The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 649: Lovesickest

  Chapter 649 Lovesickest

   "There will be another time, Zizhen, the friendship between you and me will end here."

  Zizhen's face turned pale, and he quickly leaned over to admit his mistake, "Your Highness, Zizhen is guilty, Zizhen didn't mean to be disrespectful to Princess Liuli, Zizhen knows that you have deep affection for Princess Liuli, Zizhen is just worried about you."

  Jiang Zhi looked at the void with indifferent eyebrows and eyes, "Do your part well, and I will make my own decisions about mine."


"After taking Huomian, your body will be in severe pain as if being burned by flames at the end of each day. The seal in your body will be released automatically after one month, and you can force the poison out of your body at that time. For this month, you just stay here Reflect."

   "Yes, Zizhen would like to obey His Highness's order."

  When Zizhen looked up again, there was no sign of the man in front of him.

  He raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, feeling both shocked and frightened.

  He has been with His Highness for millions of years. Although he was often punished when he made mistakes before, His Highness has never said such harsh words to him, which shows how important that person is in His Highness's heart.

   But the more so, the more worried he was.

   You know, His Highness has a marriage contract, and it is an unbreakable destiny marriage.


  Zizhen sighed, and went back to his cave to meditate in dejection.

  After leaving the secret cave in the canyon, Jiang Zhi did not return to Sansou Palace, but went to Anrong City which is the closest to Kunlun Mountain.

  Anrong City is the largest and most prosperous city within a million miles, and has the largest trading firm in the fairy world.

  When he came to the gate of the city, Jiang Zhi disguised himself as a middle-aged fairy, and raised his cultivation level to a god, before entering the city.

  As soon as you stepped into the gate of the Four Seas Commercial Bank, the shopkeeper who had been waiting for a long time greeted you affectionately, "Shenjun, you are here. We have finally prepared all the things you want, please come with me."

  Jiang Zhi nodded slightly.

  The shopkeeper led him into a room equipped with an isolation formation, and took out one by one the more than a hundred kinds of spiritual herbs that Jiang Zhi wanted to buy.

   "Shenjun, please order, there are a total of eighty-nine kinds of spiritual herbs, all of which are of excellent quality and high quality."

  Jiang Zhi quickly swept over with his spiritual sense, flicked his sleeves, and collected all the medicinal materials into the ring.

   "How many fairy crystals?"

   Seeing him so happy, the shopkeeper smiled until the end of his eyes wrinkled into two chrysanthemums, "Shenjun, I will settle the score for you, Buddha Flame Root 500,000, Blood Spirit Branch 300,000, Soul Melting Fruit 1 million..."

   "You don't need to be so detailed, just tell me the total price. I believe in the reputation of Universal Commercial Bank."

Hearing this, the smile on the shopkeeper's face became more sincere, "The total price is 368.66 million immortal crystals. Thank you for your trust and patronage to our Four Seas Trading Company. I will give you the lowest discount." , you can pay 360 million."

  Jiang Zhi waved his hand, and several jade bottles appeared on the table.

  The shopkeeper was slightly stunned, "This is..."

   "Ten Yin Yang Longevity Pills and ten Great Returning Pills, you can check."

  Hearing the Yin Yang Longevity Pill, the shopkeeper gasped subconsciously, and then heard the Great Returning Pill, the shopkeeper was so excited that his body trembled slightly.

  Yin Yang Longevity Pill can increase the lifespan by five thousand years. For those immortals whose cultivation base is stagnant and whose lifespan is almost exhausted, it is simply a life-saving medicine.

  Da Huan Pill can heal all injuries, and can also increase the cultivation level of a thousand years. It is a rare and precious holy medicine pill than Yin Yang Longevity Pill.

  Sihai Trading Company also has its own auction house. Normally, even a single Yin-Yang Longevity Pill or Great Returning Pill can cause a huge sensation and attract immortals to participate in the auction.

  Now there are a full twenty of them in front of them, which is simply a huge business opportunity for the Universal Trading Company.

  The shopkeeper suppressed his excitement, "Does God want to put these twenty pills on consignment in our firm, or sell them directly?"

