The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 665: engagement

  Chapter 665 Engagement

  The entourage noticed that His Highness seemed unhappy. Although he didn't understand why His Highness suddenly became unhappy, he obediently handed the roast goose legs to Lin Qirui who was beside him.

  Lin Qirui likes to eat roast goose legs the most, and happily took it, "Thank you uncle!"

  Seeing the bright smile on the little nephew's face, most of Si Yuan's unhappiness disappeared, "Is it delicious?"

   "Yeah! Great time."

  Si Yuan took out a Jinpa to wipe the oil stains on his face, and said in a gentle voice: "Eat slowly, don't choke."

   Seeing his uncle staring at him without blinking, Lin Qirui handed him the uneaten roast goose leg, "Uncle, I'll eat it for you."

  Si Yuan was slightly stunned, and teased him with a smile, "You gave me your favorite roast goose leg, so you won't have anything to eat yourself?"

   "Uncle and grandpa treat Rui Rui well, and Rui Rui naturally wants to treat uncle and grandpa well. This is called being indecent."

  Si Yuan was amused by his shaking his head, took a bite of the roasted goose leg, "Okay, uncle has eaten, and you can help uncle eat the rest."

   "That's great."

  After eating the roast goose, it was still early, Lin Qianxiao and Mo Yu were going to go out to dig some spiritual herbs.

  Jiang Zhi needs a lot of spiritual herbs to make alchemy, and the spiritual herbs here are rare, with enough spiritual power and high age, it is difficult to buy even if you have money in the fairy world.

  Lin Qianxiao originally wanted Si Yuan and Lin Qirui to rest in the cave, but Lin Qirui had a lot of fun and insisted on going with them.

  Si Yuan simply took his entourage to help.

  With Si Yuan's help, Lin Qianxiao didn't need to dig it herself at all, she just needed to sit on the ground and put the herbs flying in front of her into the Qiankun bag.

   In less than half an hour, the spiritual herbs in this area were dug up, and the whole mountain was a little bald.

  Lin Qian smiled a little embarrassed, "Did we dig too hard?"

  Si Yuan chuckled, "It's okay, even if you don't dig it, these spiritual grasses will just fend for themselves, and eventually turn into fertilizer for the soil."

  Hearing that such a good spiritual herb could only be used as fertilizer in the end, Lin Qianxiao immediately felt at ease.

   "Don't the people of the Nuwa tribe need alchemy? They don't even dig such good spiritual herbs."

  Si Yuan used his spiritual power to dig herbs while explaining, "The Nuwa clan has a vast land and few people, and there has always been a surplus of supplies. There are spiritual herbs like this all over the place on Nuwa Mountain. It's just that this side is relatively remote, and most people don't come here very often."

   "No wonder."

  Thinking that Si Yuan and his followers had put in a lot of effort today, Lin Qian smiled subconsciously and said, "Brother Si Yuan, when I go back and sort out the herbs, I'll send you a copy."

  Si Yuan smiled, "No, you can take it, just take it as a thank you gift for taking care of Ruirui for me all these years."

   "Rui Rui is my own nephew. I am an aunt, so I naturally have to take care of him. There is nothing I can't thank you for."

  Si Yuan continued to laugh, "Anyway, take it, these herbs are not scarce in Brahma Realm."

   Also, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Heavenly Clan, do you want any good things? If you really need them, they have already sent people to dig them out.

   Only she, a country bumpkin from the lower realm, would treat these herbs as treasures.

  Afterwards, Lin Qianxiao changed another hill to dig herbs, and didn't return to the cave until it was getting dark.

  After cooking a simple dinner for everyone, Lin Qianxiao took out the Qiankun bag to count the harvest.

   Seeing her earnestly counting her fingers, Si Yuan's mood also inexplicably improved, "How is it? Have you figured it out?"

Lin Qian smiled with sparkling almond eyes, "Brother Siyuan, I'm rich! We dug up more than 1.8 million spiritual herbs today. Even if one plant only sells for 100 fairy crystals, it can still sell for 180,000. Myriad Immortal Crystal!"

  Si Yuan was amused by her appearance as a money fan, "It sounds good, why don't I help you dig another day tomorrow?"

Lin Qianxiao was very moved, but also a little embarrassed, "Brother Siyuan, do you really want so many fairy crystals? I can't even dig a tenth of them by myself. Most of them are dug by you and your followers. Yes, you deserve half of it."

  Si Yuan stared at her for a moment, then sighed softly: "Smile, are you short of fairy crystals?"

  The topic jumped too fast, Lin Qianxiao couldn't keep up, "Ah? Why do you ask that?"

If you marry me, I will never let you suffer in the slightest. I will make you the most honorable woman in the entire Celestial Clan. You can have whatever you want, and you don’t need to be ecstatic because of this worthless herb. .

   But meeting the girl's eyes that were clearer than crystals, Si Yuan suddenly couldn't speak out what was in his heart.

  Perhaps, for her, being with a man she likes is better than all the glory in the world.

  She is simple, single-minded, sincere and untainted by the world.

   And this is what attracted him the most about her.

   Thinking that her joy and happiness were given by other men, Si Yuan felt unspeakable bitterness in his heart.

   After all, it is hard to express love and hope.

   Seeing Si Yuan bowed his head and said nothing, Lin Qianxiao vaguely realized something, pursed the corners of his mouth and didn't make another sound.

   After a while, Si Yuan raised his head, "Smile, I will help you dig herbs for another day tomorrow, and I will take Ruirui down the mountain in the evening."

  Si Yuan's complexion has returned to normal, and he still looks like the noble and extraordinary prince of the heavenly clan.

  Lin Qian breathed a sigh of relief with a faint smile, her brows and eyes slightly curved, "Okay, thank you Brother Si Yuan."

  The next day, Si Yuan led Lin Qianxiao to dig one hill after another until evening.

   On the third day, Lin Qianxiao and Mo Yu couldn't help picking up herbs.

  Si Yuan carried Lin Qirui down the mountain, and Lin Qianxiao cheered up to see him off.

   Seeing her tired face, Si Yuan persuaded with some distress: "The herbs dug in the past two days should be enough for you to use for a long time. Afterwards, take a good rest and don't work too hard."

  Lin Qian smiled and scratched her chin, "Anyway, I don't have anything to do on the mountain, so just dig again, otherwise I won't be able to dig if I want to."

"Why do you say that?"

   "Tianwaitian has never been open to the outside world. This time, I have the opportunity to come in because the saint was promoted to Tianzun. I will definitely not be able to enter in the future."

  Si Yuan shook his head amusedly, "Don't worry, you will have a chance to come to Tianwaitian soon."

  Lin Qianxiao widened her almond eyes in surprise, "Why? Will something big happen in the sky?"

   "According to the tradition of the Nuwa tribe, after the saint daughter succeeds to the empress position, she will get married soon. The marriage between Tianwaitian and the holy realm is a grand event celebrated by the six worlds. Don't you have a chance to come then?"

  Marriage between Tianwaitian and Saint Realm?

  Lin Qian smiled and blinked curiously, "Saint, no, who is Empress Wa going to marry in the Holy Realm?"

  Si Yuan smiled indifferently, "In today's world, who else can be worthy of the position of royal husband of the Nuwa clan, except His Royal Highness the Son of the Holy Realm?

  Since the beginning of heaven and earth, every saint and son will automatically conclude a marriage contract. "

  Lin Qian smiled a little dazed.

  It turns out that His Royal Highness Shengzi has a fiancée, but God Yuxu teased her back then, saying that there is no mistress in Yuqing Realm.

  This wicked man!

  (end of this chapter)

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