The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 635: Recognition (4000 words)

  Chapter 635 Endorsement (4000 words)

  Lin Qian smiled with the corners of her mouth upturned, and even the jerky in her mouth became inexplicably sweet.

  After eating, Lin Qianxiao put the leftover jerky into a Qiankun bag for storage, when she suddenly thought of something, "Honey, have you put away my black jade bracelet?"

   "Well, put it away, it won't be lost."

   "That's good." Lin Qian smiled and thought for a while, "It doesn't matter if you lose the black jade bracelet, it's just a Qiankun bracelet, you can't use anything else, but the purple gold bell on it is my birthday present from my father."

  Jiang Zhi explained in a low voice: "I put it in a private vault and kept it properly. When we return to the mortal world, we will take it back."


  Lin Qian smiled while watching him handle the ingredients, and said: "Husband, when you are free, you can write a copy of today's recipe, and I will let Qingzhu and the others learn it, so you don't have to do it yourself every time in the future."

  Jiang Zhi glanced at her, and said in a light and doting tone, "They do what they do, if you like it, I can do it for you every day."

  Lin Qian smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist, "I'm afraid you're working too hard."

   "I feel sorry for me, so feed me a little bit."

   "Can you be more serious." Lin Qian smiled and wanted to pinch the soft flesh on his waist.

  Laughing to death, I can't pinch it at all.

  Jiang Zhi glanced at her with a smile that was not a smile, "I said you feed me a few more mouthfuls during dinner, how is it not serious? Or did you think of something else?"

  Lin Qian stared at him with a smile.

  Jiang Zhi smiled lightly, and began to concentrate on handling the ingredients.

  Lin Qianxiao watched silently, and suddenly remembered the moment when she just put on the book.

  At that time, Jiang Zhi got up before dawn every day, and didn’t come home until late at night from work. He was on a business trip for ten days and a half a month, so he kept his feet on the ground.

   Later, in order to accompany her, he gradually reduced his work and took her into an apartment.

   "Honey, do you like life in the fairy world?"

"Yes, I like it."

  Lin Qian smiled and lightly leaned her head on his shoulder, "No matter how good the fairyland is, it's not as good as your hometown. Unfortunately, I can't accompany you back now."

  Jiang Zhi paused slightly, "There will be a chance."

  But Uncle Xu, Shi Yu, Shu Yue and Bai Shuangshuang may not be able to wait for the day when she and Jiang Zhi go back.


   "Husband, what about the milk tea? Should we leave it in the mortal world?"

   "Smile, there is something I haven't had time to tell you yet."

  Lin Qian looked up at him with a puzzled smile.

   "Milk Tea ate the fairy fruit you left behind and advanced."

  Lin Qianxiao was stunned for a while, then her apricot eyes suddenly widened, "Has the milk tea grown a seventh tail?"



   This is too fast!

  Didn’t Father Jun say that it takes at least tens of thousands of years for the Fairy Fox Clan to be promoted?

   It's only been half a year, and the milk tea has grown a tail!

  So, the fairy fruit given by God Yuxu is really a good thing?

  Lin Qianxiao was both surprised and puzzled, "Honey, why did you eat the fairy fruit for milk tea? If you ate it, maybe your cultivation base is higher than mine now!"

  Jiang Zhi couldn't hold back a chuckle.

   This was heard by his master, and the coffin was about to fail.

  The holy blood fruit is a sacred object condensed when Tianzun turned into chaos. Ordinary people can increase their cultivation by one hundred thousand years if they take it.

  He shared it with milk tea. Although the effect was greatly reduced, it is still no problem to increase the cultivation base of 30,000 to 50,000 years.

  Seeing him laughing, Lin Qianxiao wondered, "Honey, what are you laughing at? If I had known that the fairy fruit was so effective, I should have let you eat it earlier."

  Seeing how cute and silly she is, Jiang Zhi really wanted to hug her in his arms, but he gave up because there was something on his hands.

   "It's good now, milk tea can stay in the mortal world to accompany Ah Yu."

