The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 288: I want to plant 'strawberries' for you too

  Chapter 288 I will also plant 'strawberry' for you

  Wen Ziming first went to the police station where Wen Hai accidentally injured Wen Jiaji, and handed over the video evidence to the other party. After that, he took Wen's mother to the police station where Wen Yu was detained.

  In the morning, Wen Yu couldn't take it anymore, and fell into a coma in the interrogation room due to hypoglycemia. Now, Wen Yu is lying on a bed in the infirmary.

  The interrogation is not over yet, and Wen Yu, as a criminal suspect, cannot meet her family members yet.

  Through the glass window, seeing Wen Yu sleeping on the hospital bed with a pale complexion, Wen Ziming turned his head and asked the criminal police officers, "When can we see her?"

The criminal police replied: "It depends on when she confessed the case clearly. She stayed with us for a day and two nights. Even if we put the evidence in front of her, she still refused to admit it. Her biological mother, Lin Fengjiao, revealed everything, but It still needs to be verified.”

  Hearing Lin Fengjiao's name, mother Wen showed hatred and anger on her face.

   It was this woman who, while she was drowsy, designed and transferred her daughter!

   "Can I meet Lin Fengjiao?"

  The criminal policeman looked at Mother Wen who was speaking, and hesitated for a moment, "I can see her, but she is a suspect now, so hurry up, don't exceed 10 minutes."

   "Okay, I'll just say a few words to her."

  In the detention room, Lin Fengjiao heard that someone came to see her, and her first reaction was that her daughter Wen Yu came to rescue her!

  With excitement and joy, she came to the reception room, and when she saw Mother Wen sitting inside, her smile froze immediately.

   Seeing her stunned at the door, the criminal police officers behind her gently pushed her in and turned around to guard the door.

  Wen's mother was originally full of anger, but after seeing Lin Fengjiao wearing a yellow prisoner's vest, describing her embarrassing and haggard appearance, she only felt a burst of joy in her heart, and half of the anger in her heart disappeared.

   Facing the well-dressed and graceful Mother Wen, Lin Fengjiao felt guilty and dazed, lowering her head nervously.

   "How long have you been dating Wen Yu in private?"

  When Mother Wen called her daughter by name and surname, Lin Fengjiao raised her head in surprise.

   All along, Mother Wen knew how much she liked Wen Yu, an adopted daughter, although she couldn't figure out why Mother Wen ran to love an adopted daughter instead of her own daughter.

  At this time, Lin Fengjiao didn't know that the true colors of her and her daughter Wen Yu had been fully exposed in front of the Wen family.

  She subconsciously thought that Mother Wen was angry because Wen Yu had contact with her, and her mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about how to cover up for her daughter so that Mother Wen could continue to love her daughter.

"In fact, Xiaoyu doesn't contact me very much. I took the initiative to find her. In Xiaoyu's heart, I have always regarded you as my biological mother. You know, Xiaoyu is a good girl with a kind heart. She only treats me out of ethics. .”

  If Mother Wen hadn't seen the video of Wen Yu pushing her husband, she might have believed what she said.

She gritted her teeth angrily, "You don't have to pretend in front of me! I already know all about what you and Wen Yu are doing behind the scenes! I came today to tell you that you changed my daughter's background and made her eat ten thousand dollars in the countryside. Eight years of suffering, your daughter murdered my husband and poisoned my mother-in-law, it's time to settle all these accounts!

   In this life, you two cockroach-like stinking mother and daughter, even if you go through the prison, you will never regain your freedom! "

  Mother Wen finished her harsh words, and seeing Lin Fengjiao's ashen and panic-stricken face, she felt very happy inside.

  When she learned that her daughter had been replaced by Lin Fengjiao, a vicious and stupid woman, she was filled with resentment, but she was afraid that Wen Yu, her adopted daughter, would be divorced from her, so she resisted and did not settle with Lin Fengjiao.

  At this moment, she finally felt proud!


  Jiang Zhi, as usual, sent Lin Qianxiao to the entrance of the hospital first. Currently, after two female bodyguards escorted her into the hospital, he ordered the driver to drive to the company.

  After entering the ward, Lin Qianxiao first talked with Mrs. Jiang for a while, and then lay down on the hospital bed, waiting for the nurse to come in and put her on an IV.

  Around 8:30, Mrs. Jiang took the medicine and was going downstairs to relax. She was afraid that Lin Qianxiao would be bored, so she asked Xiaolan to stay with Lin Qianxiao in the ward.

  After Mrs. Jiang went out, Xiaolan ran up to Lin Qianxiao with a smile on her face, bent over, and asked narrowly, "Madam, have you been planted with 'grass mold'?"

  Lin Qian smiled blankly, "No, I came to the hospital right after breakfast, so I didn't plant weed mildew."

  Xiaolan covered her mouth and smiled for a long time before pointing to Lin Qianxiao's neck and reminding, "Ma'am, you were planted with 'grass mold'!"

  Seeing Lin Qianxiao rubbing her neck, looking like she didn't understand, Xiao Lan found out her own mirror and handed it to Lin Qianxiao.

   "There is a hickey on the neck."

  Lin Qian took the mirror with a smile, saw the pink mark on her neck that she mistook for a mosquito bite, and a blush appeared on her face in embarrassment.

  She returned the small mirror to Xiaolan, said with a stern face, "It was bitten by a mosquito."

  Xiaolan showed an exaggerated expression, "Wow, with such a big red mark, it must be a mosquito demon that has lived for thousands of years?"

  Lin Qian cleared her throat with a warm smile, "I'm a little hungry, go and cut some fruit for me."

   "There are bananas, apples, honeydew melons, grapes and cherries in the refrigerator. What would my wife like to eat?"

   "Whatever you want, cut up a little bit, and you can eat it when mom comes back."


  After sending Xiaolan away, Lin Qianxiao picked up the small mirror that Xiaolan had placed on the bedside table, and took a look at the red marks on her neck. A cluster of flames ignited in her almond eyes.

  She turned on her phone to take a selfie, took a photo of the red mark on her neck, and sent it to Jiang Zhi.

【You deliberately! 】

【very beautiful. 】

  Lin Qian smiled with anger, 【Tomorrow I will plant 'strawberries' for you too. 】

   Let you be laughed at by people in the company!

  Jiang has a regular meeting every Monday morning, but today's meeting is very unusual compared to the past.

   All along, Jiang Zhi, the chairman and president of the Jiang Group, has the final say. He is also the only decision-maker of the Jiang Group.

In the past two years, at every board meeting, many directors proposed to set up the position of vice president. These people did not intend to deploy people to compete with Jiang Zhi for power. After all, the shares of all shareholders in the entire board of directors combined did not have Jiang Zhi alone. many.

   Moreover, Jiang Zhi is only in his 20s, in the prime of his life, smart, and ruthless. If this business momentum continues, the Jiang Group will become a domestic leader sooner or later, and it will be just around the corner to become one of the world's top 500 companies.

  Jiang’s directors will not make things difficult for Qian, nor dare to make things difficult for Jiang Zhi.

  Because Jiang Zhi's wealth is as strong as his strength, he can kick out directors who don't like him in minutes.

  So, every time at the board meeting, the directors put forward some suggestions, but Jiang Zhi didn't agree with them, and finally nothing was done.

  The directors never expected that they proposed to set up the position of vice president at the chairman meeting every year and were rejected, but now, at an ordinary group meeting, it has been realized!

  The reason is: "I'm going to have a wedding in a while, so I'm going to take wedding leave to go on honeymoon."

  (end of this chapter)

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