The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 239: I made it for you with my own hands

  Chapter 239 I made it for you myself

  Wen Ziming had a secret conversation in Wen Hai's office for nearly two hours.

  After coming out of Wen Hai's office, Wen Ziming took out his mobile phone, saw more than a dozen Wen Yu's missed calls on it, and called back with a cold face.

  Assistant Chen Ni has already obtained the exact information from the director team of "The Story of the Medical Concubine". Wen Ziming proposed to suspend the filming. The reason is that the script and roles need to be adjusted at the request of the Bureau of Radio, Film and Television.

  As for the rumor of changing the heroine, it was Wen Yu's competitors who deliberately released it to bully her.

  But Wen Yu was still uneasy, because from noon to now, she hadn't been able to contact Wen Ziming for more than two hours, which was absolutely the only one in the past.

  In the past, even if Wen Ziming was having a very important meeting, he would take the time to text her back.

  Lin Fengjiao felt sorry for Wen Yu who hadn't touched the water since morning, so she prepared a vegetable and fruit salad for her, poured another glass of milk, and brought it to her room.

   "Xiaoyu, eat something. Your body is your capital. Without a good body, no matter how much money you have, it will be nothing."

  Wen Yu has no appetite at all, but thinking that there are important things to do later, she took the salad and reluctantly put it in her mouth.

   Before eating two mouthfuls, the phone rang. She quickly stuffed the salad into Lin Fengjiao's hand and picked up the phone to answer it.

   "Brother, are you busy? Am I bothering you?"

  Hearing the tender voice on the phone, Wen Ziming's heart was calm, and he said in a calm tone: "Xiaoyu, are you calling me in such a hurry because of "The Legend of the Medical Concubine"?"

Wen Yu immediately heard that Wen Ziming's attitude was not quite right, but she hadn't realized that Wen Ziming had seen clearly the wolfish ambitions under her sheep's skin, and thought something had happened to the company, and even, she was kind It is understandable that Wen Ziming could only be forced to agree to stop filming "The Story of the Concubine Doctor" because other senior executives in the company proposed it?

Thinking she had guessed the reason behind the suspension of filming of "The Story of the Medical Concubine", Wen Yu immediately changed her considerate tone, "Brother, "The Story of the Medical Concubine" is no more important than a play. It's no big deal if the project is terminated, bro, it's you I'm worried about."

  Wen Ziming sarcasm appeared on his face, but his tone remained unchanged, "It's good that you can think so."

  Wen Yu was taken aback by Wen Ziming's downplaying attitude.

  In the past, when she heard her say something like this, the other party would definitely say, as long as it is what you want, I will do my best to help you achieve it.

  Wen Ziming was too indifferent to her today.

  Wen Yu suppressed the uneasiness in her heart, and asked cautiously: "Brother, did something happen in the company? Someone made things difficult for you?"

"No one in the company can do anything difficult for me. Don't worry. Xiaoyu, there have been a lot of things happening at home recently. Mom goes to the hospital by herself every day. It's inevitable that she won't be able to take care of her. The filming of "The Story of the Medical Concubine" is temporarily suspended, so you can follow her at home." Come with mom and help take care of dad and grandma, okay?"

  Wen Yu could only agree: "Okay, I will."

  Wen Ziming smiled and said, "Xiaoyu, I knew that with your kindness and gentleness, you would definitely not refuse."

  Hearing this, Wen Yu felt weird in her heart, but she couldn't tell what was wrong. Before she could say more, Wen Ziming said again: "Xiaoyu, I still have work to do, so I won't tell you for now."

   "Oh, okay, brother, you can be busy and leave me alone."

  Hung up the phone, Wen Yu's face suddenly darkened.

  Lin Fengjiao asked quickly, "Hey, what did Wen Ziming say?"

  Wen Yu finally realized that she hadn't had time to ask why "The Story of the Medical Concubine" stopped filming!

  But Wen Ziming is busy with work now, with her kind and considerate personality, of course she can't be disturbed at this time.

  Wen Yu said with a gloomy face, "I'll ask him carefully when he comes home from get off work."


   At 3:00 p.m., Wen Yu took out the chocolate cake kept in the refrigerator, and drove to the hotel where Shi Na made an appointment to meet and make a deal.

  It was only 3:30 when she arrived at the teahouse, but with Shi Naai's habit of being late, 4:30 is considered early.

  Wen Yu unhurriedly took out her mobile phone and called Hu Lin, "I have something to ask you, come here now, I'm in room 905 of XX Hotel."

Hu Lin had just changed his clothes and was about to go out to play mahjong. Because of the indecent video secretly filmed, he was still a little guilty in front of Wen Yu, so he didn't agree immediately, but asked with a smile on his face, "What's wrong with Miss Wen looking for me?" where?"

   "Of course it's a good thing to find you. Will you come? If you don't come, I will find another man."

  Hu Lin never expected that after what happened last time, Wen Yu would still look for him and ask him to go to the hotel.

  He fantasized in his brain: Could it be that she thought he was good at skills last time, and she still wants to be with him...

  Hu Lin happily agreed, "Miss Wen, I'll take a taxi and send me the hotel address."

After sending the address to Hu Lin, Wen Yu called Shi Na again, and learned that Shi Na would arrive in half an hour, she unhurriedly opened the chocolate cake box, cut the cake into four pieces, and put the The two pieces went to room 905 next door, and I asked room service to send a bottle of red wine to room 905.

  Placing the red wine and cake on the coffee table, Wen Yu went back to Room 904 and hid a video camera behind the curtain.

  She never planned to give Shi Na a penny from the beginning to the end. She not only wanted to return the humiliation she suffered that night to Shi Na, but also threatened Shi Na to hand over the video that secretly recorded her slandering Lin Qianxiao as a mistress.

  After arranging everything, Wen Yu wanted to know what Lin Qianxiao was doing on a whim.

  She called Lin Qianxiao, and as expected, Lin Qianxiao blocked her again.

  Wen Yu showed jealousy on her face, "Lin Qianxiao, when I finish cleaning up, it will be your turn. How sweet your life is now, how painful it will be later!"


   At 4:35, Hu Lin entered Room 905 next door and called Wen Yu: "Miss Wen, I'm here. Where are you?"

   "I have something to leave, I'll be back in ten minutes, you take a shower first, the cake and red wine on the coffee table are specially prepared for you."

  Hu Lin smiled obscenely, "Alright then, hurry up."

   At 4:40, Shi Na arrived at 904.

  As soon as she entered the door, she saw the chocolate cake on the glass coffee table, and subconsciously swallowed.

  Shina herself likes to eat sweets, and at this time, it was the time when she was most hungry. Before Wen Yu could invite her, she just sat down on the sofa, picked up the cake and ate it.

   While eating, he asked her with a sneer, "Where's the money?"

  Wen Yu nodded with a smile, "Everything is ready."

Shi Na didn't hear the weirdness in Wen Yu's words, she was all focused on the chocolate cake, the cake in her hand was too rough in texture and layers for her who was used to high-end desserts, and the taste was particularly bitter .

Seeing that Shi Na took only one bite of the cake and put it down, Wen Yu was afraid that the medicine would not be enough, so she hurriedly said: "Shi Na, I know you like chocolate cake, I made this for you myself, you should eat more. "

  (end of this chapter)

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