  Lin Qian smiled and nodded, thinking of "daughter" again, "Then what about our Susu? Did you get someone to take good care of her?"

   After finishing speaking, she was a little frustrated again, "It would be great if I could bring Susu to the fairy world, I can feed it with spiritual spring and fairy dew, maybe it can really give birth to spiritual wisdom.

  If it stays in the mortal world, it will wither after another ten years at most. "

   "If you want to grow flowers, I will accompany you to find the one you like."

   "But no matter how much you like them, it's not Su Su."

   "Then find someone exactly like Susu."

  Lin Qian smiled and shook her head subconsciously, "Impossible, I have lived in the fairyland for thousands of years, and I have never seen an orchid that looks similar to Su Su."

  Jiang Zhi comforted her patiently, "Anything is possible, didn't I also come from the mortal world to the fairy world and be with you?"

   is also ha.

  Lin Qianxiao was immediately comforted, and happily helped him.


In the evening, Rong Hua stepped into the Hall of Liangyi and saw that his wife was busy with changing clothes and dressing up, and she was very displeased, "It's just going to the Sanssouci Palace for a while and having dinner, it's like attending a banquet." grand."

Lingluo glanced at him, "With your attitude, I don't blame my daughter for being angry with you. The son-in-law personally cooks and treats you, the father-in-law, and doesn't look at the monk's face or the Buddha's face. Just for the daughter's happiness, you have to give the son-in-law some dignity. "

  With his wife's steps, Rong Hua went down along the steps.

   "You have said so, then find me a suit of clothes for a change."

  Lingluo was funny, and brought him a set of light blue uniforms to change into.

  When the couple arrived at Sanssouci Palace, the sky had already darkened, and the moon spirit stone emitted a soft white light, illuminating the entire Sanssouci Palace gorgeously and beautifully.


  Lin Qian smiled and came out to greet the two of them.

  Seeing Rong Hua in light green uniform, she paused, and then stepped forward to take the other's arm, "Father Jun!"

  The daughter's enthusiasm surprised the couple. Given their understanding of their daughter, they would have been angry for several days.

  Ronghua was both happy and relieved in his heart, but his face was serious, "Why, don't you be angry with me?"

  Lin Qian smiled and pretended to be stupid, "No, when did I get angry with you? That's not me."

  Rong Hua didn't bother to expose her, "Little liar, you still have a little conscience."

  Seeing the reconciliation of father and daughter, Lingluo was slightly relieved.

   After walking two steps, Rong Hua started to criticize again, "Where's Jiang Zhi? He invites people to dinner, hides at home by himself, and asks you, a girl, to greet guests in public?"

   Lingluo patted him angrily, signaling to him to accept as soon as he was good, while taking the initiative to gossip with her daughter.

   "I heard that you went to Yunwu Mountain during the day?"

Lin Qian smiled and nodded, "Yes, Ah Zhi and I went up the mountain to find all the ingredients, every dish for tonight was made by Ah Zhi, mother, you can try it later, Chef Ah Zhi Art is good."

  Lingluo responded with a smile.

  Rong Hua deliberately dismantled the stage, "Isn't it just going up the mountain to pick a vegetable for a meal? Your elder brother can go up the mountain alone to kill monsters at the age of 10. At his age, your elder brother has already traveled all over the fairy world."

  Lin Qian stopped with a smile, and stared at him displeasedly, "Father Jun, you don't care about me at all now!"

  Rong Hua scowled guiltyly, "Nonsense, when did I stop caring about you?"

   "Then you haven't noticed the change in me?"


  Rong Hua looked her up and down, and then suddenly realized that her daughter had spiritual fluctuations.

  Lingluo held her back in surprise and joy, "Smile, you have established a foundation!"

  Lin Qian smiled triumphantly and raised her chin, "Of course, your daughter, I am a genius, and I can build a foundation after I wake up from sleep."

  Rong Hua couldn't help laughing loudly, "Not bad, not bad, the chaotic physique is really extraordinary."