   "What price can you offer from Four Seas?"

  The shopkeeper thought about it quickly, "Yin Yang Longevity Pill has 50 million fairy crystals, and Great Returning Pill has 100 million fairy crystals. Are you satisfied with this price?"


  The price given by the shopkeeper is very reasonable, and it is about the same price when it is auctioned in an auction house.

  The shopkeeper was overjoyed, and immediately asked the alchemist to test the medicine.

  After testing the medicines, they were all top-grade quality. The shopkeeper carefully put away several bottles of pills, took out a universe ring and handed it to Jiang Zhi.

   "Shenjun, there are a total of 2.64 billion fairy crystals in the ring, please click."

  Jiang Zhi put away the ring directly, "No need, leave."

  The shopkeeper wanted to send the person out, but in a blink of an eye, the person had disappeared.

  After leaving the Four Seas Trading Company, Jiang Zhi left Anrong City, changed his attire, and headed for the next city.

  Jiang Zhi traveled all over the large cities in the fairy world, and sold nearly 100 billion fairy crystals by selling pills, fairy artifacts and rare treasures.

  Lin Qianxiao didn't know this, she thought Jiang Zhi was outside collecting medicinal materials for alchemy.

  On this day, Lin Qianxiao came out of Le Qiao's residence, just about to call Xiaoqing, when her body suddenly fell into a warm and familiar embrace.

  She turned her head in surprise, "Husband, when did you come back?"

"just came back."

  Lin Qian smiled and wrapped his arms around his waist affectionately, "Why didn't you tell me, have you been waiting for a long time?"

   "Not long, let's go, let's go back."


  After returning to Sanssouci Palace, Lin Qian smiled and pulled Jiang Zhi to look carefully, her small face was slightly wrinkled, "Honey, why do I feel that you seem to have lost weight?"

  Jiang Zhi stretched his arms and embraced her, buried his head on the top of her hair, and asked in a deep and tender voice, "Did you miss me?"

   "I think about it." Lin Qian smiled back and hugged him, raised her head and asked, "What about you, do you miss me?"

   "I miss you so much, I miss you all the time. I didn't see you when I came back. I heard the maid said that you were in Le Qiao's residence. I went to find you without changing my clothes."

  Lin Qian shook her body happily with a smile, and said softly, "Honey, I..."

  Before he finished speaking, the man lowered his head and kissed her.

  Late at night, the woman in his arms fell asleep so tired, Jiang Zhi carried her to the bathroom to wash, put on clean pajamas, and then carried her back to the bed

  Woke up the next morning, the bed next to her was already empty, Lin Qianxiao turned her head subconsciously, and found a string of acacia seeds strung together beside the pillow.

  Lin Qian smiled happily and put the bracelet on her hand, and immediately noticed the fluctuation of spiritual power on the bracelet.

   "Hey, why can't it be opened?"

  Lin Qianxiao tried all kinds of methods, but she couldn't open the storage space of the bracelet.

   "Husband, why can't this bracelet be opened?"

  Acacia is dazzling red, which makes Lin Qianxiao's snow-white wrist more slender and delicate.

  Jiang Zhi took her hand, his black eyes fell on the full and moist lovesickness, and asked in a low voice, "Do you like it?"

  Lin smiled and nodded, "Did you buy this?"

   "I made it with my own hands and named it Lovesickest."

   "The most lovesick, the name is quite nice." After finishing speaking, Lin Qianxiao slightly opened her almond eyes, "Honey, do you still know how to make space bracelets?"

   "I specially asked someone to learn a little bit." Jiang Zhi pulled her to sit in front of the round table, "Smile, I put a restriction on it, and you can open it when your cultivation level reaches Da Luo Jinxian."

  Lin Qian smiled suddenly, and then felt strange, "Then why didn't you give it to me when I became a Da Luo Jinxian? Isn't this intended to whet people's appetites?"

  Jiang Zhi pinched her chin, "Since I broke through to the Great Luo Jinxian, how long have you been practicing?"

  (end of this chapter)

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