Chapter 290

  Shi Xiaotian saw that Wen Yu was clearly in a mess, so he took the opportunity to continue to exert psychological pressure on her.

  He slapped the table heavily, and Wen Yu, who was already upset, was shocked by fright.

   "Wen Yu, you don't forget that the hotel has surveillance, right? How did you bring the cake to rooms 904 and 905? We can see clearly from the surveillance.

  With your biological mother’s confession, Zhou Simin’s testimony, your private contacts and transactions with Hu Lin, even if you don’t admit it, you can’t get away with the crime of poisoning and causing death!

Also, Feng Xianglan has been caught and will be taken back to City S tomorrow. You ordered Feng Xianglan to inject depression drugs into Mrs. Jiang’s diet. Lin Fengjiao illegally bought large quantities of depression drugs from doctors and nurses many times in the past two years. We have found evidence !

  We have reason to suspect that you poisoned Mrs. Jiang premeditatedly and for a long time.

  By the way, just half an hour ago, we received a report from the XX district police station that you were also suspected of intentional injury, causing your adoptive father Wen Jiaji to suffer severe brain damage and become mentally handicapped. "

  Wen Yu couldn't hold back anymore and shouted emotionally: "It wasn't me! It was Wen Hai who hurt Wen Jiaji! Don't try to frame me!"

  Shi Xiaotian's voice was louder than hers, "Wen Yu, how did you push Wen Jiaji? The people in the opposite neighborhood captured it clearly with a camera! You don't have to shirk it to others!"

  The action of her pushing Wen Jiaji was photographed?

   Now, Wen Yu completely panicked.

  She has been stubborn and refused to plead guilty for the past two days, just thinking that she is holding Wen Hai's handle, holding 5% of Wen's shares, and the Wen family will never dare to sit idly by her.

   But now, her only confidence is gone!

   No, she still has a chance.

  She still has 5% of Wen's shares!

  Seeing that Wen Yu's expression changed for a while, and finally calmed down again, still refusing to confess a word, Shi Xiaotian finally knew that this woman is a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, and will not plead guilty even to death.

  Since Wen Yu couldn't make a breakthrough here, Shi Xiaotian didn't waste any time at all, and handed over the work of interrogation to two newcomers for practice, while he led the others to conduct comprehensive evidence collection and investigation.


  In the afternoon, when Jiang Zhi came to pick up Lin Qianxiao after get off work, he was accompanied by a strange young man.

  Lin Qianxiao just had doubts in her heart, Ning Yu took the initiative to introduce herself with a smile on her face, "Hello, Mrs. Jiang, I am Mr. Jiang's new assistant, and my name is Ning Yu."

  Lin Qian smiled for a moment, her eyebrows and eyes slightly curved, "Your surname is Lin? I have the same surname as mine, what a coincidence."

  Ning Yu explained with a polite smile: "It's Tranquil Ning, who has a back nasal sound compared to Mrs. Jiang's surname."

  Lin Qian smiled and nodded indifferently, "Oh, Ning Yu, hello."

  Jiang Zhi brought Ning Yu here to let him meet someone. After all, he was his assistant. Ning Yu greeted Lin Qianxiao and Mrs. Jiang, and then left wisely.

  Jiang Zhi sat with Mrs. Jiang for a while before pulling Lin Qianxiao to the parking lot.

  Thinking of Ning Yu whom she met just now, Lin Qian smiled curiously, "Will Gao Chen not be your assistant in the future?"

   "Well, I transferred him to another position."


  Lin Qian smiled inexplicably relieved.

  Everything is different from the original.

  Madam Jiang is not dead, Wen Yu, the white lotus heroine, has been revealed, and Gao Chen is no longer Jiang Zhi's assistant, so she will definitely not end up like the original owner's tragic ending, right?

  She wants to live happily ever after with Jiang Zhi!

  Thinking of this, Lin Qian couldn't help but feel happy.

  Lin Qianxiao is not a person who can hide her thoughts, Jiang Zhi can easily see through her emotions through her expression.

  He pinched her soft palm, with a doting smile in his deep voice, "What's so happy?"

  Lin Qian turned to look at him with a smile, her eyes were as bright as stars, "I thought I could be with you forever."

  Hearing this, he let go of her hand, and tightly clasped her slender waist with his palm, with a slight smile in his black eyes, "Nothing can separate us."

   "Jiang Zhi, I seem to like you more and more."


  The setting sun in the sky is slowly sinking into the horizon, and the sky is full of crimson clouds, outlining the backs of the two into a beautiful light and shadow.


  After a week of interrogation, Wen Yu still did not let go.

  However, Shi Xiaotian and Chen Haibing's investigation went very smoothly.

  Feng Xianglan confessed the night she was brought back to City S, she vomited all about her dealings with Wen Yu. She is a smart person and knew that what she committed was not serious.

  On the way to bring her from N City back to S City, she heard the "unintentional" chatter of the plainclothes policemen, and she knew that Wen Yu had been injecting depression drugs into Lin Qianxiao's diet for a long time.

   But she has only been in Jiang's house for more than half a month, and she will not help Wen Yu take the blame. Moreover, she can earn a performance by confessing, and maybe her sentence will be reduced.

  According to the evidence currently held by Shi Xiaotian and Chen Haibing, as well as the testimony of witnesses and accomplices, it is not important whether Wen Yucheng admits it or not.

  She is bound to accept legal trials and sanctions.

  Hearing the news, Lin Qianxiao finally felt that the knife hanging above her head was finally gone.

  After a week of running exercises, Lin Qianxiao's physical fitness and strength have been greatly enhanced. At the beginning of running, she was out of breath for 5 minutes. Now, she can run for 30 minutes without resting.

   In order to reward her, Jiang Zhi got off work early on Friday afternoon and took her on the plane to Hokkaido.

It was Lin Qianxiao's first time to fly an airplane. She was fresh, curious, and worried, "Is it true that you won't fall? There is no spirit in this world. How can such a big airplane fly so high and so stably? What if it falls?" What should I do?"

  Lin Qianxiao's silly (crazy) words attracted frequent attention from the surrounding passengers and flight attendants.

   Fortunately, they were sitting in the first class cabin, and there were not many passengers. Relatively speaking, their status and accomplishments were relatively high. Even though they felt that what Lin Qian said was unfavorable, no one criticized them.

   More importantly, they dare not.

  Jiang Zhi and Lin Qianxiao's identities are known to almost everyone in S City, including the upper class across the country.

Jiang Zhi gently rubbed the top of her head with his palm, and comforted her patiently in a low voice: "Airplanes are the safest and fastest means of transportation at present. I used to fly by plane almost every week, so I don't want to accompany you well now, um ? Don't be afraid."

   "I'm not afraid." Lin Qian looked at him with a strange smile, leaned closer to him, and whispered, "When I was in the fairy world, I used to fly around in the sky, even higher than this."


   Hearing her talking about the fairy world again, he touched the back of her head and asked indifferently, "Are you hungry?"

   "Did you bring any food?"

   "Drinks, desserts and dinner are provided on the plane. We will eat dinner when we arrive in Hokkaido. If you are hungry, you can eat some desserts to fill your stomach."

  Lin Qian smiled and thought about it, "I want to eat some fruit, do you have any?"


  (end of this chapter)

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