  The family of three were happy when Jiang Zhi, dressed in white, walked towards this side without haste.

   "Father-in-law, mother-in-law, you can sit down now."

   Seeing his son-in-law, Rong Hua put away his smile, and scanned his whole body with sharp eyes, wondering inwardly.

  If a mortal body eats the Broken Heart Pill, even if there is no danger of life, at least it will be tortured to the brink of death.

  But the son-in-law was standing in front of him with a tall and handsome figure, and there was no sign of being tortured by Broken Heart Pill at all.

  Rong Hua was puzzled, and it was hard to ask.

   Could it be that I just stabbed someone with a knife yesterday, and today I asked why he didn't seem to be in pain?

  That's really going to be a feud.

   Both Ronghua and Lingluo are not greedy for food, but their son-in-law's craftsmanship really amazed them, and they were overwhelmed without knowing it.

  Before leaving, Lingluo specially asked Jiang Zhi how to cook a few dishes.

  After returning to the Kunlun Palace, Rong Hua accompanied his wife to eat in the garden, turned around and returned to the Dongji Hall, and immediately summoned his confidants to attend him.

  Feiyun came in, hugged his head and saluted: "My lord, are you looking for me?"

  Rong Hua threw a pill to him without saying a word.

  Fei Yun took it, and suddenly his knees softened, and he knelt down with a "plop", "My lord, I was wrong. I will immediately prepare the dowry and bring Le Qiao into the house."

  Rong Hua stared at him, "What nonsense are you talking about!?"

   After careful questioning, I found out that Feiyun had fallen in love with his wife's maid.

   This is nothing at all, it is normal for an unmarried man and an unmarried woman to have a relationship.

  Ke Feiyun is a vagabond, besides Le Qiao, there are also several lovers out there.

  Although he likes Le Qiao, he is unwilling to give up other friends for Le Qiao.

  After being forced into marriage by Le Qiao a few times, he found an excuse and broke up with Le Qiao.

  Unexpectedly, within two months, she learned that Le Qiao was pregnant.

  He wanted a child, but he didn't want to marry Le Qiao, but if he didn't marry, Le Qiao would not give birth to the child.

  Because of this matter, he is suffering from a headache these days.

   Now meeting with his master and letting him take Heartbroken Pill, he subconsciously thought that Le Qiao had sued the mistress.

  After hearing the whole story, Rong Hua was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

  For a woman in the mortal world to give birth to a child, it is like going through the gate of hell. Although it is not so dangerous for a woman in the fairy world to give birth, it will also affect the foundation and cultivation.

   Le Qiao is the most loyal maidservant by his wife's side, even for his wife's sake, he has to deal with Fei Yun severely.

   "It's a matter of joy, I will settle the account with you after I ask A Luo, you take this medicine first."

   Only then did Fei Yun realize that the master didn't punish him for taking heart-breaking medicine because of Le Qiao.

  He was aggrieved and puzzled, but he still took the medicine obediently.

   In the middle of the night, the Heartbroken Pill in Feiyun's body took effect, and the pain made him turn pale and sweat profusely.

   After confirming that the medicine was fine, Rong Hua rewarded Feiyun with the antidote and sent him away.

  Since there is no problem with medicine, it is people who have problems.

  Rong Hua pondered for a moment, then turned and went to the library.


   Several days passed, Jiang Zhi didn't suffer any pain because of Broken Heart Pill, Rong Hua gradually strengthened his guess.

  This son-in-law is likely to be a medicine spirit body.

  Yao Ling Physique is a very special physique, which is naturally invulnerable to all poisons. With the improvement of cultivation base, the ability to resist poison will become stronger.

  Not only that, the person who possesses the spirit body of medicine is a kind of elixir, the blood can cure all poisons, and the skin and flesh can make alchemy and medicine.

  If the medicinal spirit body falls into the hands of treacherous people, the end will be extremely miserable.

  However, these are only Rong Hua's guesses for the time being.

   Whether it is a medicinal spirit body or not, one can tell by testing.

