The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 597: It turned out to be two light bulbs

  Chapter 597 It turned out to be two light bulbs (fifth watch)

   Soon, the entries of Jiang Liuli and Xiaoxiao Film and Television Company were on the hot search list.

  In less than a day, tens of thousands of job-seeking emails surged in the company's external recruitment mailbox.

   All of this, Lin Qianxiao didn't know, she was giving out wedding candies with Jiang Zhi in the Jiang Group.

  There are three office buildings in the headquarters of the Jiang Group, with nearly 10,000 employees, and the distribution of happy candies one by one will not be finished in the next week.

  During the honeymoon period of the two, the personnel department has already sorted out the list of employees in each department.

   According to the list, Uncle Xu and his servants packed the candies and labeled them.

  Lin Qianxiao and Jiang Zhi distributed wedding candies on a department-by-department basis.

  In addition to the wedding candy, the female employee has a SF lipstick as a present, and the male employee is a cash coupon worth 300 yuan from the Mengya counter.

  It wasn't until 5 pm that Lin Qianxiao finally distributed all the candy and presents from all departments.

  Although I was tired, I was very happy and received countless blessings and small gifts.

  Trucks come full and return full.


  Lin Qianxiao had already arranged to bring honeymoon gifts to employees, but Zhao Meimei didn't think so.

  She believed that Lin Qianxiao deliberately fought her in the ring in order to retaliate against her high salary for poaching the employees of Xiaoxiao Film and Television.

  After more than a week of operation, her company is gradually on the right track.

   After a few more days of training, the first batch of 10 Internet celebrities can be officially launched on various online platforms.

  The second batch of online celebrities are being recruited, and hundreds of people come for interviews every day.

  If all goes well, her company will be able to make a profit next month.

  In the past two days, she has received several calls from venture capital firms and investment tycoons, who wanted to raise funds and discuss cooperation with her, but she politely refused.

  Company expansion is inevitable, but now is not the time.

  Her goal is not a small Internet celebrity company, she wants to build a business empire that belongs to Zhao Meimei!

  The money in her hand was divided into two parts by her.

  Part of it is used to run the Internet celebrity company, rent offices, purchase office supplies, employee salaries, advertising and marketing, etc.

  The other part, she used for investment.

  In her previous life, because of Lin Qianxiao, she paid more attention to the trends in the entertainment industry.

   Know which TV shows and variety shows are going to be a hit.

  Before she was not short of money, so she didn't think much about it. If she thought about it, she would invest some money and earn some money.

  In the past few days, she tried hard to recall the events of her previous life, and invested her money in a movie called "Snow Wolf" and a variety show "I'm not an idol".

   "Snow Wolf" is a modern military war film and the first naked-eye 3D action movie in China. It caused a sensation in Asia as soon as it was released in the previous life, and finally achieved a box office of 8 billion.

  If it weren't for the lack of money on her body, she would have wished to invest several hundred million more.

  The total production cost of "Snow Wolf" is 500 million yuan, of which the director himself contributed 100 million yuan, and the rest was shared by investors.

  She invested 70 million, accounting for 14% of the total investment. Two years later, the movie will be released. Excluding the theater share, she can get at least 500 million!

  As for "I'm Not an Idol", this variety show is only a small hit, and it belongs to losing money and making money.

  She voted 5 million for Qiao Bin's sake.

  Qiao Bin has good abilities. The most important thing is that Qiao Bin has an old man who is the head of a TV station.

  She lured Qiao Bin into her company with a high salary and the position of vice president.

   "I'm Not an Idol" was a project that Qiao Bin planned when he was in Xiaoxiao Film and Television. After being dismissed by Lin Qianxiao, he has been depressed.

   Now at Zhao Meimei's company, Zhao Meimei helped him to put the project into operation.

  In addition to the 5 million invested by Zhao Meimei, he also borrowed 8 million usury loans and transformed himself into a variety show producer.

  In the bathroom, several female employees who just jumped over from Xiaoxiao Film and Television were chatting.

