The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 271: Vol 1000 Chapter 271

  Chapter 271Chapter 271 I don't want to be a good person

  After entering the bedroom, Lin Qianxiao saw two beautifully packaged handbags on the bed. Before she even had time to put the bags, Lin Qianxiao opened them to take a look. .

  The pink tote bag is filled with **** pink transparent lace.

  Lin Qianxiao picked up the lace curiously, and asked Jiang Zhi who had just walked into the bedroom, "What is this?"

  Jiang Zhi's black eyes paused for a second on the lace, "Pajamas."


Lin Qian smiled and glared at him with a look of "you're as easy to deceive as a three-year-old child". She deeply suspected that Jiang Zhi was playing with her, the lace was so transparent that even the hairs on her skin couldn't cover it Does it make a difference if you wear it or not?

  Lin Qian smiled and ignored him, threw the lace on the bed, and picked up another black handbag.

  A note was pasted on the handbag, "Small kindness is not a respect. I wish Mr. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang a wonderful and unforgettable night."

  Jiang Zhi originally wanted to go into the cloakroom to change clothes, but when he heard what Lin Qianxiao said, he paused, turned around, walked over, and took out the things in the handbag.

  Lin Qian smiled and looked over, "What is it?"

  The original disc of the movie "Lust, Caution", with clear uncut high-definition code-free printed on the cover.

  Seeing that the cover of the disc was a beautiful woman in a cheongsam, Lin Qian smiled curiously, "Is this movie good?"

  Jiang Zhi put the disc back into the handbag calmly, "I haven't seen it either."

  He hadn’t watched it, but he knew what it was about. After all, when the movie became a hit, the Internet media reported overwhelmingly.

  Lin Qian smiled and took out her mobile phone, "I asked Meimei why she gave me some inexplicable things. I thought she was going to give me perfume and lipstick, which made me look forward to it in vain."

  Lin Qianxiao was about to dial Zhao Meimei's number when Jiang Zhi suddenly took the phone from her hand.

  She turned her head following Jiang Zhi's movements, "What are you doing?"

  Jiang Zhi gently threw the phone on the bed, wrapped her arms around her waist, and pushed her against the railing of the window, "I haven't answered the question you asked me in the car."

  Lin Qian smiled with enthusiasm on her cheeks, looking up at him expectantly and nervously.

   "I reflected on it. I must have not performed enough to make you feel uncertain and insecure."

  Lin Qianxiao just had a small question mark on her forehead, and before she had time to ask what it meant, Jiang Zhi had already leaned over and kissed her lips.

As if trying to express his love for her, he kissed urgently and fiercely, her lips felt numb and painful, all breathing was plundered, and the lack of oxygen in her brain made her whole body weak. Instinctively hooked his neck, supporting the body so as not to slip to the ground.

  After half an hour, Jiang Zhi showed no signs of stopping, but kissed even deeper, as if he wanted to swallow her into his stomach!

  Lin Qianxiao felt like a stranded fish, about to die at any moment, her lips hurt, her breathing was suffocating, darkness and dizziness submerged her like a tide.

   After an unknown amount of time, Lin Qianxiao woke up and found that she was nestled in Jiang Zhi's broad and warm embrace like a cat.

"woke up?"

  Lin Qianxiao was still in a daze, "Why did I fall asleep? How long have I been asleep?"

  Jiang Zhi straightened her up, and let her sit on his lap facing him, "You didn't fall asleep, but you fainted from my kiss, um, you fainted for about five minutes."

  Lin Qian smiled dumbfounded, her face slowly covered with red.

  Jiang Zhi's black eyes were stained with a smile, "So, do you now know whether I like you or not?"

  Seeing that she pursed her lips and remained silent, Jiang Zhi said in a soft voice, "I like it so much, I like it so much that the word 'like' is not enough to express it."

  Lin Qian smiled more and more red, her eyes shone brighter than stars, she leaned on his shoulder, "Jiang Zhi, life is too short, let's be together in the next life, okay?"

"it is good."

  After dinner, Jiang Zhi cleaned up the dishes, Lin Qianxiao cut off the tags of the clothes he bought for Jiang Zhi in the afternoon, packed them in laundry bags, and put them in the washing machine to rinse.

