The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 637: Birthday (4000 words)

  Chapter 637 Birthday (4000 words)

  Lin Yu'an guessed in his heart, but didn't ask directly.

"Okay, let's go in and chat." Lin Yu'an took the lead to walk inside, pulling Lin Qianxiao to talk, "I heard that you have become good at cooking recently, and we came here today to taste your cooking. "

  Lin Qianxiao is not humble, "It's all ready, just waiting for you to come, and keep it for you to feast on."

Lin Tianyile, "Hey, your tone is not small. Your third brother, I have traveled all over the six realms, among other things, your mouth is the most tricky. If it really satisfies me, third brother will do it for you .”

  Lin Qian smiled and rolled her eyes, with a sly look on her face, "Third Brother, your Zidian Star Sword..."

  Before Lin Qianxiao could finish speaking, Lin Tian waved his hands again and again, "That won't work, it's a sword that I worked so hard to forge, and I don't even want to use it myself."

  Lin Qian smiled and sighed, "Since the third brother is reluctant, then pretend I didn't mention it."

A trace of discomfort crossed Lin Tian's face, "Smile, the sword is heavy and heavy, you are a girl who is not suitable for playing with a sword, you want to take advantage of the magic weapon, Sansan brother will refine one for you some other day .”

  Lin Ze said with a smile: "Third brother, why are you pretending to be confused? Smiling, you are asking for a magic weapon for yourself."

  Lin Tian glared at him angrily, "What are you doing?"

  Lin Ze shook his head and chuckled, but he was not angry.

   Entering the main hall, Qingzhu and Qingju served tea and pastries to several people.

  The tea is pearl milk tea, and the pastry is peach cake and spring rolls.

  Spring rolls are eaten in two, half of which are vegetarian spring rolls wrapped in white dough, and one is deep-fried.

  Lin Tian is a foodie at heart, and he is not at all polite when he sees these novel foods.

  Lin Yuan has seen milk tea and spring rolls before, but this is the first time I have seen peach blossom cake. The surface is golden yellow, shaped like a peach blossom, and exudes a strong custard fragrance.

   Take a bite, it is fragrant and soft, sweet but not greasy.

   Seeing Lin Yuan eating with great relish, Lin Ze also took a piece.

  Of the three brothers, Lin Ze is the most ascetic, and his diet is extremely light, and he doesn't like sweets, so Lin Qianxiao specially prepared plain spring rolls for him.

   Didn't expect him to like peach blossom cake more, Lin Qianxiao was surprised and nervous, "Second brother, is peach blossom cake delicious?"

  Lin Ze swallowed the food in his mouth calmly, "It's not bad, it's soft and delicate, with a rich milky fragrance, but it's not greasy."

   "I made this specially for you, and only put three parts of sugar."

"I see."

   Probably because they really liked it, or to save face for their sister, the three of them swept away the pastries like a storm.

  Hands are short, but mouths are soft.

   After eating and drinking enough, the three brothers took out the meeting gifts prepared for the brother-in-law.

  Lin Yu'an prepared pills, and ten emerald green jade bottles were lined up in front of Jiang Zhi.

   "These are top-grade pills, available at every stage, with 10,000 pills per bottle, enough for you to cultivate to Daluo Jinxian."

He would have been able to come back two months earlier, but on the way, he heard that his younger sister had bet with Yuxu Shangshen to ask her brother-in-law to cultivate to Daluo Jinxian within a thousand years, so he deliberately diverted to various cities to collect high-grade pills .

  On the way, I happened to meet Lin Zelintian who was returning to Kunlun Mountains, and the three brothers came back together.

  Looking at the 100,000 top-grade pills on the table, even the well-informed brothers Lin Ze and Lin Tian were amazed.

  With their identities, there is no shortage of pills from childhood to nature.

  But if you want to collect 100,000 pieces in a short period of time, all of them are of high-grade quality, and the difficulty is not lower than that of them breaking into the dangerous Demon King's Cave.

