The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 224: i have super powers

  Chapter 224 I have superpowers

  Jiang Zhi was stunned for a moment before recovering, calmly picked up the mouse, and turned off the video.

  Lin Qianxiao originally wanted to see Jiang Zhi make a fool of himself, but he didn't change his expression, he wasn't guilty at all, but it was her who stood at the door with embarrassment and heartbeat.

  Recalling what Zhao Meimei said, if you are not happy, don't make him happy.

  She is so embarrassed, he is like a normal person, no, she has to make him embarrassed with her.

  Holding back her shyness, she asked loudly, "Jiang Zhi, what were you doing just now?"

  Jiang Zhi looked at her calmly with black eyes, "Look at the information."

  Men's mouth, deceitful ghost!

  Lin Qian smiled secretly and approached him, her almond eyes were nervous, shy and couldn't help but glance at the computer screen on the desk, "What information, let me have a look."

  Before she saw the screen interface, Jiang Zhi raised his hand to hold her protruding little head against her, and gently pushed it away, saying in a low voice, "Confidential information, it's not convenient for you to see it."

  Lin Qianxiao couldn't see the screen, and hummed unwillingly: "Don't think I don't understand."

   As she spoke, she looked at him with disdainful eyes, "I thought you were working hard in the study all day long, so you are hiding in the study and watching such things."

  Jiang Zhi's eyes darkened slightly, and he asked her calmly, "Do you know what it is?"

  Lin Qian raised her chin proudly with a smile, "Of course I know!" Then, she scoffed at him with teasing eyes, "I didn't expect that you also like watching these unhealthy little videos."


   Unhealthy little video?

  Jiang Zhi's black eyes are getting deeper and deeper, and his deep voice reveals a half-smile, "How do you know it's unhealthy if you haven't seen the content of the video?"

   "You can hear it as soon as you hear it!"

   "What did you hear?"


  Lin Qian blushed with a smile, and hummed awkwardly, "Anyway, I just know."

  Jiang Zhi's black eyes were like bottomless black holes, emitting a seductive light, "Why do you know?"

   Of course it was because she had seen it.

  But how could she tell Jiang Zhi that she watched the short video.

  Lin Qian smiled blushing, "Don't worry about how I know."

  Jiang Zhi stared at her for a while, then suddenly said: "You just said something wrong."

  Lin Qian smiled with doubts in her almond eyes.

Jiang Zhi got up and approached her, propped his slender arms on the edge of the desk on both sides of her body, half-circled her, lowered his head to her ear, and whispered: "I don't want to watch this at all, because, I I just want to do this with you."

  The man's words were like a pot lid hitting Lin Qianxiao dizzily.

  Her head buzzed and went blank, her eyes were straight, her face was hot, and her whole body was smoking like it was on fire.

   "You, you, you, you think beautiful!"

  She pushed him away with shame and anger on her face, turned around and ran out of the study without looking back.

  Watching Lin Qianxiao running away like a rabbit, Jiang Zhi slowly straightened up, a smile appeared in his black eyes, but a tinge of pink was stained behind his ears.

  Lin Qian returned to the bedroom with a smile, closed and locked the door, threw herself on the bed and rolled around, wrapping herself in a straight tube like a chicken roll.

  She stared at the dome light on the ceiling with her almond eyes open. What she couldn't control in her mind was like a repeater, replaying what the man said just now, and her face was as red as a cooked crayfish.

  Zhao Meimei is right. He doesn't want to change the phone with her. It must be because there are small videos that are not suitable for children in the phone, not because the phone was given by another woman.

  Thinking of this, the original discomfort in her heart suddenly disappeared.


  Jiang Zhi finished dealing with the matter in hand, raised his wrist to check the time, then got up and left the study, and walked to the door of the bedroom.

  Looking at the closed bedroom door for a moment, he raised his hand and knocked on the door.

  Knocked twice and waited for nearly three minutes, but Lin Qianxiao still couldn't open the door, so he had to go to the hallway of the living room to find the spare key for the bedroom door.

  Opening the door, seeing the girl lying on the bed chubby like a silkworm baby, her black eyes overflowed with warmth.

  Lin Qianxiao felt her hand was very hot, opened her eyes in a daze, saw Jiang Zhi sitting beside her, was stunned for a moment, then saw her left hand was held by Jiang Zhi, with a hot towel on the back of her hand.

  She was in a daze, "What are you doing?"

Seeing that she woke up, Jiang Zhi took off the towel wrapped on the back of her hand, put it in the basin of the bedside table, raised the back of her hand that was covered in pink, took a serious look, and explained softly: "It is necessary to prevent the needle from being dropped." The place is bruised and swollen."

  Lin Qianxiao had long forgotten the nurse's reminder, and now hearing him mention it, her heart suddenly felt like drinking honey water, warm and sweet.

  She looked at him without blinking, and said softly, "Jiang Zhi, I'll tell you a secret."

   As she spoke, she beckoned to him, "Come here, I'm just telling you."

  Jiang Zhi looked at her quietly for a moment, then bent down.

  The distance between their faces was less than 20 centimeters. When she opened her mouth to speak, the sweet, peach-like breath sprayed his face lightly.

   "I have superpowers."

  His black eyes were fixed on her cherry pink lips, "Yes."

  Seeing that he was absent-minded, Lin Qian smiled a little depressed, "Why don't you ask me what it is?"

  Jiang Zhi's eyes moved from her lips to her clear almond eyes, "Are you still sleepy?"

  Lin Qian smiled in a daze, "What are you doing?"

  Jiang Zhi caressed her porcelain white and tender cheeks with his big hands, and said in a hoarse voice: "If you're not sleepy, let's do something else."

   After finishing speaking, he clasped the back of her head with his big hands, and lowered his head to cover her soft lips.

  The warm white light above the head is like moonlight, gently pouring on the two people on the big bed.


  The next morning, when Lin Qianxiao woke up, it was already bright outside the window, and the glaring sunlight was filtered by the white window screen, making it soft and peaceful.

  She looked at the hazy sky through the window screen, woke up, yawned lightly, and could not help but let out a soft hiss,

  She raised her hand to touch her lower lip, feeling a little swollen and tingling, she couldn't help but think of the kiss last night, blushing and retracting her head into the quilt.

   Stuck in the quilt for a while, Lin Qian smiled and poked her head out of the quilt to get some air, then turned her head to look at the empty big bed beside her, and then at the bedroom door.

  As if feeling her thoughts, the bedroom door was just pushed open.

  Seeing Jiang Zhi standing at the door covered in sweat and heat, Lin Qianxiao quickly turned her head back.

  Looking at the cute and round back of the girl's head, Jiang Zhi walked into the bedroom as if nothing had happened, and said as he walked towards the cloakroom: "Wake up, I'll take you to the hospital after breakfast."

  Lin Qian smiled and buried half of her face in the quilt, and replied in a low voice: "I'll sleep later, you go first."

  Jiang Zhi glanced sideways at the person lying on the bed with his back turned to him, then took his clothes and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

   Lin Qianxiao didn't get up until after 8 o'clock, washed up, changed her clothes, walked slowly to the living room, and was stunned when she saw Jiang Zhi on the sofa.

  She glanced at the wall clock subconsciously, and it was 9 o'clock in 5 minutes. She walked towards him suspiciously, "Why haven't you gone to work yet?"

   The second is later



  (end of this chapter)

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