The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 242: WeChat transfer 5201314.00

  Chapter 242 WeChat Transfer 5201314.00

  Jiang Zhi held her hand and explained in a low voice: "They neglected their duties and were not careful enough. They ate, lived, and worked under the same roof with Sister Feng every day, but no one saw that there was something wrong with Sister Feng.

  Smile, if the other party’s mind is more vicious, the poisonous drugs are put into your diet, and the consequences will be unimaginable. "

  Lin Qianxiao quickly distinguished for Xiaoyi and the others, "Sister Feng is too cunning, Xiaoyi and the others have to clean, tidy up the room, and do other things every day, there are always things that they can't see."

"This is also one of the reasons why I want to replace them. They are relatively young, too simple-minded, and not professional enough. Smile, I am very glad to know that your diet has been tampered with. I am glad that I discovered it early, and I am more grateful. Fortunately, the other party did not kill you."

  Jiang Zhi tightened his grip on her hand, and his deep voice was resolute, "Just like you don't allow me to go to Kangtai alone, I can't tolerate any hidden dangers that threaten you."


  Jiang Zhi's words are well-founded, and she has no way to refute them.

   On the one hand, there are people she likes, and on the other hand, friends she cares about. In her heart, she has long regarded Xiaoyi and the others as friends.

Seeing that the bright almond eyes dimmed, and his expression was full of frustration and confusion, Jiang Zhi comforted him softly: "If you don't want them, you can invite them to play at home in the future. Smile, they will have their own lives sooner or later, not forever. by your side."

  The one who will always be with you is only me, and it will only be me.

  Lin Qianxiao reluctantly accepted, "That's great, in case they can't find a new job, can you help them arrange it?"

  Jiang Zhi was silent, and said: "Except for Xiao Si, Xiao Yi and Xiao Er have their jobs settled, and Xiao Wu has returned to his hometown."

  Lin Qian smiled a little melancholy, "I'll ask Xiaoer another day to see if she needs help."

   After finishing speaking, he was a little depressed again, "I don't even have their phone number or WeChat."

   "You can ask Uncle Xu."

  Lin Qian raised her small face with a smile, and looked at him pitifully, "Didn't they ask about me when they left?"

   "I gave each of them an extra two months' salary, which is considered to be the friendship between you and their master and servant."

  Lin Qianxiao felt a little better.

  Back home, Aunt Cai was making dinner, Jiang Zhi went to the study, Lin Qianxiao sat on the sofa and asked Uncle Xu to get Xiaoyi's phone number.

   Probably busy, only Xiaosi quickly added her WeChat friends.

【Mrs? Are you feeling better? 】

  【Well, it’s fine, I’m receiving treatment now. 】

  Xiao Si sent a crying emoji, 【Madam, I'm sorry, it would be great if I could find out that Mrs. Feng was wrong earlier. 】

【It's ok. Xiao Si, have you found a job yet? 】

  【I haven't decided what to do yet. My former classmate was working as a makeup assistant. He said that a well-known makeup artist was recruiting new assistants and asked me if I would go. 】

  【Go if you want. 】

  【Although it is tiring to be a servant, you can save forty to fifty thousand a year with food and lodging included. The salary of a makeup assistant is very low, and I have to rely on myself for food and lodging. My family built a new house two years ago, and now I still owe more than 100,000 yuan. I promised others that I would pay it off within three years. If I were a makeup assistant, I would not be able to save money to pay off the debt in the past two years. 】

  Lin Qian smiled and thought about it, 【Xiao Si, do you like the profession of makeup artist? 】

【Yes, I like it. 】

  【Then you go to the best makeup school to receive formal makeup training. I can lend you the tuition fee, and you can pay me back after you earn money from work. 】

  【Madam, I don’t have confidence, what if I can’t learn well? 】

  Lin Qian smiled fiercely, whipping her face with a small leather whip, 【Sell yourself to me if you don't learn well, and pay off the debt with your own body! 】

  Xiao Si turned around with a well-behaved and obedient expression, 【Okay, I will definitely study hard so as not to embarrass my wife. 】

  The two discussed which makeup school had the best teaching quality, and finally, they chose the Tony International Image Design Art School in S City.