   "If I had known earlier, I would have resigned a few days later. Who knew Mr. Jiang would be so generous. He gave away more than 50,000 Chanel bags as soon as he said they would. I regretted it to death."

   "I don't know what Jiang will bring out as a prize for the lucky draw at the annual meeting at the end of the year."

   "I'm usually so generous, how many cars are I supposed to give to the annual meeting?"

   "Don't talk about it! When I think that I missed more than 50,000 Chanel bags in order to get an extra 600 yuan a month, I want to strangle myself!"

  In the cubicle, Zhao Meimei, who was sitting on the toilet, was so angry that she almost gritted her teeth when she heard the discussion outside.

  Based on her former temper, she fired the people who were talking about it on the spot.

  But now that the company has just started, it is hard to find these experienced and capable employees.

  Because of too much suffocation, Zhao Meimei couldn't even pull S comfortably, and she was bored in the toilet for almost half an hour before going out.

  As soon as she returned to the office, she immediately called for her assistant, Tina.

   "Send the word, everyone has worked hard overtime during this period, and this month everyone will receive an additional performance bonus of 1,000 yuan."

  Tina nodded excitedly, "I'll do it right away."

  Most of people's troubles come from comparisons.

  If it weren't for Lin Qianxiao's big handwriting, the people at Zhao Meimei's company would have been delighted when they heard the announcement.

   After all, for ordinary employees, a bonus of 1,000 yuan is not a small amount.

  But the old club downstairs is too extravagant.

  Famous bags worth tens of thousands, brand-name watches worth over ten thousand, jewelry, etc.

  With these jewels in front, the 1,000 yuan bonus is really boring.

  Many employees even thought about returning to their old employers.

   Missed this honeymoon gift, they don't want to miss the year-end awards and annual meeting again.

  Lin Qianxiao didn't know that the honeymoon gift she gave casually made Zhao Meimei's company's hearts flutter.

  Of course, even if she knew, she wouldn't care.

  Because ah, this is just the appetizer, the main event is still to come.

   Right now, Lin Qianxiao has just recovered, and is contacting Bai Shuangshuang and Shu Yue, asking them to come to their house for dinner and to pick up gifts along the way.

  Shu Yue came back quickly, [I don’t have time recently, let’s put it aside. 】

【what are you busy with? 】

  【Busy throwing down my little brother. 】

  Lin Qian smiled strangely, 【Will you tell Chen Liyan your real identity? 】

  【Of course not. 】

  Speaking of this, Shu Yue solemnly reminded her, 【Forget about Jiang Zhi, other people, including Bai Shuangshuang, don't reveal our life experiences, if you don't want to be arrested for research. 】

  Lin Qianxiao wants to say that she is not afraid, but considering that Shu Yue is a mortal, it is normal to be worried and afraid.

  【Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Jiang Zhi also reminded me of this matter, except for you and Jiang Zhi, no one knows my identity. 】

  Shu Yue will reply soon, 【I won't tell Chen Liyan that in this life, I will only be Shu Yue, the young lady of the Shu family, and Shu Zhiyuan's biological sister. 】

  The two chatted for a while, and at the end, Shu Yue reminded her to delete the chat history.

  Lin Qianxiao cleared the chat records about the two people's life experiences, and Jiang Zhi walked into the bedroom.

   "Wash your hands and get ready for dinner."


  Lin Qianxiao sat up from the bed, suddenly thought of something, and put his arms around him with a smile, "Honey, let's go to the hot spring with Shu Yue this weekend, okay?"

  Jiang Zhi looked at her silently.

  He has no objection to soaking in hot springs, but why should he bring a light bulb?

  Lin Qianxiao didn't confuse him for too long, "Shu Yue recently teased a little brother, and planned to throw him down. As a good friend, I have the duty to create opportunities for her."

  Jiang Zhi thought with a deadpan expression: So instead of bringing one light bulb, there are two.

   Baby reader: Today's Lao Qi is very hardworking, reward a monthly pass?

   Lao Qi: To be broad is to be broad.



  (end of this chapter)

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