on her cherry pink lips for two seconds, and the bottom of his eyes were stained with color. He picked up the bowl, picked up the last noodles, and fed them to her mouth.

  Lin Qian smiled and opened her mouth blankly, put the noodles into her mouth, puffed her cheeks while eating and asked him, "Are you full?"

"not yet."

  Jiang Zhi put down the bowl and chopsticks unhurriedly, took out two paper towels from the paper box, and wiped his hands and the corners of his mouth clean.

  Lin Qian smiled and swallowed the food in her mouth, "Then what should I do? Shall I make you another bowl? What kind of flavor do you like? Ah Zhen also has shiitake mushrooms and braised beef."

  Jiang Zhi took out another tissue, got up and wiped off the oil stains around her mouth, and asked with a chuckle, "Is there no peach flavor?"

  Lin Qianxiao was stunned by the question, her apricot eyes filled with surprise, "Do instant noodles have fruit flavor?"

  Jiang Zhi threw away the tissue in his hand, wrapped his arms around her slender waist, and carried her to the desk.

  Sitting on the desk, Lin Qian smiled, her eyes were exactly at the same height as him.

   She was puzzled and nervous, and was about to ask him what he was doing, but he raised his hand to cover the back of her head, and lowered his head to kiss her lips.

   This is a kiss of the taste of braised pork instant noodles.

  When Lin Qian smiled and closed her eyes, she subconsciously thought about it.

   Thanks [Daily Little Confused] 2 monthly tickets

   Thanks 【⊙o⊙】2 monthly tickets

   Thank you [Humble Girl] for 2 monthly tickets

   Thanks [Wang Xiang] for 2 monthly tickets

   Thank you [Floating Life and Dream] 4 monthly tickets

   Thanks [@玉珠] for 2 monthly tickets

   Thanks [Jeez] for 4 monthly tickets

   Bow and thank the little cuties for their monthly ticket support~ Meme~

   Two later



  (end of this chapter)

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