  Lin Yu'an did it within two months, which obviously took a lot of effort and effort.

   Bottles of pills weighed heavily on Lin Qianxiao's heart like a thousand catties of boulders.

  Back when Lin Yuan accompanied her to look for books everywhere, her savings were exhausted. Now that she got these 100,000 pills, she couldn't imagine how much her elder brother had paid.

   "Brother, thank you."

  Looking at the younger sister who was stuck in his arms, Lin Yu'an patted her on the head dotingly, "Okay, I'm married and still cry so much, I'm not afraid of my brother-in-law's jokes."

  Lin Qian smiled and sniffed, "He won't."

  Looking at his brother-in-law's expression of jealousy and restraint, Lin Yu'an was inexplicably funny, but at the same time felt very sour and reluctant.

  The little sister who had spoiled her for thousands of years had finally grown up, and she no longer needed the love and care of her big brother.

  Lin Yu'an endured his sadness, and pushed Lin Qianxiao away from his embrace, "In the future, we must practice hard and try to break through to the true immortal as soon as possible."

  Lin Qian smiled and nodded heavily.

Lin Yu'an looked at Jiang Zhi again, with a serious expression, "I only have one request for you, treat Xiaoxiao sincerely. She has never experienced any hardship since she was a child, and has a pure personality. If you make her sad in the future, I will never let you go. "

  Jiang Zhi saluted him, "Okay."

  Seeing the tense atmosphere, Lin Tian calmed down, "Brother, we reunited with Xiaoxiao after a long absence, and this is the first time we meet my brother-in-law, so don't be so serious."

   As he spoke, he took out a black and purple long sword and placed it on the table with a bang.

"It took me five thousand years to make this sword. I originally wanted to keep it for my own use. I only have a sister like Xiaoxiao. Whenever she asks for it, let alone a sword, it is the moon in the sky. I am absolutely unambiguous."

  Lin Tian had a smile on his face, but he said the most cruel words in his mouth, "If you dare to lose your smile in the future, I will chop you into eight pieces and throw them into the sea to feed the fish."

  Jiang Zhi smiled, "Yes."

  Lin Ze has a meek temperament and a gentle voice, "My brother Lin Tian and I have always been inseparable. If he kills someone, I will hand him the knife."

   As he spoke, he put a unique flying boat on the table, "You don't have a mount yet, and I haven't found one that suits you in a while. This flying boat has been with me for many years.

  It is made of meteoric iron and divine iron wood. It is so strong that it can withstand three attacks from people with a cultivation level below the gods. I will give it to you. You and Xiaoxiao will use it in the future. "

  Jiang Zhi accepted the meeting gift from the three brothers of the Lin family without refusing, "Thank you three brothers, I don't have anything to offer in return right now, so I'll cook a table of meals for the three brothers, and cleanse the dust for you."

  The three of them knew the details of this brother-in-law before they came back, and knew that he was a good cook.

  Lin Tian ordered dishes bluntly, "I want to eat meat, big fish and big meat are the best."

  Lin Ze thought for a while, "I have a light taste, and vegetarian soup is fine."

  Lin Yu'an has never asked for food, "I can do it."

  Jiang Zhi wrote down one by one, then turned and went to the kitchen to prepare.

  Lin Qianxiao wants to help, but it's not easy to leave the three brothers alone.

  Lin Qianxiao was a person who couldn't hide her thoughts, how could the three brothers fail to see her thoughts.

  Lin Tian deliberately teased her, "Smile, are there any nails on your stool? How do you move around?"

  Lin Qian blushed with a smile, and suddenly stood up, "This stool is not comfortable to sit on. I'll find some cushions. Big brother, second brother, third brother, sit down and drink tea first."

   After speaking, he ran away without waiting for the three of them to respond.

  Lin Tian: "..."

  The younger sister who got married, the water that was thrown out.


  The ingredients were prepared in advance, and with Lin Qianxiao's help, a sumptuous meal was ready in less than half an hour.

