The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Chapter 38: don't mess with me

  Chapter 38 Don't mess with me

  Under Lin Qianxiao's aggressiveness, Wen Yu's eyes immediately turned red, and she choked up and said, "I'm sorry, I'm used to it, and I haven't changed it for a while. Smile, don't get me wrong, I will definitely pay attention in the future."

  Seeing that Lin Qianxiao made Wen Yu cry as soon as she came back, Wen's mother's affection for Lin Qianxiao disappeared immediately, and she glared at Lin Qianxiao angrily.

   "Xiaoyu just made a slip of the tongue, why are you so stubborn? Xiaoyu was the one who got engaged to Jiang's family back then. If she hadn't let you, do you think you are qualified to marry into Jiang's family on your terms?"

  Lin Qianxiao came back today to find fault.

  If the Wen family and Wen Yu made her unhappy, then everyone should not be happy.

After hearing Mother Wen's words, she folded her arms and said with a smile: "Then let's make this matter clear today. Is it her Wen Yu who let me go, or the Jiang family chose me? I'll call Mrs. Jiang immediately." ask clearly."

  Lin Qianxiao just took out his mobile phone, when the silent old man Wen said, "Okay, is there anything the family can't say clearly? Do you want everyone to know the joke?"

  Lin Qian glanced at the old man with a smile, pouted, and put the phone back in the bag.

  She didn't really want to call Mrs. Jiang either.

  Madam Jiang needs to recuperate, so Jiang Zhi specially reserved a whole floor of ward for Madam Jiang.

  She really dared to disturb Mrs. Jiang's recovery with such a trivial matter, and Jiang Zhi was the first to spare her.

  But even though Lin Qianxiao put the phone back in her bag, she didn't give the Wen family a good look, she was as cold as ice and didn't even look at everyone.

Old Man Wen glanced at Father Wen calmly, Father Wen understood instantly, coughed, and smoothed things over and said: "When the marriage was set, it was indeed Xiaoyu and Jiang Zhi, but later Mrs. Wen knew that Xiaoyu and Qian Laughing that you got your identity wrong, and it was you."

   This statement still satisfied Lin Qianxiao.

  She looked at Wen Yu with lowered eyebrows, and knew without thinking that the other party must be very angry now.

   Deserved it!

  If Wen Yu, the white lotus, hadn't secretly photographed her shopping and sent out photos of her shopping, and slandered her for being taken care of by a benefactor and made her a trending search, how could she have inexplicably incurred a debt of 30 million yuan.

  Lin Qian smiled and looked at Mother Wen again.

   She has no idea about the eccentric Mother Wen.

  If Mother Wen just simply doesn't like her and treats her coldly, she can ignore it. After all, mother and daughter also depend on fate, so they can't come by force.

  Mother Wen blindly pampers Wen Yu, an adopted daughter, and tramples on her without principle, regardless of right and wrong, which makes people hiccup.

   Based on her conditions, she is not qualified to marry into the Jiang family. Wen Yu, the daughter of a human trafficker, is eligible to marry into the Jiang family?

   "Mrs. Wen said something wrong, shouldn't she apologize?"

  Hearing Lin Qianxiao's address, before Mother Wen could respond, Father Wen got angry first.

   "What Mrs. Wen, your rules have been eaten by dogs? If you call her Mrs. Wen, do you want to call me Mr. Wen?"

  Lin Qian looked at Father Wen with a smile, blinking almond-shaped eyes, "You don't like Mr. Wen's name, I can call you Mr. Wen."

  Father Wen was so angry that he slapped the table, "Lin Qianxiao, do you really think Mrs. Jiang can be lawless now?"

  Lin Qian smiled and looked down at Roufen's nails. She wanted to do a blingbling manicure today, but unfortunately she didn't have enough time.

  Father Wen was furious at Lin Qianxiao's casual attitude, and rushed forward, raising his hands high.