   Makeup artists who graduated from this school do not worry about work. Many female stars and crews like to hire makeup artists from this school.

  Advanced make-up artist training class, the semester is three months, the tuition fee is 29,800 yuan, not including board and lodging and cosmetics purchase during the study period.

  Lin Qianxiao roughly estimated that the board and lodging, expenses, cosmetics and make-up tools for the entire study period would cost a minimum of 50,000 yuan.

  Lin Qianxiao looked at the more than 400 yuan in her mobile phone wallet, lost in thought.

   How about using the change fee that Mrs. Jiang gave her?

  I didn’t dare to use it before, because I was worried that she and Jiang Zhi were married in a fake way, and I would definitely have to pay back the money for divorce in the future.

  Now, there is a high probability that she and Jiang Zhi will not divorce.

  Lin Qian smiled and got up and ran to the bedroom to look for the card. After searching for a long time, she couldn't find it, and then remembered that she was locked in the safe of the villa.

  She sat cross-legged on the bed, gnawed her thumb and thought for a while, and when she came up with an idea, she picked up her phone and sent Jiang Zhi a WeChat message, 【Jiang Zhi, shall we make a game? 】

  【Name. 】

  Lin Qian smiled blushingly and pouted, 【Honey! 】

  【Well, what game? 】

  【Games that send red envelopes, you send me 52013, and I will reply you 52014, okay? 】

  【WeChat transfer 5201314.00. 】

  Seeing the money transfer on WeChat, Lin Qian was so happy that she almost jumped up. She originally wanted to send a "Thank you husband.jpg", but she was so excited that her hands trembled and turned into 【Thank you dad.jpg】

  She was about to withdraw, when she received a reply from Jiang Zhi, 【Come over to the study and shout to your face. 】

  Lin Qian smiled until her cheeks flushed red with anger.


  In the study room, Jiang Zhi was checking the message just sent by the investigators.

  【Wen Yu is doing gastric lavage at the hospital, Shi Na and Hu Lin are confirmed dead, and their bodies are being stored in the morgue of the police station. Shi Na was found in room 904, Wen Yu and Hu Lin were found in room 905. Ten minutes ago, when Shi's family members arrived at the police station, they should be claiming the body. 】

  Jiang Zhi propped his chin in silence for a moment, then sent a message asking: [Did you check the hotel room? 】

  【Well, I checked, the police took away all the items and clues in the room before. However, we found a digital video camera behind the curtain in room 904, unfortunately, it was empty, probably not opened yet. 】

  【Continue to follow up, I want to know the cause and effect as soon as possible. 】

  【OK. 】


  At this time, Shi Yan and Shi Na's parents were outside the morgue of the police station, waiting to claim the corpse.

  The second wife cried so much that she couldn't stand still, and was hugged by her husband Shi Guang.

  Shi Shi's expression was condensed, and he looked at Shi Yan with painful eyes, "What's going on, why did Nana go to a hotel so far away from home when she's so well-behaved?"

   Shi Yan shook his head indifferently, he didn't know, he was very confused.

  According to his intuition, Jiang Zhi should know the reason for Shi Na's accident. At the same time, he is also very remorseful and remorseful.

  Jiang Zhi is notorious for not being nosy, if it is an insignificant matter, the other party will never specifically remind him, but not only did he not take it to heart, he even thought the other party was playing tricks.

  Shi Yan turned around to ask Jiang Zhi for clarification, but a policeman's voice suddenly came from behind him: "Shi Na's family members, you can go in and claim it."

   Thanks [SUV80] 1 monthly pass

   Thank you【萌宝@梦】1 monthly ticket

   Bow to thank the little cuties for their monthly support, okay~

   Two later



  (end of this chapter)

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