  Jade plate delicacies, an assortment of beautiful things in eyes.

  Just looking at it made people move their index fingers. Lin Tian took the seat first, picked up a piece of chicken leg with his chopsticks and put it in his mouth, and then his eyes lit up.

   "This chicken is good, with the sweetness of mushrooms, the meat is tender enough, and it has a medicinal fragrance."

Lin Qian smiled and introduced, "This dish is called stewed chicken with mushrooms without water. It uses freshly picked spirit mushrooms from Yunwu Mountain, adds spirit rice wine, sauce, sugar, bamboo shoots, angelica and ginseng, and simmers it in a casserole over low heat. Stew for an hour."

  After she finished introducing, half of the chicken had already fallen into Lin Tian's stomach.

  Brothers Lin Yuan and Lin Ze took their seats next to each other. If they were later, they might not even be able to drink the soup.

  Lin Qian smiled and brought out the wine jug that she brought back from Luxian Valley in advance, and poured it for the three of them.

  Lin Tian ate happily, and took Jiang Zhi to drink together.

After a few glasses of wine, the relationship has become much closer, "My dear brother-in-law, if you are free another day, these dishes, especially this stewed chicken with mushrooms, make me a hundred and eighty dishes, and I will save them to eat slowly. "

  Jiang Zhi responded with a smile, "Okay."

  Lin Ze is not good at meat, but he is very interested in Sufo Jumping the Wall. He asked about the method in detail and plans to go back and give it a try.

  Lin Yu'an is not picky about eaters, he doesn't care about meat and vegetables, and eats very happily.

  Satisfied with wine and food, the three brothers of the Lin family accepted Jiang Zhi as their brother-in-law.

  Lin Tian was drunk, Lin Qianxiao and Lin Ze supported him from left to right, and walked in the front.

  Lin Yu'an and Jiang Zhi were a few steps behind, chatting as they walked.

   "The spirit-avoiding jade on your waist was given by your father?"

  The original intention of avoiding spirit jade is to cover up the physique, and the shapes are different, so as not to be recognized by outsiders.

  Jiang Zhi wears the spirit-avoiding jade, which looks like an ordinary jade pendant for decoration. Except for the owner and those close to him, outsiders can't see its actual effect at all.

  After Lin Qianxiao accidentally acquired a chaotic physique, Rong Hua secretly prepared a lot of avoiding spirit jade.

  The pair worn by Jiang Zhi and Lin Qianxiao happened to be found by Lin Yu'an, so they recognized them.

  Jiang Zhi nodded, "Yes, my father-in-law said that I am a medicine spirit body, and gave me the spirit-avoiding jade, and let Xiaoxiao and I wear it with us."

  Hearing the conversation behind him, Lin Ze subconsciously looked back, with a slight surprise on his face.

  The three brothers, Lin Yu'an is a heavenly golden spirit root, and he and Lin Tian are mutant thunder spirit roots. In the eyes of outsiders, they are all people with outstanding talents.

   No matter how high or rare the spirit root is, there is always a barrier between it and the innate spirit body.

   Originally thought that Jiang Zhi, a mortal, would be a good match with his own sister, but now it seems that they are a good match.

  Lin Yu'an patted Jiang Zhi's shoulder in surprise and joy, "It's so good, you hurry up and practice, and try to step into Daluo Jinxian as soon as possible, and you and Xiaoxiao will be together forever."

  Jiang Zhi nodded, "Brother, don't worry, I will do my best."

  Lin Yu'an couldn't hide his excitement, he looked at Jiang Zhi as if he was looking at a piece of gold, "Well, I'll go back and tell Father Jun that from tomorrow onwards, I will personally teach you and Xiaoxiao's cultivation."

   "Okay, thank you, brother."

  Lin Yu'an couldn't help laughing, "Why are you being so polite, no wonder you succeeded in building your foundation within a few months after coming to the Immortal Realm. It turned out to be a medicinal spirit physique. Then the 100,000 pills I gave you will be of great use.