  Thinking, Rong Hua took the Lingyan Orb and went to Sansou Palace in person.

  Lin Qianxiao is practicing spell casting. She is very self-aware, and she is not complacent because she successfully killed the monster a few days ago. She is very diligent these days.

  Cultivate in the morning to stabilize your cultivation, and practice spellcasting in the afternoon.

  Jiang Zhi sat beside her and read a book to accompany her.

  Ronghua came suddenly, without disturbing anyone, and wanted to see what the young couple was doing in private.

   I never expected to see my daughter practicing diligently in my lifetime, and I almost burst into tears.

  It's not easy!

   Looking at the son-in-law who was gazing tenderly at his daughter with black eyes, Rong Hua inexplicably felt much more pleasing to the eye.

   After standing in the distance and watching for a long time, Rong Hua approached leisurely with his hands behind his back.

  Hearing the movement, Jiang Zhi stood up to greet him, "Father-in-law."

   "Well, what book are you reading?"

  Jiang Zhi closed the cover of the book, and on the cover page were written a few large characters, "Introduction to Entraining Qi".

   is a basic book for monks to practice for the first time.

  Rong Hua nodded in satisfaction, "Do you understand? If you have any questions, you can ask me."

   "Thank you father-in-law for your concern, Xiaoxiao has been teaching me these days, and I basically understand everything."

  Rong Hua's heart tightened when he heard this.

  My daughter is a half-assed person, so don't let your son-in-law go mad.

  Ronghua wiped off the cold sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, "For monks, getting started in cultivation is just as important as reincarnation. I'll send an experienced master over tomorrow, and you and Xiaoxiao will practice with the master in the future."

  Jiang Zhi smiled slightly, "Thank you father-in-law."

  Hearing the conversation between the two, Lin Qianxiao stopped practicing, turned around and ran up happily.

   "Father Jun, why are you here?"

  Rong Hua put on the posture of an old father, "Of course I came to see you. You haven't been to Kunlun Palace for several days. I thought you were too happy to leave!"

  Lin Qianxiao was so teased that her face turned red, "Father Jun, go and sit in the hall, I'll ask someone to make tea for you."

   "No need, you are busy with your work, I have something to do with Jiang Zhi."

  Hearing that he was looking for Jiang Zhi, Lin Qianxiao suddenly became nervous, "Why are you looking for him?"

   Seeing her daughter protecting her son-in-law like a calf, Rong Hua felt a little upset again, "Of course I have a serious business to seek him out, hmph, if I want to do something to him, can you stop me?"

  Lin Qian smiled and pouted, pulled his sleeve and acted like a baby: "Father Jun, let me make peach blossom cake for you. It's fragrant and soft, sweet but not greasy. I guarantee you haven't eaten it before."

  Rong Hua snorted softly and drew back his sleeves, "Make more, I'll bring some back to your mother."

   "As ordered."

  Rong Hua brought Jiang Zhi to the front hall and imposed restrictions.

   "This is a spiritual test pearl, you should calm down, let go of your consciousness, and hold it tightly."

  Jiang Zhi complied.

  After a few breaths, the crystal-clear spirit beads glow golden.


  Jiang Zhi let go of his hand, and the Lingyan Orb quickly returned to a colorless and transparent state.

  Rong Hua put away the Lingzhu, and looked at him excitedly, "Jiang Zhi, you are actually born with a spirit body!"

  Jiang Zhi showed appropriate doubts, "Father-in-law, what is a spirit body?"

  Rong Hua couldn't help laughing out loud.

  Although the medicine spirit body is rare and special, it is not enough to make Ronghua lose his composure.

  The main reason is that at first he thought that his son-in-law was just a piece of broken stone, but now he realized that this broken stone actually contained rare and beautiful jade.

  How can it not make him happy!

   4000 more words today, at the beginning of writing a new book, the previous submission was rejected, these two days bald to re-write the beginning, I will try my best to keep 6000 words more, okay?



  (end of this chapter)

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