The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 626: Zhao Meimei's heart is not dead (3rd watch)

  Chapter 626 Zhao Meimei's Thief Will Never Die (Third Watch)

  Zhao Meimei lives alone and has a cold relationship with her family. Her only assistant, Tina, left her job again, causing her to disappear for two full days, and no one noticed anything unusual.

   Li Yong reported work on WeChat every day and asked about salary, but Wei Zhi dismissed them with Zhao Meimei's tone.

  In the past two days, the buyers on Xianyu have confirmed receipt of the goods one after another. As soon as the money reaches Zhao Meimei's Alipay account, Qiao Bin transfers it away, and then goes to buy gold.

  Gold is easy to carry, and it is an international hard currency. It is easy to use wherever you go.

  Including the ruby ​​necklace that Zhao Meimei was wearing, the two searched for nearly 1 million from Zhao Meimei.

   But it was too far from the plan of the two.

  Wei Zhi was not reconciled to kicking Zhao Meimei who was lying on the ground unconscious, "What's the password of your safe?"

   Qiao Bin on the side heard this, suddenly realized and stepped forward to threaten, "Zhao Meimei, Xiaozhi and I have no way out.

  You caused her to fall into drug addiction, and now my wife and children are divorced, and I still owe more than 8 million in usury.

  We are just asking for money. If you hand over the money honestly, I promise I won’t hurt you.

   Otherwise, Xiaozhi and I will drag you to be buried with us even if we die. "

   Wei Zhi stared at Zhao Meimei on the ground with a stern expression, "Brother Bin, don't talk nonsense with her, if she doesn't say anything, hit until she talks!"

   As she spoke, she raised her foot and kicked Zhao Meimei hard between her chest and her thighs.

  Hearing Zhao Meimei rolling and screaming, Qiao Bin only felt his scalp go numb.

   Sure enough, it is the most poisonous woman's heart.

   After getting the password, the two waited until dark before driving out.

   Wei Zhi took Qiao Bin into the villa and found the safe in the cloakroom.

  Qiao Bin was so shocked by the huge and luxurious cloakroom that he couldn't close his mouth, "No wonder Zhao Meimei has no money, so she bought all these things."

   Wei Zhi's eyes were full of jealousy. Originally, she could also become a female star and live in a luxurious villa.

   It was Zhao Meimei who ruined her!

   "Brother Bin, don't be dazed, find something quickly."

  Qiao Bin nodded quickly.

  There are not many things in Zhao Meimei's safe. There are two watches, a diamond bracelet, and a few small gold and silver bars.

  Unwilling to give up, Wei Zhi rummaged through Zhao Meimei's jewelry box again, calling Qiao Bin to look for it together, "Brother Bin, Zhao Meimei has a diamond necklace worth 5 million."

  Hearing that it was a 5 million necklace, Qiao Bin immediately became excited.

  But the two of them searched the entire cloakroom, including the bedroom and the dressing table, but they couldn't find it.

  How did Wei Zhi know that Zhao Meimei had already sold this necklace.

  Finally, the two unwillingly ransacked Zhao Meimei's cloakroom and packed away all valuables.

  Having been busy for most of the night, Wei Zhi would have emptied the entire cloakroom if the van rented by the two of them hadn't been unable to fit it.

  The next day, Wei Zhi went to more than a dozen second-hand recycling shops, and sold all the things he scraped from Zhao Meimei's house.

  The money in hand was transferred to buy gold.

   After such a toss, Qiao Bin and Wei Zhi had almost 2 million gold in their hands, but they were not satisfied.

  After returning to the place where Zhao Meimei was imprisoned, Wei Zhi began to question Zhao Meimei's diamond necklace.

  Zhao Meimei was tortured until she was dying.

  During the days of being kidnapped, she could only drink water once a day, eat half a piece of bread, and was repeatedly beaten.

   Seeing that Zhao Meimei was so weak that she couldn't even scream, Qiao Bin was afraid that something would happen, so she untied Zhao Meimei and threw some milk and bread to her.

  Hungry Zhao Meimei gorged herself like a vicious dog.

   After eating, Zhao Meimei leaned on the chair to breathe, while looking at the two of them, "Don't you just want money? I can help you."