  After finishing her work, Lin Qianxiao returned to the living room, and was about to go to the kitchen to ask Jiang what he was doing in the evening, and if he wanted to watch the movie Zhao Meimei sent, when Jiang Zhi's phone on the dining table rang.

  She picked it up, saw Wen Ziming's name, and took the phone into the kitchen in doubt.

   "Your phone is ringing."

  Jiang Zhi was cutting fruit, without raising his head, he asked, "Who is calling?"

   "Wen Ziming."

  Jiang Zhi paused when he cut the fruit, and said softly, "You pick it up for me, tell me, I'll reply to him later."


  Lin Qian smiled and swiped away the screen, and said without waiting for the other person to speak: "He's busy, I'll get back to you later."

  Hearing the soft and sweet voice on the phone, Wen Ziming was stunned for a moment, and then realized that it was Lin Qianxiao.

  Her voice was very nice, and it also made him feel strange.

   Actually, the two haven’t seen each other for about a month and a half.

  Wen Ziming called her in a shy voice, "Smile, how are you doing recently? Is your body feeling better?"

  In Lin Qianxiao's mind, Wen Ziming and Wen Yu were on the same side, and his concern was like a weasel giving a chicken New Year's greetings, uneasy and kind.

  She replied in a very aggressive tone: "I really let you down, I'm terribly fine!"

   After finishing speaking, she hung up first before waiting for a response from the other party.

  Jiang Zhi turned to her and asked, "Did he make you unhappy?"

Lin Qian complained angrily, "He never cared about me, but asked me if I was feeling better. Although he hasn't said anything yet, I can guess with my toes that he must want to speak for Wen Yu again. Why is Xiaoyu so kind and won't harm me, blah blah blah, I don't bother to listen."

  Hearing this, Jiang Zhi didn't say anything more.

  He put all kinds of fruits cut into small cubes into lotus-shaped crystal bowls, assembled them into a big Rubik's cube, then poured yogurt ice cream on top of the fruit Rubik's cube, and served it to her.

   "Go to the living room to eat."

  Lin Qian smiled with liking all over her eyes, looked up at him with sparkling almond eyes, "It's so beautiful, what should I do if I don't want to eat it?"

  Jiang Zhi took out the fruit from the sterilized cupboard and put it in a crystal bowl, "As long as it's not menstrual period, you can eat it whenever you want."

  Lin Qian tiptoed with a beaming smile, and kissed him on the lips, "Thank you husband."

  Jiang Zhi rubbed her hairy head with a smile on his dark eyes, "You watch TV by yourself, I'll go to the study and make a phone call."

"it is good."

  Lin Qianxiao ran to the living room with the fruit cube in her arms, took out her mobile phone and took a 360-degree picture without any dead ends, and then reluctantly picked up the fruit and ate it.

   While eating, feed Zhao Meimei dog food on WeChat.




  Zhao Meimei has been in a hurry these days, surfing the Internet on her mobile phone every day, and replied as soon as she received the photo, [What the hell? Dessert? 】

  Lin Qian replied with a smile, 【It's the Fruit Rubik's Cube. 】

  Zhao Meimei complimented her, [It's okay, you're so leisurely tinkering with these things today, don't you want to visit Taobao? 】

  【This is my husband's craftsmanship. 】


  Zhao Meimei was furious, 【Lin Qianxiao, promise me, let's be good people, okay? 】

   Thank you [Xiangxi, accompany] 2 monthly tickets

   Thanks【─╄OvЁTangtang】1 monthly pass

   Thanks [Shangshang Qianqian] for a monthly ticket

   Thanks 【(⊙o⊙)】1 monthly ticket

   Thank you [pimple noodles] for a monthly ticket

   Thank you [Ningzhi] for 2 monthly tickets

   Thank you 【Jet Lemon】1 monthly ticket

   Thank you [the so-called oath* is just a loan from the time of the cut] 1 monthly ticket

   Thanks [Genius Girl Guo Degang] for a monthly ticket

   Bow to thank the little cuties for their monthly ticket support, more heart~

   Second, a little later~



  (end of this chapter)

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