  Wen Yu on the side covered her mouth in shock, but she was yelling frantically in her heart: Hit it, hit it hard!

Faced with Father Wen's anger, Lin Qianxiao remained motionless, without even blinking her eyelashes, her voice was soft but full of momentum, "Call it, I just go back at night so that Jiang Zhi can see how you treat his wife of!"

  Don't look at Lin Qianxiao who is as stable as a dog on the surface, but actually panicked inside.

  Father Wen is tall and burly, and his open palm is bigger than her face. If you really push it down, will her small body be broken?

   "Boss, what do you want to do? Is there anything you can't say well, can you solve the problem by doing it?"

  With the ladder handed by Mr. Wen himself, Father Wen went downhill, and angrily shook his hands and sat back in his seat.

  Wen Yu let go of her hand covering her mouth in great disappointment, and couldn't help but curse Wen's father as a waste in her heart.

Mr. Wen reprimanded Lin Qianxiao, "Although you have married into the Jiang family, you still have the blood of our Wen family on your body. Without the backing of the Wen family, you think you can gain a firm foothold in the Jiang family on your own. ? Do you know how many women out there covet Mrs. Jiang's position?"

  She doesn't know how many people are outside, but she knows there is one in front of her.

  Looking at Shanglin Qianxiao with a half-smile that she couldn't avoid, Wen Yu could only bite the bullet and ask softly, "Xiaoxiao, why are you looking at me like that?"

  Lin Qian smiled and rolled her beautiful eyes, "How do you know I'm looking at you if you don't look at me?"

  Wen Yu's face froze when she was stunned, and then she showed her iconic aggrieved and sad expression, "smiling..."

   "Stop, stop, stop!"

  Wen Yu just opened her mouth when Lin Qianxiao stopped her loudly.

"Are you gold or tofu? When I look at you, will you lose a piece of meat or will you be broken? I'm tired of watching you pretend to be bullied by me. Really, you have to keep up with the times." There is innovation, otherwise it will be eliminated sooner or later."

  Wen Yu has an expression of eating shit:...

  Lin Qian smiled and looked at the time on her phone, it was almost 5 o'clock, and it would take an hour to go back from Wen's house, and dinner was at 7 o'clock, so she had to leave at 6 o'clock.

   You have to hurry up, "Tell me, what do you want to say to me?"

  Father Wen asked her, "The last time I called you, why didn't you call me back?"

  Lin Qian smiled and frowned slightly, "When is it?"

   "The day before yesterday."

   "The day before yesterday I..."

   Before Lin Qianxiao had time to ask when she answered the phone the day before yesterday, she was interrupted by Mr. Wen.

   "Okay, the business is important, what are you doing with those useless things!"

  Father Wen fell silent, Old Man Wen looked at Lin Qian and smiled, and asked her, "Did Jiang Zhi mention when the wedding will be held?"

  Lin smiled and shook his head.

  Master Wen thought for a while, and then asked, "Did Mrs. Jiang tell you anything? For example, give you precious jewelry, jade pendants or jade bracelets?"

  Lin Qianxiao knew what old man Wen was thinking as soon as he heard it.

  What precious jewelry and jade pendant? I actually want to ask about the Jiang family heirloom emperor green bracelet, right?


  Hearing what Lin Qianxiao said, the eyes of Mr. Wen and Father Wen lit up.

  Old Man Wen couldn't hide his excitement and asked, "What did I give you?"

  Lin Qian smiled and gestured, "Such a big ruby ​​necklace is said to be very valuable, tens of millions."

  Lin Qianxiao didn't know how much the ruby ​​necklace was worth, but since it was in her hands, she could say whatever she wanted, anyway, Mr. Wen couldn't see it.

  Mr. Wen was extremely disappointed when he heard that it was a ruby ​​necklace, and asked unwillingly, "Is there anything else?"

  Lin Qian smiled seriously and shook her head, "It's gone."

  (end of this chapter)

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