"Xiao Sun, I've given you so many opportunities, but you let me down. This is your last chance. If you can't finish it, don't blame me. After all, our hospital doesn't want doctors who can't do anything well! "

Looking at the handsome young man in front of him, Wang Fushu sat on the stool and shook his fat body.

"Don't worry, director Wang. I'm sure I can finish this medical task!" Sun Li held his head high, and his eyes were full of words that he did not admit defeat.

Wang Fushu hypocritically said: "you are a very good young man full of energy. I appreciate you very much. If this mission can be successfully completed, I can recommend you to become a regular! "

"Director Wang, don't worry, I will achieve my goal!" Sun Li nodded.

Looking at Sun Li turning to leave, Wang Fushu showed a sneer on his fat face: "I've seen the patient in Room 302, and it's not difficult to determine his condition, so this task is not difficult. You can take the opportunity!"

Yanjing hospital is one of the largest hospitals in China, and Sun Li passed the exam just after graduation. He stood out from nearly a thousand fresh students and became an intern in Yanjing people's Hospital, which fully shows Sun Li's ability.

But Renshan was bullied and Mashan was ridden. He just came to the hospital to practice for a few days. Sun Li found that Wang Fushu and the head nurse were doing some careless things in the office. He never thought that he would be regarded as an eyesore by Wang Fushu ever since.

Wang Fushu, a patient with any stubborn disease, would pass on to him. As a result, all the interns who applied with him have become full-time interns, and he still has the sign of intern.

The patient in Room 302 was very strange. Even if he used the most advanced instruments in the city, he couldn't confirm his condition. This time, Wang Fushu threw this hot potato to him, just to take this opportunity to drive Sun Li away.

Out of the hospital, Sun Li Chang exhaled, this time is really planted in the hands of Wang Fushu.

Anyway, it's going to be driven away. Sun Li is not in a hurry to go to the ward. Now it's time to have a meal, and the most important thing is to have a full stomach.

But today, Sun Li doesn't want to go to the staff kitchen of the hospital to have a meal. He wants to go out to improve his food. In addition, he feels vaguely that something is going to happen today.

"What would you like to eat?" Sun Li walked at the door of the hospital, looking at a variety of restaurant names on both sides. He was troubled by the difficulty of choice. He looked left and right, and really didn't know which one to choose.

"Young man, I see that your heaven is full, the earth is square, and a golden light is shining directly from your heaven. This is really an extraordinary life! Young man, I'm sure your life will be magnificent and magnificent! You will certainly not be an ordinary person. Great wealth is a small matter. Becoming a fairy is your future

When Sun Li was struggling about what to eat, he suddenly found that his skirt had been pulled. He turned his head and saw an old beggar with dirty hair, ragged clothes and dirty body holding him. He opened his mouth in a series of words without a pause.

Sun Li grinned and suddenly felt that the old beggar was also a funny person. However, he thought that he had to have dinner and had something else to do in the afternoon, so he turned around and was ready to leave. But as soon as he started, he found that he was still being pulled.

"Young man! I see your heaven is full... "The old beggar took Sun Li and opened his mouth again. His speech was the same as last time, but this time, the difference was that the old beggar slowly extended his hand to Sun Li."

"What are you doing?"

"Young man! What I just told you is true! however! You need a chance to succeed! " The old beggar suddenly exudes a mysterious atmosphere, and his voice is low. The sudden change really catches Sun Li.

"Teacher Fu, tell me what opportunity you need!" Sun Li asked curiously.

"If you want to know the opportunity, you need to go there!" The old beggar suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed to a place. Sun Li seriously turned his eyes to the direction of the old beggar's fingers.

"Li Ji big plate chicken!" In Sun Li's opinion, the five bright characters are so dazzling.

"Teacher Fu, if you are hungry, just say it. Don't fool me like that!" Sun Li has a black line. He doesn't know that he is a smart man. How can he be easily influenced by this old beggar.

"Let's go! You're lucky to meet me today. I just don't know what to eat. Please go to eat big plate chicken Sun Li shook his head and led the front of the big plate chicken.

"In the future, you will know that you are really lucky to meet me!" The old beggar stood in the same place, squinting, with a mysterious tone. He looked like an expert in the world. But after a moment, he saw that the old beggar wiped his hand quickly and ran after him.

"I'll have a large one!"

"Burp... Burp..." an hour later, the old beggar came out of the restaurant with a burp. Sun Li followed the old beggar in tears and smiles. He touched his wallet which had become flat and dry. He was speechless. Originally, his internship salary was not high. Who knew that the old beggar could eat three portions of chicken only! It seems that we have to eat in the staff kitchen of the hospital in the next few days.

"Hiccup... Young man, I didn't lie to you. Hiccup... Is here!" Sun Li followed the old beggar, suddenly saw the old beggar turned around, mysteriously revealed his big yellow teeth, and the voice of speaking to Sun Li suddenly became strange.

"Teacher Fu! I really have no money! Don't fool me any more, I won't believe it! You said you are so old. Don't run outside all the time. What should you do in case of an accident? " As soon as Sun Li saw the old beggar's mysterious look on his signboard, he felt tight in his heart and quickly covered his wallet.

"Cut! What are you afraid of! I'm not interested in your money The old beggar peeked at Sun Li's wallet and said, "I really want to give you a chance! Here you are! Take it

With that, the old beggar reached out and handed Sun Li something to hold tightly in his hand.

"Jinling is not a thing in the pool. It will turn into a dragon in case of storm!"

"The sky is high, the sea is deep, the birds and the fish are broad, the opportunity for the gathering is here!"

The old beggar suddenly began to sing a poem. Sun Li looked down at what the old beggar gave him.

"What! You lied to me again“ Sun Li looked down and found that the old beggar handed him an eye-shaped sculpture made of plastic. It was light and weightless, but there was a golden spot in the middle of his eye!

"Teacher Fu, what are you doing?" Sun Li looked up, but found that the old beggar suddenly disappeared from him, as if he had never appeared.

"What the hell!" Sun Li was in a fog and couldn't figure out the situation. He took the plastic eye sculpture that the old beggar had given him to his eyes and wanted to observe it carefully. Suddenly, he found that the golden light spot in the center of the sculpture suddenly lit up, forming a golden light that came straight towards his eyes. For a moment, Sun Li felt dark and fainted.

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