The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 255: Jiang · black heart unscrupulous profiteer

  Chapter 255 Jiang · black heart unscrupulous profiteer

   Shi Yan and Wen Ziming drank until 7 o'clock in the morning.

  The two of them drank four bottles of red wine. Wen Ziming was so drunk that he lay on the bed, unconscious.

   Shiyan called a surrogate driver with his mobile phone, went home, took a shower, changed his clothes, arranged for someone to take over from the hospital, applied for a week-long vacation, and then took a taxi to the Medical Research Institute.

Entering the lounge, seeing that Shichen was still asleep, Shiyan lightly put the breakfast he bought on the way on the table, and was about to turn around to leave, when Shichen was lying on the sofa and suddenly said: "Xiaoyan, the analysis result is out ?"

  Shi Yan paused for a moment, then turned around and said, "Not yet."

  Shi Chen sat up from the sofa, looked at Shi Yan's bloodshot eyes, and looked very haggard, "Xiao Yan, I'm afraid that there will be results, and I'm afraid that there will be no results."

  Tokihiko can understand the other party's mood very well.

  No result means it was an accident, and their guilt will be lighter. After all, no one can predict accidents.

  If it is found that Shi Na was killed by someone, it means that these elders have not fulfilled their duty of care. Guilt, self-blame, remorse, these negative emotions will accompany them for a long time, even a lifetime.

  Shi Yan carried the breakfast to the tea table in front of Shi Chen, "Second Uncle, the deceased is gone, and life must go on, eat something, don't worry Second Aunt and Sissy."

  Shi Chen suppressed his grief and nodded, "Okay, I'll go wash my face."

   After Shi Chen left the lounge, Shi Yan closed the door of the lounge, took out the business card Jiang Zhi gave him last night, and dialed the number on it.

   "I'm Shi Yan, I want to ask you to help investigate all the private contacts between Wen Yu and Shi Na in the past half a month. I want all of them, and the price is up to you."

  The other party replied calmly: "It's a short time, I will contact you in five minutes."

"it is good."

five minutes later.

  Tokihiko's cell phone rang, it was a call from the investigation company, Tokihiko didn't shy away from coming back from the bathroom, and when he was sitting on the sofa having breakfast, he answered the phone.

   "Short time, in fact, we have been entrusted by Mr. Jiang to obtain the information you want in detail. Mr. Jiang means that all the information can be given to you, but the price may be more expensive."

   Shi Yan subconsciously clenched the phone tightly.

  Jiang Zhi, that bastard, obviously holds important information in his hands, but refuses to say anything, and wants to take the opportunity to blackmail him!

   No wonder, before he repeatedly showed affection for Lin Qianxiao, she was not indifferent, so she was here waiting for him!

  Shi Yan was so angry that his liver hurt, "Send me the amount and bank account number, and I will transfer the money right away. When will the information be given to me?"

   "As soon as the money arrives in the account, we will immediately send all the information about Wen Yu and Miss Shi Er's correspondence to your mailbox without reservation."

   Shi Yan let out a soft breath, "I see."

  After Shi Yan finished talking on the phone, Shi Chen couldn't wait to ask: "Xiao Yan, is it about Nana?"

  Shi Yan nodded, and briefly explained the matter of going to Jiang Zhi and buying news.

After listening to Shi Chen, he couldn't sit still and was not in the mood to eat breakfast. He walked back and forth in the lounge anxiously, and said to himself, "Did Nana really be murdered? It's all my fault. I was busy for a while, so I neglected her, she said a few days ago that she wanted to eat sushi, and I couldn't find time to accompany her..."

  Seeing that Shi Chen was too excited, Shi Yan quickly got up to persuade him, "Second Uncle, Nana is an adult, not a child, we can't watch her all the time."

  Shi Chen was about to say something when Shi Yan's cell phone on the coffee table rang.

   "Second Uncle, wait for me for two minutes, I will transfer the money, and the other party will immediately send Nana's whereabouts during this time after receiving the money."

   "Okay, do you have enough money?"

  Shi Yan is a little uncertain, his personal savings are not small, but in front of Jiang Zhi, the No. 1 in the business world, he has no confidence.

   After seeing the number displayed on the phone clearly, Shi Yan's face darkened instantly.

Fifty million!

  Jiang Zhi is a bitch! Unscrupulous profiteers!

Although the Shi family is rich, the management of the family business is not currently in his hands. Half of the money in his hands comes from share income, and half is bonuses for papers and scientific research projects. The cash deposit is worth over 50 million yuan. Zhi never meddled in other people's business, he even wondered if Jiang Zhi secretly investigated his personal assets.

  Seeing that he was staring at the phone without moving, Shi Chen quickly asked, "What's wrong? Is it not enough money? I have it, and I'll transfer it to you."

   Shi Yan came back to his senses, "It's okay, I have."

  Shi Yan's personal account has not been opened for a huge transfer, and he has to go to the bank. It is almost 10 o'clock when the 50 million is successfully transferred to the investigation company's account.


  In the hospital, Wen Yu has woken up and is being questioned by the police.

   "Miss Wen, what happened in rooms 904 and 905 of XX Hotel between 4:30 and 5 pm yesterday?"

  Wen Yu showed a sickly weakness, and her expression was full of worry, "How is Nana?"

  The policeman hesitated for a moment, and told the truth: "When we broke in, Shi Na from room 904 and Hu Lin from room 905 had already lost their vital signs."

   "What?! How did this happen?"

  Wen Yu seemed to have received a huge blow, with a face full of disbelief, tears falling down like poor beads.

  Watching Wen Yu crying out of control and covering her face for nearly five minutes, the policeman interrupted: "Miss Wen, we can understand your sadness, but please cooperate with our work and explain the matter clearly."

  Wen Yu nodded with a sob, "Okay, I'm sorry, I couldn't control my emotions for a while, can I wash my face?"


Three minutes later, Wen Yu lay pale on the hospital bed, and slowly told the police what happened: "Nana and I have had a close relationship since we were young. Nana usually spends money lavishly. Will always try to buy it.

  A few days ago, she said that she had taken a fancy to a diamond necklace, but she didn’t have enough money, so she asked me to borrow it.

  I didn’t have enough money at the time, so I made an appointment with her on August 7, that is, yesterday to give her the money. "

  The policeman nodded, recorded everything she just said, and continued to ask: "What happened next? You called the police and said that you had food poisoning. What did you eat?"

   "Cake, chocolate cake, I brought it out from home. I know Nana likes to eat chocolate, and I want to bring it here to eat with her. I am a star, and I am afraid of getting fat, so I didn't dare to eat more. I only ate two bites."

   “Did you buy the cake or did you make it yourself? What ingredients were used?”

  Wen Yu shook her head blankly, "My mother made the cake." She hesitated for a moment, then lowered her voice, "It's my biological mother, Lin Fengjiao."

   Half an hour later.

  The police handed the recorded interrogation transcript to Wen Yu, "See if there is anything you want to add. If there is nothing, please sign your name at the end."

"it is good."

  Wen Yu simply flipped through the notes, signed the last page, raised her head, and asked hesitantly, "Excuse me, may I know what's wrong with the cake?"

   "We are still analyzing the ingredients of the cake residue. We will notify you in time if we have the results."

   Thank you [Floating Life and Dream] 1 monthly ticket




  (end of this chapter)

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