The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 642: Door-to-door declaration of sovereignty (one more)

  Chapter 642 Visiting to declare sovereignty (one more)

  Lin Qian smiled a little confused, but also a little dumbfounded.

  She never expected that Si Yuan would confess his love to her.

   After all, this was the first time she was confessed by a man.

  Although Jiang Zhi would often say love words to make her happy, when the two were together, Jiang Zhi either silently pampered and took care of her, or said some specious things to tease her and let her guess.

   Even when she had the cheek to ask him if he liked her, he refused to say.

   Instead, she was slowly tricked by him, showing her heart little by little.

  Lin Qianxiao didn't know how other girls felt when they were confessed, anyway, her heart was beating and she was a little at a loss.

  Of course, she was sure that she didn't like Si Yuan.

   "That, Your Highness, I..."

   "Xiaoxiao, you should still call me brother Siyuan, I don't want to have a divorce with you, even if you already have your own heart and a man you like."

  Lin Qianxiao was slightly surprised, but soon realized that the other party must have heard about it from her elder brother.

  She felt inexplicably relieved, "Brother Siyuan, I'm married now, and I love my husband very much. In this life, I will never like another man."

  Si Yuan smiled at her, "I saw him yesterday, and even though I really didn't want to, I have to admit that you look a good match."

  Si Yuan's affirmation and recognition of Jiang Zhi made Lin Qianxiao very happy. At the same time, she also respected and appreciated Si Yuan a little more.

   "It can be seen that he should be a good man, otherwise he won't win your heart. But I still want to ask, smile, is he treating you well?"

  Lin Qian smiled and nodded heavily, "Of course, if he treats me badly, why should I like him."

  Looking at the woman's charming face with a smile like a flower, Si Yuan's smile was a little more austere.

  He pondered for a long time before opening his mouth, "Smile, if, I mean, if I show my heart to you before you know him, will you consider me?"

  Lin Qian was stunned with a smile.

"can you?"

   After waiting for a while but not getting a response, Si Yuan couldn't help asking again.

  Lin Qian smiled and shook her head lightly, "No."

  Si Yuan looked indescribably disappointed and puzzled, "Why? Is it because I'm not good enough?"

   "No." Lin Qian smiled and pursed her lips, "Brother Siyuan, I have always regarded you as an older brother. Actually, I am very superficial, and I am easily attracted by my beautiful appearance.

  Although you are handsome and have a high status, I can be sure that I have no love for you.

  If I hadn’t met my husband and fallen in love with him, maybe I would have married you or someone else under the arrangement of my father, but that wasn’t my original intention. "

  So, even though they met a hundred years ago, and even had a pleasant memory, she still wouldn't love him.

  Si Yuan stared at her for a moment, smiled wryly and shook his head, "I understand. Since you treat me as an older brother, then you will be my younger sister from now on."

   As he spoke, he handed her a phoenix hairpin, "Smile, this hairpin was originally prepared for you, it's a little bit of my heart, I hope you can accept it, and I wish you happiness."

  Lin Qianxiao hesitated for a moment, then took the phoenix hairpin, "Thank you brother Siyuan, you are so good, you will definitely find a woman you like in the future."

  Si Yuan got up and left without saying anything, "Smile, I'm leaving tomorrow to go back to the Brahma Realm. If you have time, come to the Celestial Clan with your husband to play with me."


  After sending Si Yuan away, Lin Qian smiled and went back to the garden to look for Mo Yu, looking curiously at the phoenix hairpin in her hand as she walked.

   To be honest, the hairpin is pretty pretty, a phoenix spreading its wings, its golden tail is as thin as a cicada's wings, and a red bead the size of a fingernail is held in its beak.

   Gorgeous and complex, lifelike.

  Lin Qianxiao was watching with great interest, when suddenly there was another person in front of him.

  She raised her eyes and met the man's deep and deep black eyes, her heart skipped a beat.

   "Husband, have you finished discussing sword techniques with third cousin?"

  My wife was about to be abducted by someone, and he was still in the mood to teach others how to use swords.

  Black eyes fell on the phoenix hairpin in the woman's hand, Jiang Zhi smiled slightly (ghostly), "I heard that you have a friend who came to Sanssouci Palace, I'm afraid you won't be entertained well, so I'll come and have a look."

   "Oh, it's okay, he's gone."

"Is it."

  Lin Qian smiled flatteringly and took his arm, "Honey, are you tired? Would you like me to make you some tea?"

  Jiang Zhi ignored her words, and said casually: "The hairpin in your hand is not bad."

  Lin Qian lied with a smile on her face, "No, I think it's very ordinary, and it's not as good-looking as the one you gave me."


  Lin smiled like a chicken pecking rice, "Yeah, it's truer than pearls."

   "It's not good to see, but you are still fascinated by it, and I didn't notice it when I walked in front of you?"

   "I'm just curious about the red beads on the hairpin, but I can't tell what material it is made of. Husband, do you know it?"

   "Well, I know."

  Lin Qianxiao was a little surprised. She liked to collect beautiful stones since she was a child, but she had never seen this kind of beads on the phoenix hairpin.

  It's bright red and bright, so pretty.

   "What kind of bead is this?"

   "Acacia Bean, haven't you seen it before?"

  I have seen it before, but I have never seen such a big and beautiful...

  Hmm, acacia beans?

  Lin Qianxiao felt that the phoenix hairpin in her hand was a little hot, and she suddenly met the man's deep gaze, and she was suddenly blessed, "Honey, I'm not interested in this hairpin, please keep it for me."

  Jiang Zhi smiled lightly, "You really don't like it?"

  Lin Qian smiled and almost shook her head, "I only like the lotus hairpin you gave me, not this one."

  Jiang Zhi slowly took the hairpin from her hand, his expression indifferent, showing no emotion, "Since I don't like it, I'll help you put it away for now."

  Lin Qianxiao intuitively felt that there was a pitfall in these words, "Honey, just take care of it, don't put it away for me, anyway, I won't wear it in the future."


  Seeing that the man's complexion improved visibly to the naked eye, Lin Qianxiao finally heaved a sigh of relief.

  When this man gets jealous, he tosses her hard, and she doesn't want to provoke him at all.


  After the wedding ceremony, Princess Baixuan moved to Lin Yu'an's Taihua Residence, while Si Yuan and the sending-off group temporarily lived in the other palace.

  Si Yuan was following his followers to explain the departure tomorrow, when the fairy servant came to report, "Your Highness, Master Wuyou Gongjiang is asking to see you."

  Si Yuan was stunned for a moment before realizing who "Jiang Zhenren" was.

   "Come in, please."


  Si Yuan dismissed his entourage, thought for a moment, and then heard unhurried footsteps outside the door.

  He raised his head and looked at Jiang Zhi who was approaching with a dignified demeanor who was neither humble nor overbearing, and felt a strange sense of familiarity in his heart again.

  But he heard from Lin Yu'an that this Jiang Zhi came from the mortal world, and it is impossible for the two of them to meet each other.

   "Meet Your Highness the Crown Prince."

  Si Yuan came back to his senses, looked at the other party for two seconds before making a sound, "Wai Li, what do you want from me?"

  Jiang Zhi stood up straight, raised his black eyes, "His Royal Highness is going to Sanssouci Palace today, I'm sorry for welcoming you from a distance."

  So, this is purposely to declare identity?

  (end of this chapter)

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