The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 603: She matches you very well (Second update)

  Chapter 603 She is a good match for you (second update)

  Zhao Meimei's face froze slightly, and then she smiled wryly, "Maybe I messed with Mrs. Jiang somewhere. The Jiang family is rich and powerful, and I can't stop her from doing anything."

  Chi Xiaoxuan immediately felt sympathy for her, "That woman Jiang Liuli has sharp teeth and deep thoughts, she must be the one who is listening to Jiang Zhi."

  Chi Xiaoxuan didn't really sympathize with and care about Zhao Meimei, she just remembered the dispute with Jiang Liuli in her own shopping mall.

  It was obvious that she was the victim, her arms were cut, but instead of being comforted when she returned home, she was severely scolded and her pocket money was deducted for half a month.

   She still can't swallow this breath.

  But Jiang Liuli is Jiang Zhi's wife, even if she had a hundred guts, she wouldn't dare to provoke Jiang Zhi, so she could only pull in Zhao Meimei, and speak ill of Jiang Liuli behind the back of the same enemy to relieve her anger.

   As the saying goes, the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

  After venting the resentment in his heart, Chi Xiaoxuan treated Zhao Meimei as a friend, and even got closer by the title.

   "Meimei, did you quit the entertainment circle because you were banned by Jiang Zhi?"

  Of course, Zhao Meimei would not say that it was because someone took a photo of her sleeping with her, and said vaguely: "Almost, I feel tired myself and want to rest."

  Chi Xiaoxuan has been pampered, and has always spoken outspokenly (to tell the truth), "That's right, you are such an old age after all, artists have to eat their youth."

  The smile on Zhao Meimei's face almost didn't stop.


   At 12:20, the wedding officially began.

  The lights in the banquet hall dimmed, and a beam of white light hit the center of the stage.

  The famous host in a purple suit walked slowly into the light beam, and raised the microphone with a smile on his face: "Dear guests, dear friends..."

  At the door behind the banquet hall, Qin Mengshu stood behind the door wearing a wedding dress and a white veil on her head. Through the crack of the door, her eyes fell on Jiang Zhi who was in the first row.

  As early as in the lounge, a good female friend showed her the photos.

  In the photo, Jiang Zhi's face has a gentleness that she has never seen before, and the black eyes looking at the woman beside her are no longer indifferent without the slightest warmth.

  At that moment, she was finally relieved.

  Her brother is quite right, Jiang Zhi is not an indifferent lone wolf, but a normal man who also possesses seven emotions and six desires.

  He just gave all his tenderness and affection to the woman around him.

  The solemn melody sounded, and a beam of white light slanted down. Qin Mengshu looked away, raised her smiling face lightly, took the arm of the elder beside her, and slowly stepped onto the flower path.

  All eyes were on the beautiful bride, and colorful flower petals rained down in the sky.

  Lin Qian smiled curiously and reached out to pick it up, only to realize it was a fake.

   "It is a naked-eye 3D projection."

  Jiang Zhi whispered in her ear and explained.

  Lin Qianxiao also clung to his ears, and said in a voice heard by two people: "Honey, when I return to the fairyland, I will show you a real petal shower."

  Jiang Zhi smiled, "Okay."

  On the stage, the wedding was going on in an orderly manner.

  The bride and groom exchange rings, confess their love to each other, hug and kiss.

   After that, it was the bouquet throwing session that all the girls were most looking forward to.

  The stage was surrounded by unmarried girls, and Lin Qianxiao unexpectedly discovered that Shu Yue was among them.

  Shu Yue is only 22 years old this year, and she hasn't graduated from university yet, so naturally she is not in a hurry to get married.

   Helpless, she has a big brother who is afraid that she will not be able to marry.

   If she doesn't go, her elder brother will go to battle in person.

  Shu Zhiyuan is also the big boss in charge of the Ten Billion Group. If he actually went up to grab bouquets with a group of little girls, outsiders don't know how to make a joke.

  Amidst the earth-shattering booing, the bouquet was snatched away by a bridesmaid.

  The lights of the banquet hall were turned on one by one, and the entire venue was suddenly resplendent, and the surrounding walls and ceilings also turned into bright and beautiful outdoor scenery.

