The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 594: Besieged on all sides (second more)

  Chapter 594 Besieged on all sides (second update)

   It wasn't until the car parked in the parking lot downstairs of the studio that the smile on Chen Liyan's face subsided.

  Chen Liyan's face is already outstanding, coupled with the precipitation and transformation of his age, his gestures are elegant and elegant, with an indescribable charm.

   Zhao Meimei suddenly had an idea.

  If she could marry Chen Liyan, what would she have to worry about in her next life?

  With the thought, her heart beat slightly faster.

  She can't handle Jiang Zhi, there's no reason why Chen Liyan can't handle it either.

  Chen Liyan sat opposite her, looking at her calmly, with a hint of apology in his expression, "Sorry, I have something to do at the moment, so I'm late."

  Zhao Meimei smiled slightly, "It's okay. I am very touched that you can come to see me at this time."

  She pretends to be strong on the surface, but there is a touch of sadness in her words.

  If you were any other man, you would be more or less aroused with sympathy and distress.

  Chen Liyan has basically faded out of the show business circle in the past two years, and rarely pays attention to the trends in the circle.

  Two days ago, Shu Yue saw the bed photo of Zhao Meimei sleeping with her. He asked his assistant to find out that Zhao Meimei had been blocked, and he also knew that she couldn't get a job after looking for relationships and favors everywhere.

  Looking at the beautiful yet unfamiliar face of the woman, Chen Liyan didn't know what to say for a while.

   Counting it, the two haven't sat and chatted like this for 7 or 8 years.

  Zhao Meimei asked softly, "How have you been all these years?"

  Chen Liyan nodded lightly, "Very good."

  Zhao Meimei showed a wry smile on her face, "That's good."

  In this case, a normal man will ask back: How about you, how are you doing?

   Then she can express her yearning tactfully.

  She is confident that even if Chen Liyan doesn't like her now, she won't be indifferent to her confession.

   After all, she is the other party's first love.

  Chen Liyan was thinking about Shu Yue at this moment.

  The little girl is outspoken and arrogant, and also jealous. If he gets along with his ex-girlfriend alone for a long time, he will probably be unhappy again.

  Thinking about it, he directly opened the photo on his phone and placed it in front of Zhao Meimei.

   "Look at these first."

  Zhao Meimei picked up the phone in doubt, and when she saw the photo on the screen clearly, the blood on her face faded away instantly.

  She rowed back in horror.

   Until the last picture, her face seemed to be covered with a layer of white paint.

  If you were a normal person, you would feel ashamed at this time.

   But Zhao Meimei is not an ordinary person, she only has one thought in her head.

  Why does Chen Liyan have these photos? Has he been secretly following her every move? Does he still like her?

   At the same time, he was very annoyed, and even felt a bit of resentment towards Chen Liyan.

  If he had revealed his heart earlier, she would not have betrayed herself to seek a backer.

   The top priority, she must keep Chen Liyan steady.

  Thinking about it this way, Zhao Meimei covered her face and sobbed bitterly, telling her last resort.

   "Jiang and Shu suddenly banned me. I really have no choice but someone gave me an idea, saying that Liang from Guangming Media is always from Hong Kong City. If I can go to Guangming Media, I can get out of the current predicament.

  I went to the hotel that day because I wanted to talk to Mr. Liang about signing a contract. Who knew he..."

   "Zhao Meimei." Chen Liyan interrupted her aloud, "You don't need to tell me about your personal affairs with Mr. Liang. I came to you today because I hope you will do something."

   Zhao Meimei's tears, which were not easy to brew, hung on her eyelashes.

  She lowered her head and wiped her tears to hide the embarrassment and shame in her heart.

   "What is it, tell me."

  Chen Liyan looked at her for a while, then said, "You quit the entertainment circle."

  Zhao Meimei couldn't believe her ears, "Chen Liyan, what do you mean?"

  Chen Liyan took back his phone and deleted the photos in the album in batches.

   "I got these photos from someone else. She wanted to expose them, but I begged for you."

  Zhao Meimei's face was so ugly that she couldn't speak.

  So, Chen Liyan didn't find someone to take these photos? !

   Who is holding the handle that is fatal to her! ?

  Glockenspiel? Jiang Liuli? Shuyue?

  Zhao Meimei read the telegram in the center of her mind, and she heard Chen Liyan continue: "She only has one request, that is, you quit the entertainment industry. In exchange, she promises that these photos will not leak out of her hands."

  Zhao Meimei's fingers turned white, "Who is it?"

  Chen Liyan shook his head, "You don't need to know this."

  Zhao Meimei was originally stimulated by the photos so that her blood surged upwards. At this time, seeing Chen Liyan defending the other party in this way, she suddenly became furious.

   "Chen Liyan, who do you think you are, why do you want me to quit the entertainment circle?

  Back then, for your career, I reluctantly gave up my love, and I didn't ask you to be grateful, but you shouldn't join forces with outsiders to throw stones at me at this time! "

  Compared to her fierceness, Chen Liyan was calm and indifferent.

  Those who didn't know it thought he was a heartless scumbag.

  Unfortunately, there were only the two of them in the reception room, Zhao Meimei's performance was only appreciated by herself.

   "The outside world has rumored that Jiang Zhi is cold-blooded and ruthless, and his methods are cruel. He does not flirt or socialize.

  However, the Jiang Group has been able to stand for many years and even grow bigger and bigger. Do you know why? "

  Zhao Meimei remained silent with a cold face.

  Chen Liyan smiled lightly, "Although his character makes people afraid to avoid him, but the shopping mall is like a battlefield, and a lone wolf like him, holding enviable wealth in his hands, can easily attract opponents to attack.

   But this kind of thing has never happened. On the one hand, he has brains and strength. On the other hand, he is not a person who acts arbitrarily according to his preferences.

   It must not be for no reason that he took action to block you. Although I don't know what you did, it is obviously not a trivial matter to anger a person who doesn't even bother to take care of a company with a market value of hundreds of billions of assets.

  Zhao Meimei, it is most suitable for you to quit now, at least you can keep the honor and decency of the past. "

  Zhao Meimei knew that she couldn't fight against Jiang Zhi, so she already planned to switch to the business world.

  But hearing Chen Liyan's words at this moment, she felt rebellious inexplicably.

  Jiang Zhi bullied her for Jiang Liuli, she admits it! But Chen Liyan, as the original body's ex-boyfriend, not only didn't help her, but even took out the bed photo of her sleeping with her to force her to quit the entertainment industry. Why?

  Of course, Zhao Meimei didn't get the answer she wanted until she left Chen Liyan's studio.

  It was a bright sunny day above her head, but she only felt cold to the bone.

  Zhong Qin has a reason for her to instruct Shi Xinru to seduce Xue Shao, and Jiang Zhi has a reason for her to instruct A Can to frame Zhong Qin and Bai Hao.

  Now, Chen Liyan and someone she doesn't know have a bed photo of her sleeping with Liang Zichao.

  If any of these things were exposed, she would be doomed forever.

  In less than a month, she went from being a popular star envied by everyone to being embattled on all sides.

  Zhao Meimei was full of hatred in her heart, but she couldn't help trembling her fingers and sent out a microblog to withdraw from the circle.

  (end of this chapter)

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