The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 285: extraordinary night

  Chapter 285 An extraordinary night

  When Chen Haibing received a call from Shi Xiaotian, Chen Haibing had just finished interrogating a major theft case and was about to leave work.

Shi Xiaotian briefly explained the case of Shi Na and Hu Lin being poisoned, "I heard that in the case of Mrs. Jiang's poisoning, you also suspected Wen Yu at first, but you never investigated Wen Yu. What is the reason?"

  Chen Haibing has been in the police force for a shorter period of time than Shi Xiaotian, but his official position is one level higher than Shi Xiaotian's. Apart from his own strength, he is also impeccable in his conduct.

  Although Shi Xiaotian is not in the same jurisdiction as him, and his position is lower than his, but the other party's qualifications are there. He doesn't want to offend the other party easily, but it is inconvenient to reveal too much.

  He laughed in an official tone and said: "This case is a long story, and I can't explain a sentence or two clearly. How about I go and have an interview with you?"

  Shi Xiaotian couldn't ask for more, "Okay, come here, I'll treat you to supper."

   "Okay, I'm coming over now, and I'll be there in about 40 minutes."

   After Chen Haibing hung up the phone, he saw that the time was past 12 midnight, hesitated for a moment, and still called Jiang Zhi, walking to the parking lot to get the car.

  Jiang Zhi was already asleep at this time, but he was vigilant in his bones. Even when he fell asleep, he maintained a high degree of alertness. He woke up almost at the same time the phone rang.

  He took the phone, turned off the ringer, looked down at Lin Qianxiao who was sleeping peacefully in his arms, carefully laid her body flat, got up and got out of bed, left the bedroom lightly, and went to the study.

  No one answered the phone, Chen Haibing hesitated to call again, and Jiang Zhi called back.

  On the phone, Jiang Zhi's voice was as deep and cold as ever, and he could not hear the sleepiness of being woken up in his sleep at all.

  Chen Haibing carelessly said: "It's so late, Mr. Jiang hasn't rested yet? Work is important, so we should take care of our health."

  Jiang Zhi didn't explain much, "What is Captain Chen looking for?"

Chen Haibing hurriedly told him about Shi Xiaotian's phone call, "Shi Xiaotian probably hit a wall with Wen Yu and wanted to open a breakthrough from me, but I don't have any clues, just want to ask Mr. Jiang, you Is there any progress in the investigation over there? Just reveal it casually. After all, I am the person in charge of Mrs. Jiang's case on the surface, so I don't want to be too negligent and slack to make people talk about it."

  Jiang Zhi asked someone to secretly investigate Wen Yu's matter. Although he didn't tell Chen Haibing, he didn't deliberately conceal it.

  Chen Haibing is well versed in the way of being an official, and he is also happy to establish friendship with Jiang Zhi, a business tycoon in S City, so he simply pretends to be ignorant.

   Now that Wen Yu has been arrested, Chen Haibing intuitively feels that this is a signal that Jiang Zhi intends to do something to Wen Yu. Similarly, it also shows that Jiang Zhi has collected almost all the evidence in private.

He made this phone call, on the one hand, to sell Jiang Zhi, to reveal the progress of Shi Xiaotian's investigation, and on the other hand, to test Jiang Zhi's attitude, if he can get the evidence without any effort, and bring Wen Yu to justice, For him, there is no harm at all.

  Jiang Zhi doesn't dislike people like Chen Haibing who are trying to make money. They are convenient for each other, and each takes what they need. There is nothing wrong with it.

"Feng Xianglan, I worked as a servant in Jiang's house for a while, Wen Yu bribed her to put depression drugs into my wife's diet, the chat records of the two people's private exchanges, the bank card transfer records of Wen Yu to Feng Xianglan's daughter, Lin Fengjiao has long been The record of illegally buying large quantities of depression drugs from the doctors and nurses of XX Hospital many times, I will send it to your mobile phone later.

  Feng Xianglan is now in her hometown in N City. She wanted to abscond, but was temporarily held back by my people. You should send people to arrest her as soon as possible. "

Chen Haibing was so overjoyed by the "pie" falling from the sky that his mouth almost reached the back of his head, "Thank you Mr. Jiang, don't worry, I will bring the criminal who murdered your wife to justice even if I sacrifice myself .”

  Shi Xiaotian's end.

  After talking on the phone with Chen Haibing, he went out and arranged for someone else to take his place to interrogate Wen Yu, while he himself took the time to close his eyes and rest in the office, waiting for Chen Haibing to come over.

   After about ten minutes, there was a knock on the door.

  Shi Xiaotian opened his eyes and looked at the time. While wondering why Chen Haibing came so quickly, he got up and opened the door.

   "Captain, did you order takeaway?"

  Seeing the subordinates and delivery staff standing at the door, Shi Xiaotian was stunned for a moment, "Is it the wrong delivery? I didn't order a delivery."

  The delivery man looked down at the list in his hand, "The address is correct, Captain Shi of the Criminal Police Brigade."

  Shi Xiaotian took the list and took a look. The address and name were correct, and the phone number was not his, but it looked familiar.

The takeaway is a well-known 24-hour tea restaurant in S City. The staple food is fried rice noodles with crab roe, seafood porridge, and dry fried beef river. Pills, etc., all kinds of things filled a large table.

  When Chen Haibing saw the delicious food on this big table, he thought that Shi Xiaotian had specially prepared it for him, and he was quite embarrassed and polite: "You can eat any noodles, it's too expensive."

  Shi Xiaotian simply didn't explain, "Sit down, let's eat first, and then go to the office to talk."

  Chen Haibing was already hungry, so he was not polite, so he started to sit down.



  Zhou Simin dragged his suitcase out of the airport, and seeing the white Spyker parked by the side of the road, he couldn't help being a little excited.

   Shi Yan got out of the car and quickly approached her, "Give me the suitcase, you get in the car first."

  Zhou Simin nodded shyly, "Thank you, Brother Shi."

  It was already 2 o'clock in the middle of the night when we returned to the urban area. Zhou Simin hurried back to China, and before he could tell his family, he offered to stay in a hotel because he was afraid that going back in the middle of the night would make his family worry.

Shi Yan helped her open a business suite in a five-star hotel nearby, and personally sent her to the door of the room, "Rest well, call me if you need anything, and I'll take you to the police station to record a statement tomorrow afternoon." ,is it okay?"

  Zhou Simin nodded again and again, "Okay, Brother Shi, thank you for coming to pick me up, it's late, you should go to bed earlier, good night."

"Good night."

  This night, for many people, is destined to be not an ordinary night.

  Shi Xiaotian and Chen Haibing had a long talk.

  The light in Wen Hai's study was on until dawn.

  The family tossed and turned.


Mother Wen didn't sleep well in the past two days, and she woke up earlier than usual. She got up at 6 o'clock. She changed her clothes and prepared to go out to relax and buy her son's favorite breakfast. As soon as she came out of the bedroom, she saw Wen Zi Ming came out of his father-in-law's study.

  Wen Ziming's face was full of tiredness, his eyes were bloodshot, and it seemed that he hadn't slept all night.

  Mother Wen stepped forward with distress, "Ziming, has something happened to the company?"

  Wen Ziming shook his head at Wen's mother, and walked around her without wanting to say more, and was about to go back to the room, but before he took two steps, his sleeves were suddenly pulled.

  He turned his head and met Shang Wen's mother's tearful eyes, inexplicably thinking of Lin Qianxiao in his mind.

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   Thanks [Jeez] for 2 monthly tickets

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   Thank you [Starry Sky] for a monthly pass

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  (end of this chapter)

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