However, the more this happens, the more it makes the people in China feel angry. No matter what the situation is, they all feel that, just like last time, in the face of this situation, at least Huaxia should have a response.

Even if there is a real mistake, the Chinese government will come forward to apologize. The Chinese people can accept it, regardless of the situation abroad.

However, the Chinese authorities did not respond as if they were completely unaware of all this.

This reaction, on the contrary, filled the hearts of the Chinese people with discontent.

For them, no matter what the situation is, whether they made a mistake in China and actually sent officials to Japan to ask for the results of scientific research, the Chinese authorities should give them an account, but who knows, the Chinese authorities are totally deaf.

The tension on the Internet has even spread to foreign countries. In addition to Japan, some other foreign media have also made reports after discovering the incident. No matter whether the incident is true or false, they naturally want to join in the fun when they discover such a big news. In particular, all this has not been responded by the Chinese authorities, But it also makes the media smell a different meaning.

With the spread of the incident, even the mainstream media abroad have noticed the incident. In other words, with the bizarre silence of Chinese officials on all these incidents, the incident has become more and more serious.

After this incident, Huaxia's reputation, which was finally reversed, began to take a sharp turn,

As there was no response after reprimanding Japan, things deteriorated as expected at the beginning.

The more China doesn't respond to all these situations, the more curious the media at home and abroad are about the truth. In their view, this is a matter. Even if China is really wrong, it may be forgiven to stand up and apologize and bear the consequences. But the more it hides all this, the more imaginative it is.

In addition, when the curious media were extremely eager to find the parties to interview the relevant situation, they found that no one could be contacted at present. After the investigation of the media, they found out that there was a plane flying from China to Japan at that time, and even this plane was a special plane.

After exploring the live video and audio at that time, they basically determined that the clips and videos that appeared on the Internet really existed,

And now all the situation reflected has basically shown that all this is the truth, but even so, the official of Huaxia still has no response. The more so, the idea of conspiracy theory is becoming more and more intense in the public and the media.

Especially when they found that there was no way to find the party who appeared in Japan at that time, all the suspicions reached the top.

Zhonghai, the residence of Huaxia No.1 chief, is also the place where Sun Li and Ouyang are now.

The situation in China is getting worse and worse. Sun Li, who is located in CNOOC, is not unaware of this situation. They not only know all this, but also know it better than some people who think they know the inside story. Even Sun Li knows it. In fact, the beginning of these things was fueled by some accounts from overseas, There must also be the shadow of Japan.

At the beginning, when the situation began to deteriorate, the members of the crisis public opinion control group did not act. On the contrary, they had a great reaction, because they clearly knew how big the crisis was if all these events really broke out, and they wanted to minimize the impact of the event before it broke out.

But when they attached the report, ready to start the action, they were blocked.

Sun Ligen didn't allow them to take any measures to help the public opinion in China. Even after he found out all this, Sun Li showed a smile of satisfaction on his face.

It seems that for Sun Li, the bigger the situation, the more unfavorable it is to China. On the contrary, it is a better thing and he wants to see more.

At the time of discovering this situation, the members of the public opinion control group, who were already full of anger, broke out a conflict with Sun Li. For them, Sun Li, who has always been in a hurry, may have been unhappy, not to mention that at this juncture, Sun Li can still laugh.

Although Zhongshan left all this to Sun Li, the way to deal with it can't be Sun Li's way now. He doesn't care about it at all. This is to push China into the pit of fire!

"Mr. Sun, although I don't know what you did or said to make chairman Zhong believe you, we still have to say that your approach is wrong! If you do this, it will only make things worse. You don't have the ability to solve them at all

As the leader of the public opinion control group, Huang an is very angry. Although he was very dissatisfied with Sun Li, he can still remain polite to Sun Li. Now when he looks at Sun Li, he finally has no way to control his emotions, and he says to Sun Li in a fierce voice.

At the beginning, when their public opinion control group moved into Zhonghai and was told that they needed to cooperate with Sun Li, Huang an was still full of energy. He knew the general situation. Therefore, after knowing the current situation of Huaxia, Huang an wanted to help Huaxia with his own efforts.

But who knows, when he moved into Zhonghai, from the first time he saw the young man named Sun Li, his dissatisfaction began to pile up.

At that time, they were also kind-hearted and wanted to mobilize resources to help Sun Li. However, Sun Li didn't mean to use Huang an at all.

And when Huang an saw Sun Li for the first time, what he saw was that Sun Li was very lazy sitting on the chair. He just got up when he saw them, and most of the rest of the time was lazy. In Huang an's eyes, Sun Li didn't want to deal with all this.

Even when the form becomes more and more critical and public opinion is about to break out, Sun Li is still lazy and doesn't care.

"Team leader Huang, I have my plan. You don't have to worry about it."

In the face of the outbreak of Huang'an, sun Lixian was a lot of indifferent. He sat on the chair, slightly tired, but still bright. He looked at Huang'an calmly and said, "you just need to know that we will get a good result in the end. Team leader Huang, if you need any help, I will tell you."

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