The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 262: hereditary stupidity

  Chapter 262 Inherited Stupidity

  The Zhou family can only be regarded as a low-end wealthy family in the upper class circle of S City, and they have little contact with the Shi family, that is, Wen Ziming's aunt Wen Qing, because of Wen Ziming's relationship, she is a little closer to Shi Yan.

  She guessed whether her husband Zhou Yufeng caused trouble outside, and calmly came forward to receive the family.

   "Please sit down, drink tea or coffee, I..."

   "Sister Qing, don't be busy." Shi Yan interrupted her aloud, and explained the purpose of coming directly, "We are here to get something."

  Wen Qing was slightly taken aback, "What?"

Considering that Wen Qing is Wen Ziming's aunt and the daughter-in-law of Zhou's parents, and Zhou Simin is the second lady of the Zhou family, in order to prevent Wen Qing from being difficult in the Zhou family, Shi Yan took Wen Qing to a place where no one was around, and took Wen Yu , Shi Na, and Zhou Simin talked about the grievances and grievances between the three of them in a few words.

  Wen Qing usually doesn't like surfing the Internet, and rarely pays attention to gossip. When she suddenly heard that Shi Na died, and that the person who killed Shi Na was actually Wen Yu, she was shocked.

   "Ayan, is there a misunderstanding? Xiaoyu is a gentle and kind girl, how could she do such a vicious thing?"

  Shi Yan didn't know how to explain it for a while, and even had the same thought in his heart as Jiang Zhi, whether the Wen family was genetically stupid, and the whole family was deceived by such a vicious and clumsy woman like Wen Yu.

  Where would he have thought that Wen Yu was not an ordinary woman, she lived a new life, possessed the mature experience and scheming of 30 years old, the Wen family was undefended, so of course they couldn't see through.

  But he didn't want Wen Qing to be kept in the dark, so he had to remind him gently: "Sister Qing, some things should not be seen on the surface, we came here today to capture the surveillance video of Wen Yu colluding with outsiders to harm others.

  For the truth about Nana to come to light, and for Zhou Simin's safety, don't tell anyone the purpose of our coming here, especially the Wen family, Ziming, I will explain it to him myself. "

  Shi Yan's cautious and serious attitude made Wen Qing have to pay attention to it, and she replied seriously: "Okay, I won't tell anyone, but how should I answer when the Zhou family asked me?"

  Shi Yan thought for a while, "Let's say that Nana once lent Zhou Simin a very expensive necklace. We passed by and came in to take it away."


  In order not to arouse the suspicion of the Zhou family, Wen Qing and Shi Yan did not show any abnormality after returning to the living room.

  Wen Qing explained to Zhou's family what Shiyan taught her, and then led Shiyan to Zhou Simin's room.

   Zhou's house is not big. Zhou Simin's bedroom and cloakroom do not exceed 40 square meters in total. Almost as soon as he entered the door, he saw a platinum handbag casually placed on the dressing table.

   There are not many things in the handbag, lipstick, powder, tissues, and a black USB flash drive.

  Shi Yan took out the USB flash drive, put it in his coat pocket, and asked Wen Qing to find a jewelry box, and held it in his hand to hide his eyes and ears.

  Wen Qing politely sent the Shi family out of the gate.

  Before leaving, Shi Yan seriously told Wen Qing not to disclose this matter to Wen Yu.

  Wen Qing solemnly agreed.

  After the family left, Wen Qing returned to her room, feeling uneasy after thinking about it, and couldn't help but call Wen's mother.

  At this time, Mother Wen was visiting Wen Yu in the hospital.

  Wen Ziming didn't tell Wen Hai and Wen's mother about Wen Yu's poisoning and hospitalization. In his heart, Wen Yu was already an insignificant outsider, not worth mentioning.

  But Mother Wen didn't know what Wen Yu was doing, and in her heart, she still treated Wen Yu as her own daughter.

  She said with distressed and worried face: "Xiaoyu, why didn't you tell me about such a big incident, and the news about your accident almost didn't frighten me."

   Wen Ziming didn't tell Wen's mother about his hospitalization?

Wen Yu was full of doubts, but she didn't say anything on her face, and explained in a soft tone: "I just woke up in the morning, it's nothing serious, you've been running around the hospital recently, it's been very hard, I can't bear you because of my Worry about getting tired."

  Mother Wen felt very happy hearing these words.

  Since the downfall of the nasty old crone, she seems to be turning around.

Not only her son's attitude towards her has improved, but her daughter is considerate and sensible, and her husband who bosses her around has become an idiot again. Although she runs to the hospital every day, her body is tired, but her spirit is refreshed. Rebirth.

   "I know that you are the most caring. By the way, aren't you going to join the group on the 10th? You are like this, can you still film well? Do you want to take a vacation and rest for a few more days?"

Wen Yu shook her head lightly, "Mom, no matter how important your career is, it's not as important as your family. It's too hard for you to take care of dad and grandma alone. I discussed it with my brother and postponed the shooting of "The Legend of the Medical Concubine". Let's talk about the situation with grandma when it gets better."

  Mother Wen was very moved when she heard that, and couldn't help but hold Wen Yu's hand, "No, your grandma and your father are both taken care of by nurses. I just deliver meals and take care of them. It's not hard at all."

  Wen Yu was about to say something else when Mother Wen's cell phone rang.

   Seeing Wen Qing's name displayed on the screen, Mother Wen was a little puzzled.

  She has a normal relationship with Wen Qing's sister-in-law, and Wen Qing has had a cold relationship with Mrs. Wen's mother and daughter in the past two years, and almost never goes back to Wen's house.

  What did Wen Qing call her for?

  Wen's mother didn't avoid Wen Yu either, she answered the phone directly, "Ah Qing, what's the matter?"

   "Sister-in-law, are you in the hospital?"

"Here." Wen's mother thought that Wen Qing came to the hospital to see Wen Jiaji, so she made a phone call when she didn't see her, and quickly explained: "I'm in the Air Force Hospital, Xiaoyu is being treated for food poisoning, I'll come to see her .”

  Wen Qing's heart tightened when she heard this, "Xiaoyu is... beside you?"

  Mother Wen looked at Wen Yu strangely, "Yes, do you want to talk to Xiaoyu? I'll give her the phone..."

   "No! No, I have nothing to say to her."

  Wen Qing originally thought that Wen Yu was not a person with vicious means, but after seeing Shi Yan take the USB flash drive from Zhou Simin's handbag with her own eyes, her belief suddenly tilted to the Shi family's side.

  Shi Yan, like her nephew Wen Ziming, has been prudent and cautious since she was a child. If there is no real evidence, she will never make wild guesses.

  Actually, before her elder brother and mother fell down one after another, her natal family couldn't give a reasonable explanation, and even concealed her vaguely, so she faintly felt that it was tricky.

   Now that she knew that Wen Yu was a vicious and vicious person, she was terrified and rejected Mother Wen without even thinking about it.

  Wen's mother, who didn't know it, felt uncomfortable when she heard her sister-in-law's fierce words.

  Thinking that Wen Qing is as mean and snobbish as the old lady Wen, and knowing that Wen Yu is not from the blood of the Wen family, she simply refuses to say a word to Wen Yu.

  Her attitude also became cold, "Ah Qing, if there is nothing else, I will hang up."

  Wen Qing originally wanted to remind Mother Wen to be wary of Wen Yu, but Mother Wen was with Wen Yu, so she couldn't say it out loud.

   Seeing Mother Wen's unhappy expression after finishing the phone call, Wen Yu asked with concern: "Mom, did your aunt say something unpleasant?"

  (end of this chapter)

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