The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 237: Do you want to be my boss wife?

  Chapter 237 Do you want to be my boss wife?

  Lin Qianxiao quickly clicked on WeChat again, after thinking about it, she felt that WeChat was too troublesome, so she just called Zhao Meimei directly.

   As a result, she was still on the phone after calling twice, so Lin Qianxiao had no choice but to send a WeChat message, 【Meimei, why did you suddenly terminate the contract? 】

Zhao Meimei's popularity in the entertainment industry is not bad. As soon as she sent out the statement, she received several greeting calls from people in the circle who were friendly with her. WeChat even rang non-stop. When she saw Lin Qianxiao's missed call And WeChat message, half an hour later.

  She didn't even have time to drink water, so she hurried back to Lin Qianxiao.

   "The phone has been on the phone all the time. I just saw your WeChat message. Mrs. Jiang, don't be angry. I can't spend 9.1 million to make you happy."

  Lin Qianxiao blushed when she was teased, and heard that Zhao Meimei's voice was a little hoarse, and quickly said, "It's nothing, I'm just afraid that something might happen to you."

  Zhao Meimei smiled in a good mood: "Nothing happened, but I was very happy, just like Chinese New Year! Sister, do you want to think about it, as my boss, I will work for you to earn money?"

  Lin Qian smiled dazedly, "You want to work in Jiang's? No, your culture is too low."

  Zhao Meimei smiled, "Mrs. Jiang, promise me that you will be a kind little fairy, and we will not be a little girl who preys on beauty and commits crimes, okay?"

  Lin Qianxiao was amused, "Meimei, it's not scary to be uneducated, just afraid of being uneducated and talking nonsense, is it a little fairy or a little fairy?"

   "You, I'm talking about you, Xiaojiaojing."

   "Where am I so cute?"

   "You are delicate but you don't know it."

"Have it?"

   "Don't doubt, you really have."

   After finishing her mouth, Zhao Meimei changed her serious tone, "Mrs. Jiang, I wasn't joking with you just now, really, I can't do anything else in my life anyway, so it's better to make you cheaper than to make others cheaper.

  Even though Sister Qin and I can’t make you rich, we will definitely make you a steady profit, trust me. "

  Lin Qianxiao understood what Zhao Meimei meant, and she didn't reject the proposal in her heart, "But I don't understand anything."

  As soon as Lin Qianxiao didn't refuse, Zhao Meimei knew there was something to be done, and she immediately regained her spirits, "It's okay, you don't need to understand, all you need to do is a very simple thing."

"doing what?"

   "Hold your boss, Mr. Jiang, and say something like 'Honey, I want to start a company and make my good sister Zhao Meimei a big star'."


  Lin Qian smiled expressionlessly, "You're having sweet dreams before it's dark?"

   "If a person has no dreams, what is the difference from a salted fish?"

  Lin Qian smiled earnestly, "Meimei, we can tell whether it is a dream or wishful thinking."



There were so many topics and news about "happy couples" on the Internet that Wen Yu was so angry that she smashed all the things that could be smashed in the apartment. Lin Fengjiao couldn't find a glass of water when she wanted to drink it. In the end, she had to go to the supermarket downstairs to buy a new one. .

After buying water and a cup, Lin Fengjiao drank a cup by herself first, then poured a cup and brought it into Wen Yu's room, while persuading her, "Hey, drink some water to calm down, your body is the capital of revolution, it's not worth it if you get angry. "

  Wen Yu's eyes flashed jealousy and resignation, "I'm not reconciled! Why? Lin Qianxiao can always get everything she wants easily. How can I be inferior to her?"

  Lin Fengjiao sighed, "Why else, of course she has a charming face. To be honest, Lin Qianxiao's appearance, if I were a man, I would also like it."

Wen Yu was so angry that she was going crazy, "Mom! Who are you after? I'm your daughter! Even if you raised Lin Qianxiao for eighteen years, did you see that she treated you after she returned to Wen's house?! Are you now Food, clothes, and things are all given by me!"

   Seeing her daughter trembling with anger, Lin Fengjiao felt distressed and wronged, "I know, darling, of course I know that you are my daughter, and I have always been towards you."

As she said that, Lin Fengjiao's eye circles turned a little red, "It's my mother's inability to give you a good looks that will make men fall in love at first sight. Be good, it doesn't matter, we don't rely on looks, we rely on wisdom, we mother and daughter work together , can't you beat Lin Qianxiao, that idiot?"

  Wen Yu's mood improved a little after hearing Lin Fengjiao's words. She was about to say something to Lin Fengjiao when her cell phone rang suddenly, and it was from her assistant.

  Wen Yu made a silent gesture to Lin Fengjiao, quickly calmed down, and answered the phone as if nothing had happened.

   "Xiao Ni, what's wrong?"

  Chen Ni said very anxiously: "It's not good! Miss, I heard the news just now that the investor of "The Legend of the Medical Concubine" was asked to suspend the filming. I heard that some investors want to change the heroine."

   "Impossible!" Wen Yu scolded angrily, "I am the heroine of "The Legend of the Medical Concubine", and I am also one of the investors. It is impossible not to inform me if you want to change important roles!"

"The Legend of the Medical Concubine" is a project that Wen Ziming personally formulates and operates an investment plan. She and Wen's investment account for more than two-thirds of the entire drama. Even if other investors join forces, it is impossible to get the director team to agree to change girls main character.

  Chen Ni quickly said: "Miss, why don't you ask Mr. Wen, and I'll find someone to help me find out why the director's team stopped filming."

   "Notify me immediately if there is any news, hang up!"

  After finishing the call with the assistant, Lin Fengjiao hurriedly asked: "Hey, what happened?"

  Wen Yu said with an ugly face: "The filming of "The Legend of the Medical Concubine" has been suspended. The news is that some investors want to replace the heroine."

  Lin Fengjiao still doesn't know why her daughter attaches so much importance to an online drama, and she has promoted several female lead actresses in star dramas. However, she is used to unconditional trust and obedience to her daughter.

  She helped with an idea and said, "Hey, call Ziming, isn't he an investor?"

  Wen Yu didn't know why, but had a very bad premonition in her heart.

  In fact, her right eyelid kept twitching when she got up in the morning, but she was so angry with Lin Qianxiao and Jiang Zhi's topics and news that she didn't care.

  After calling four or five times in a row, but Wen Ziming didn't answer, Wen Yu's uneasiness gradually expanded into a bottomless black hole.

  Wen Ziming didn't deliberately not answer the phone, but was busy.

   This is the second time since the night he graduated from university, he has had a heart-to-heart talk with the old man Wen Hai. In order not to be disturbed, both grandpa and grandson's mobile phones have been set to anti-disturbance mode.

  Wen Hai looked at Wen Ziming calmly. This is the heir he cultivated himself, and it is his pride.

   "Ziming, I have to bear half of the responsibility for your father becoming what he is now, and Wen Yu is responsible for the other half, do you agree?"

  Wen Ziming was silent for a moment, looking back at Wen Hai calmly: "I agree."

   "Okay." Wen Hai nodded gratifiedly, and looked at him sternly, "Then let me ask you, what did you do at Shi's Medical Research Institute yesterday?"

  (end of this chapter)

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