Chapter 298 Dreaming

  Jiang Zhi held her face with both hands, his black eyes were deep and gentle, "Smile, don't say sorry to me, you can tell me, why are you unhappy?"

  Lin Qianxiao had the nerve to say that it was because she lied in front of her girlfriends because she wanted to save face, but she got angry.

  She sniffed and said in frustration: "I just feel that I was very sorry last night, and I am very sorry for you."


  Jiang Zhi could sense that she was hiding something, but he didn't want to force her to express her petty thoughts that she didn't want to be exposed. He was patient enough and willing to indulge her in everything.

  He coaxed in a low voice: "You don't need to be nervous or anxious. Some things depend on fate and timing. We have a lifetime. Like all couples, we will get married, have children and grow old, and let everything take its course."

  Lin Qian smiled and looked at him with moist almond eyes, "Then you are really not angry with me?"

   "No. I'm not mad at you, not now or ever."

  Lin Qian smiled and pouted, "If in the future I often lose my temper with you and annoy you by making unreasonable troubles, won't you be angry?"

   "Well, no."

He gently rubbed her small white chin back and forth with his thumb, and while enjoying the delicate and smooth touch between his fingertips, he explained in a low voice: "You lose your temper and fight with me, so I can know the grievance and unhappiness in your heart." , I know how to coax you. If you keep everything in your heart and don’t let me know, you will become more and more unhappy, which is not good for your physical and mental health.

   In the future, if you have any grievances and unhappiness, you must tell me. Whether it is losing your temper or quarreling, I will only know if you say it. "


   "Are you feeling better now?"

  Lin smiled and nodded shyly.

  Jiang Zhi rubbed the top of her head, a smile floated in his dark eyes, "Take a shower and go to bed early, get up for a run tomorrow morning, in addition to jogging for 30 minutes, plus two sets of sit-ups."

  Lin Qian smiled and opened her eyes wide to look at him, with puzzlement and dissatisfaction in her clear eyes, "Why? You can't just say you're not angry, but actually torture me in different ways, right?"

  Jiang Zhi had helplessness on his face, "Didn't I tell you when I was washing the vegetables, I was afraid that you would be tired and dizzy when you got married because of your poor physical strength."

Lin Qian smiled and hummed: "You said before that I don't need to do anything, and I don't need to worry about anything, I just need to wear the wedding dress I like and attend the ceremony happily, but now you say that it will make me dizzy, I won't I’m calling you husband, forget about calling you Jiang Dazhu’s trotters!”

  Jiang Zhi's black eyes became darker, "You really only need to attend the ceremony beautifully during the day, I mean tired, I mean at night, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear me."

  Lin Qian smiled dumbfounded, realizing what he meant, her face suddenly became hot, but her mouth refused to admit defeat, "Don't underestimate people, I'm physically strong now!"

  In the past, she couldn't take a breath, and was often kissed by him until she fainted from lack of oxygen, but now she can't!

  However, Lin Qianxiao still had lingering fears when she thought of what she saw last night.

   "Is other people's ones that big?"

  Jiang Zhi didn't know what was going on in her little head, so he couldn't react for a moment, "What?"

  Lin Qian smiled blushing like she had applied too much rouge, and pointed to his pants, "There."


   Rao, who was always calm and composed, also became unnatural when asked by Lin Qianxiao.

  He pinched her white and tender chin amusedly, "What do you think?"

   "I haven't seen it before, how would I know."

  Jiang Zhi's eyes rolled with a touch of coldness, "Who do you want to see?"

  Although his voice was casual, Lin Qianxiao keenly sensed a hint of danger.

  She had an innocent and simple expression on her face, her apricot eyes were full of cunning, "Your, can you show me?"


  Jiang Zhi unhurriedly stood up straight, and slowly buckled the belt with his hands.

  Lin Qian blushed with a smile, and quickly covered her eyes, "Don't, oops, I'm just kidding you!"

  Jiang Zhi's lips curled slightly, taking the opportunity to bend down and kiss her lips.


  There is a piece of white all around, white walls, white floors, white beds, white light tubes, and nothing else.

  Oh, there is also a self in white clothes and white pants standing in the middle of the room.

  Lin Qian smiled and opened her mouth to shout, but her throat seemed to be blocked by a ball of cotton, and she couldn't make any sound.

  She wanted to leave here, but she was surrounded by cold walls, without windows or doors.

  While she was running around in a hurry, a nurse in white clothes and a white mask suddenly appeared behind her. The nurse was holding a medical insert in her hand, and in the tray was a large box of white pills.

  The nurse had a cold smile in her eyes, "Lin Qianxiao, it's time for you to take your medicine."

  She is not sick, why does she need to take medicine?

   "I don't eat, I'm not sick!"

  The nurse put her smile away, and said with a blank face: "Every mental patient who comes here says that he is not sick, and even if he is not sick, he still needs to take medicine!"

  After the nurse's words fell, several people in the same nurse's attire suddenly appeared around her out of thin air, and they hurriedly pressed her to the ground.

  The nurse who was talking to her walked up to her, looked down at her, and slowly took off the mask.

   Seeing the familiar face under the mask, Lin Qian was stunned with a smile, "Wen Yu, why is it you? You locked me here?"

  Wen Yu gave her a weird smile, "Lin Qianxiao, have you been imprisoned stupidly? You killed Mrs. Jiang, Jiang Zhi asked Gao Chen to imprison you in a mental hospital to avenge his mother."

   "Impossible, Jiang Zhi promised me that he would not put me in a mental hospital."

"Tch, do you really think that Jiang Zhi loves you to death? Don't be naive, the person Jiang Zhi cares about the most is always his mother, Mrs. Jiang! You killed his mother, you are his mother-killing enemy, he can't wait to torture you kill you!"

  Lin Qianxiao glared at the other party angrily, "Wen Yu, the things you said never happened, and Mother Jiang is still recuperating in the hospital!"

  Wen Yu raised her head and laughed loudly, "Lin Qianxiao, Lin Qianxiao, do you think you can change the plot written by God by avoiding me? I won't talk nonsense with you, today is your death day!

  As long as you die, everything will return to normal. I am the heroine of this world, and you are just a short-lived female supporting role, yet you actually want to take my place! Simply fantastic. "

   After saying that, Wen Yu picked up a tray containing a large box of white pills, and handed them to her mouth, "Take these medicines!"

  Lin Qianxiao desperately turned her face away, "I won't eat!"

   "It's up to you!"

  Wen Yu snorted coldly, grabbed a handful of white pills with her hands, and ordered those men in white ruthlessly, "Open her mouth!"

  Lin Qianxiao struggled desperately, and woke up suddenly.

  She opened her eyes and found that she was lying on the bed and sleeping.

  The bedroom was very dark, like in the evening when it was getting dark, she panted with lingering fear, turned her head and found that the bed beside her was empty.

  She called out "husband" in a panic, and the bedroom was so quiet that there was no sound at all.

  Great panic shrouded her heart, she subconsciously sat up on the bed, and wanted to go outside to find Jiang Zhi, when a familiar yet unfamiliar voice suddenly came from the direction of the French window.

"you're awake?"

  (end of this chapter)

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