  Wei Zhi has just taken the medicine, and he is immersed in the pleasure/sensation of ecstasy, unable to call himself.

   Qiao Bin walked over, "Zhao Meimei, I advise you not to try to play tricks, this is the wilderness, you can't get out even if you lose your leg."

  Zhao Meimei sneered, and pointed to the braised pig's trotters on the table, "I want to eat meat. After eating the meat, I'll tell you how to change."

  Qiao Bin was dubious, but he really had no other choice right now.

   After eating two pig's trotters in a row, Zhao Meimei finally felt alive and had some strength in her body.

  She asked for pig's trotters not because she was greedy, but because she wanted to ensure her physical strength.

  Her promise to help Qiao Bin get money was not just flattery.

  Because, she also needs money.

   Just half an hour ago, a crazy idea came to her mind.

  “Just because I don’t have money, doesn’t mean other people don’t.”

  Qiao Bin is not a fool, so he immediately understood what she meant.

  Zhao Meimei smiled proudly, "Jiang Liuli, she is wearing the most expensive pink diamond ring in the world, worth 500 million."

  The excitement in Wei Zhi's body gradually calmed down, and her eyes lit up when she heard this.

   "Brother Bin..."


  Qiao Bin's refusal surprised both Wei Zhi and Zhao Meimei.

Qiao Bin looked at the puzzled Wei Zhi, "Even if such a priceless diamond fell into our hands, we would not be able to turn it into money without anyone noticing it, and maybe it would lead to death .”

   Wei Zhi woke up instantly.

  Yeah, 500 million diamonds is enough to make everyone crazy.

   Wei Zhi slapped Zhao Meimei as soon as she changed hands, "What the hell, bitch, you want to harm us?"

  Zhao Meimei was beaten to the ground, under the cover of her hair, a flash of resentment flashed across her eyes.

  She originally wanted to use the two of them to get rid of Jiang Liuli, and then put Jiang Liuli's death on Qiao Bin and Wei Zhi's heads, and then tried to kill Qiao Bin and Wei Zhi.

   In this way, the pink diamond ring is in her pocket.

   After the wind has passed, she can take the pink diamonds to the underground black market abroad, and sell them for 200 to 300 million.

   Perfect three birds with one stone.

  Unfortunately, Qiao Bin was smarter than she thought, and refused to be fooled.

  Zhao Meimei raised her head, with a panicked look on her face, "If you get the pink diamonds, you can sell them on the black market abroad.

   Moreover, Jiang Liuli has plenty of money, and she has a global unlimited black card, even if she can buy an aircraft carrier.

  Jiang Zhi has always been very generous to Jiang Liuli, giving him millions of pocket money every month, and Jiang Liuli has tens of millions in his phone wallet, to say the least. "

  Global Unlimited Black Card!

   There is no woman who is not tempted.

   Wei Zhi's eyes were shining brightly.

   But Qiao Bin still disagreed, "Xiaozhi, we can't afford to provoke a big man like Jiang Zhi. Even if we really get the money, we can't escape."

  Wei Zhi remained silent.

  Qiao Bin pulled her aside and explained in a low voice: "Our kidnapping of Zhao Meimei went so smoothly, firstly because Zhao Meimei lives alone, and secondly because she has a cold relationship with her family.

  I'm afraid that until today, no one has noticed that Zhao Meimei is missing.

   But Jiang Liuli is different, she has a husband and a son, Jiang Zhi is famous for doting on his wife, and clings to her all day long.

  Don’t talk about whether we can find a chance, even if there is a chance, once Jiang Liuli disappears, let alone half a day, I am afraid that the police from all over the city will be dispatched to search for him, and we will not be able to escape. "

  Hearing this, Wei Zhi finally gave up the idea of ​​kidnapping Jiang Liuli, a super rich woman.

   "Brother Bin, what shall we do now?"

  Qiao Bin smiled confidently, "Zhao Meimei doesn't only know a rich woman like Jiang Liuli, let's find another target that is easier to deal with."

   End of the third update~

   Recently, everyone seems to have stopped following the articles, so sad~

   Tomorrow, the vicious female supporting role will be offline, and the modern drama will end, and after that, it will be the fairy world, which is expected to end around April 10



  (end of this chapter)

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