   Looking at it in a daze, I thought I was in the vast grassland.

   Just, very appetizing.

  Anyway, Lin Qianxiao ate very happily.

  Qin Mengshu wore Chinese-style makeup and hair, and changed her wedding dress into a deep red cheongsam. Surrounded by bridesmaids and relatives, she toasted table by table.

  Soon to Lin Qianxiao's table.

  Lin Qianxiao put the two small red envelopes prepared in advance into the basket in the hands of the bridesmaid, and took two cups of red date tea from the tray in the hands of the other bridesmaid.

  The other bridesmaids quickly poured wine and tea for the guests on the table.

  Qin Mengshu raised his wine glass in front of Jiang Zhi, summoned up his courage and said, "Jiang Zhi, thank you for coming."

  Jiang Zhi stood up holding the cup, his voice was as cold as ever, "Congratulations, I wish you happiness."

  Qin Mengshu's eyes couldn't help becoming moist, and he choked up slightly, "Thank you."

  She looked at Lin Qianxiao who was behind Jiang Zhi, "She is very beautiful, and she matches you very well."

"You too."

  You are also beautiful, and you and Chi Yuan are also a good match.

  Qin Mengshu almost burst into tears.

  She tried hard to blink the tears in her eyes, and began to toast.

   After the respect, surrounded by everyone, he walked to the next table without looking at Jiang Zhi again.

  Looking at Qin Mengshu's beautiful and graceful back, Lin Qian smiled with lingering fear, "With all the 500 tables of wine and banquets, don't you break your leg after all the toasts?"

  Jiang Zhi explained to her in a low voice: "You don't need to finish all the respects, there are relatives and bridesmaids and best men on the second and third floors to do it for you."

  Lin Qianxiao finally understood why it is necessary to find more bridesmaids and best men when getting married, because love is used as coolies.

  After the dishes are served, the waiter comes over to distribute the souvenirs.

   Seeing that she had almost eaten, Jiang Zhi asked her if she wanted to go back first.

  Lin Qian smiled and looked around, "Isn't it over yet? Wouldn't it be good to leave now?"

   "It's okay, I'll go say hello."


  After Jiang Zhi got up, Lin Qianxiao started to pack her things, and when she turned her head, she found that the milk tea was gone.

  She hurriedly got up to look for it, and finally, she found Milk Tea behind the stage who was sitting on the carpet with some children and playing with her mobile phone.

   "Milk tea, let's go."

  Nangongqian was originally sitting snuggled up next to Milk Tea, but when she saw Lin Qian smiling over, she immediately got up, and called out obediently and politely, "Aunt Jiang."

  Seeing the pink fairy dress on Nangongqian and the pink suit on Milk Tea, Lin Qian smiled a little funny.

  This fox cub has learned to pick up girls at a young age.

  The milk tea game is being played vigorously and I don't want to leave.

  Lin Qianxiao had no choice but to hand him over to Shi Yu, and she and Jiang Zhi left first.

  In the car, Lin Qianxiao opened the gift box curiously, and found that there are quite a lot of types of gifts in return.

  A bag of wedding candy, a bottle of perfume, a gold bill, a mug, a key chain, and a bouquet of eternal flowers.

  Lin Qianxiao peeled off a wedding candy for herself and Jiang Zhi each, then opened the cap of the perfume and smelled it, it was a very comfortable and elegant woody fragrance, suitable for both men and women.

  When he was almost home, Lin Qianxiao saw a convenience store passing by, and asked Jiang Zhi to stop.

  Jiang Zhi parked the car on the side of the road, "What's wrong?"

   "I'm going to get out of the car to buy something."

  As soon as she stepped into the convenience store, Lin Qianxiao went straight to the shelf of family planning products.

  The two of them were top-notch in both temperament and appearance, and they attracted the amazing attention of people in the store as soon as they entered.

  Looking at the products that the two of them were selecting, the eyes that fell on them suddenly became ambiguous and strange.

  Lin Qianxiao knew nothing about it.

  Jiang Zhi noticed that people around him were looking at him, but he was calm and composed from beginning to end, as if he was doing a very normal thing.

  (end of this chapter)

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