The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 661: Hong'an Shenjun came to the door

  Chapter 661 Hong'an Shenjun came to the door

  After Xiuxian's figure disappeared, Hong An said solemnly, "Father Jun, what should we do now?"

  Without outsiders, Qilin Tianjun did not suppress his anger any longer, and slapped Yang Bo backhand with a gloomy face.

   Qilin Tianjun used 100% strength in this slap, Yang Bo was sent flying more than ten feet away on the spot, lying on the ground bleeding from his mouth and nose, unable to get up for a long time.

   Qilin Tianjun didn't even look at his youngest son, and shook his sleeves with a cold expression, "Go back first and then make a long-term plan."

  Hong An hurriedly responded: "Yes."


  Lin Qianxiao slept until the sun was high and didn't wake up. When she got dressed and went out, she found Lin Yu'an waiting for her in the small pavilion outside the door, she felt a little embarrassed.

   "Brother, why didn't you call me earlier?"

  Seeing her rosy complexion, Lin Yu'an had a slight smile on his face, "You guys just arrived in Tianwaitian yesterday, and you were probably exhausted on the road, and you have nothing to do, so it's okay to sleep a little longer."

  Lin Qianxiao took out the tea stove and tea set that she carried with her, and made a cup of Yunwu tea for herself and Lin Yu'an.

  Drinking the hot tea, Lin Qianxiao felt very comfortable.

   "Brother, did you come here to find me because of what happened yesterday?"

   Seeing her nervous expression, Lin Yu'an teased, "Why, are you afraid I'll scold you?"

  Lin Qian smiled and hummed, "I didn't do anything wrong."

   "Since you did nothing wrong, why are you guilty?"

  Lin Qian smiled and pursed the corners of her lips, and muttered softly, "Isn't that afraid of causing trouble for you?"

  Lin Yu'an lowered his head and took a sip of the tea, sighing comfortably, "This tea is still comfortable to drink, with a sweet fragrance. Although Tianwaitian's tea has a mellow taste and a special flavor, I always feel tired after drinking too much."

  Lin Qianxiao hastily distributed some of the tea leaves on her body to Lin Yu'an, "I was afraid that I might not get used to the tea outside, so I specially brought a lot of tea from the fairy world."

  Lin Yu'an accepted the tea politely, and then got down to business.

   "Xianwei has already told me everything about yesterday, you don't have to worry, it's Senior Qinglong who punished Yangbo Shenjun and Princess Xiangzhen, and you can't blame you for this.

  However, the Qilin clan and the Phoenix clan are both ancient gods, and they will definitely feel unhappy when they lose face. In order to avoid them making trouble for you, you should not go out for a few days. "

  Actually, Lin Yu'an didn't say anything, and Lin Qianxiao didn't plan to go out and wander around anymore. Who knows if she will encounter a psychopath like Yang Bo again.

   "Don't worry, brother, I won't go anywhere these days, just rest here."

  Lin Yu'an nodded in relief, "I know you like shopping, and when this matter subsides, I'll take you out for a good shopping."


  The brothers and sisters talked again, and Lin Yu'an was invited away by the attendants.

  Lin Qianxiao put away the tea stove and tea set, and was about to find Mo Yu and Lin Qirui, but the two aunts and nephews came first.



   Seeing the two people smiling brightly, Lin Qian laughed and joked, "Did you find the money?"

Mo Yu hurriedly told Lin Qianxiao the news she had heard from Xianwei, "Cousin, that Princess Xiangzhen is still kneeling on the street, what's even more ridiculous is that after we left, that Princess Xiangzhen started to fart and kept It hasn't stopped until now, the whole street is full of farts, and no one goes to Tianming Pavilion for tea."

  Lin Qianxiao was stunned.

   Good guy, how many farts did you have to fart to stink up the whole street?

  The people of the Protoss are really powerful, even farting is so different.

   But hearing that no one went to Tianming Pavilion for tea, Lin Qian smiled a little depressed, "Is it really that smelly? You can't even drink the tea?"

  Mo Yu grinned, "Anyway, that's what Xianwei said. Is this Xiangzhen a curvy way to save the country, helping her future brother-in-law save money?"

  Lin Qianxiao was a little eager to move, she wanted to go out and see for herself whether Princess Xiangzhen's farts really stink.

  But thinking about being followed yesterday, Lin Qianxiao hesitated again.

  After much deliberation, Lin Qianxiao used the makeup skills she learned in the mortal world to dress herself and Mo Yu as young men, and Lin Qirui as a little girl.

  The three of them went out excitedly.

  Before approaching the street where Tianming Pavilion is located, Lin Qianxiao smelled a faint smell of fart.

  Lin Qirui was small, so he covered his nose and yelled, "Wow, it stinks!"

  Lin Qirui has no cultivation and cannot close the five senses. Lin Qianxiao was afraid that he would be ruined by the smoke, so she quickly took out a deodorant elixir and asked him to put it in his mouth.

  As we get closer to Tianming Pavilion, there are fewer and fewer pedestrians on the street, and many shops are even closed.

  Xiangzhen was still kneeling on the street, with her as the center, there was not even a single mosquito within a radius of ten feet.

   As expected, there were not many customers in Tianming Pavilion, and not even half of the seats were filled, which was completely opposite to yesterday's bustling crowd.

  Lin Qianxiao asked for a private room where she could see Xiangzhen's position, put in a barrier to isolate the air, lit some incense, and finally could sit down and drink a cup of tea.

  Tianming Pavilion had a lot of refreshments besides tea, Lin Qianxiao ordered two servings of each, one for herself, and the rest for Jiang Zhi.

   Anyway, she doesn't need to pay the bill.

  The three aunts and nephews ate and drank while watching Xiangzhen's good show.

   At this time, Xiangzhen had already taken the antidote and stopped farting, but continued to kneel.

  Towards evening, the fart smell on the street is almost gone, and there are more and more pedestrians.

  Lin Qian smiled enough to watch the play, packed up and prepared to go back to the residence.

  As soon as they walked halfway, they met Xianwei who came forward to look for them.

  Xianwei didn't recognize them at first, but Lin Qianxiao took the initiative to stop them.

  Hearing the voice, Xianwei recognized the dark yellow-skinned young man in front of him as Lin Qianxiao, and hurriedly bowed respectfully, "Princess, the Immortal Master sent me to find you back."

  Lin Qian smiled and nodded nonchalantly, "Let's go, we are going back."

  Xianwei said again: "The young master of the Qilin clan has come and said that he has something important to discuss with the princess."

  Hearing this, Lin Qian smiled and stopped, "Do you know what he wants from me?"

  Xianwei hesitated for a while, and replied in a low voice: "It seems that I want to ask the princess to intercede with Senior Qinglong, so that Princess Xiangzhen will not be punished."

Lin Qianxiao turned into a remote alley, looked around, and told Xianwei, "Go to the street for a few more laps, come back later, and tell the young master of the Qilin tribe that we were not found. Big brother There, I will contact him."

  Xianwei instantly understood Lin Qianxiao's intentions, turned around and quickly disappeared.

  Mo Yu and Lin Qirui held hands and looked at her eagerly, "Cousin, aren't we going back tonight?"

  Lin Qian smiled softly, "The people of the Qilin tribe want me to intercede for Princess Xiangzhen, so I won't do it."

Mo Yu nodded in agreement, "Then Xiangzhen didn't say anything against you for no reason, but even attacked you. If it wasn't for the presence of Senior Qinglong, you might have been injured by her. You really can't let her go so easily, you should let her go!" Eat more bitterness."

  (end of this chapter)

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