  Although Immortals can use elixir to speed up their cultivation, but the medicine is three-point poisonous, even elixir contains toxicity and impurities, taking too much will be harmful to the body.

  The medicinal spirit body does not have this restriction, no matter how much erysipelas the body can decompose and digest on its own. As long as your state of mind can keep up, you can continue to take medicine and practice until you become a god. "

  After seeing off the three brothers of the Lin family, Lin Qianxiao dragged Jiang Zhi to the warehouse.

  The warehouse is full of various gifts, natural treasures, and beautiful stones that Lin Qianxiao has received since she was a child.

   "Husband, I'm going to sell all these and buy you a pill."

  Jiang Zhi froze for a moment, his heart seemed to be soaked in warm honey, warm and sweet.

  He picked him up, put him on the desk, and lowered his head to hold his petal-like sweet lips.

  He was more patient than ever before, drawing her soft lips bit by bit.

   Both of them drank a lot of wine in the evening, and they couldn't help themselves when they were so deeply in love. The sound of broken coquettish moans was heard intermittently from the never-closed door, and Qingzhu and Qingju, who were waiting outside the door, hurriedly retreated with blushing faces.

  Last night, both of them were indulgent, Lin Qianxiao didn't even remember how she got back to the bedroom.

   But his body was dry, apparently Jiang Zhi had washed him before going to bed.

  Lin Qianxiao woke up after being lazy and getting out of bed, Qingzhu looked after her as usual to wash and make up, never mentioning last night.

  Usually, Lin Qianxiao usually wears a simple Liuyun bun or a single bun, but today Qingzhu gave her a complicated and gorgeous flying bun for the first time.

  Lin Qianxiao looked at herself in the mirror, shook her head, "Qingzhu, is today a good day?"

  Qingzhu fixed her bun with a hairpin, smiled and said, "Princess forgot, today is your birthday."

  Lin Qian smiled for a moment, then subconsciously looked around, "Where's Ah Zhi?"

   Without waiting for Qing Zhu to answer, Lin Qianxiao hastily said again, "Don't tell Ah Zhi about my birthday in advance."

  Qingzhu was puzzled, "Why?"

   "Oh, don't tell him anyway, I'll tell him myself."

  Qingzhu hesitated for a moment, "Princess, my uncle already knows."

  Lin Qianxiao was suddenly depressed.

  So, Jiang Zhi knows that she is 1,198 years old this year?

   Seeing her sullen, Qing Zhu was puzzled, "Princess, what happened?"

  Lin Qian smiled sadly, "Qingzhu, I'm so old."

  Hearing that this was the reason, Qingzhu couldn't laugh or cry, "Princess, you are only over a thousand years old, how old are you? Compared with slaves, the princess is younger."

   "Jiang Zhi is only thirty-two years old this year. Compared to him, I am an old witch."

  Qing Zhu was taken aback for a moment, and then comforted: "What is a difference of a thousand years? Princess Kunyao from the Demon Realm will get married next year. I heard that her husband just turned a thousand years old."

  Lin Qian smiled and opened her eyes slightly, "Kunyao? I remember that she was already married?"

  Qingzhu smiled, "Yes, I married a magic general three hundred years ago, and then we divorced. The current husband is the second one, who is more than 30,000 years younger than her."

  With the comparison, Lin Qianxiao felt much more relaxed.

  After combing her hair, Qingzhu picked out matching hairpins and was about to stick them on Lin Qianxiao's head, when a familiar deep voice suddenly sounded from behind, "I'll do it."

  Qing Zhu stepped back quickly and saluted, "Master."

   Seeing Jiang Zhi walking towards her in the mirror, Lin Qian smiled inexplicably, "Husband."

  Jiang Zhi walked up behind her, took out a golden lotus hairpin and pinned it on her bun, with a gentle smile on his face, "Smile, happy birthday."

  (end of this chapter)

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