Luo Tianqi heard the quiet answer, sad face, in fact, the heart has been happy to bloom, he looked down at Sun Li with a sneer.

"Not yet! Who beat you? Call him over Tranquility suddenly startled Luo Tianqi. Luo Tianqi shrunk his neck and said to tranquility, "Ning Zong, i... I dare not go there alone."

"You son of a bitch!" Quiet disdained shook his head, and then ordered three bodyguards in suits to follow Luo Tianqi.

Three big and thick bodyguards in black suits follow Luo Tianqi, which gives Luo Tianqi confidence. After leaving tranquility, he walks towards Sun Li with a wild smile on his face.

"What shall we do! These people look fierce! Sun Li will suffer this time! "

"Although Luo Tianqi is a bit scum, he knows a lot of people! Let's get out of trouble

"This time, Sun Li has to ask for his own fortune! Alas! Who should be offended? I have to offend Luo Tianqi! He didn't even care about Zhang Yue, and said how much they loved each other one day! How disgusting

Students whisper, but how can they stand out for Sun Li? In the end, they all gave way to Sun Li and Lin Hualiang, who had been around Sun Li.

"Sun Li, on the count of one, two, three, run! This way, I'll block for you first! We are looking for Luo Tianqi to settle the accounts later! " Lin Hua watched Luo Tianqi come over with a big man in black. His palms were sweating and he was nervous. Even so, Lin Hua was still thinking of ways to help Sun Li.

Sun Li patted Lin Hua on the shoulder, indicating that he was OK. Then Sun Li came out with Lin Hua's surprised eyes and stood in front of Luo Tianqi.

"Ha ha ha! Sun Li! How dare you be arrogant? Now continue to be arrogant? I won't kill you

Luo Tianqi with a ferocious face, tone seems to swallow Sun Li alive.

But what Luo Tianqi didn't expect was that Sun Li walked up to him, patted him on the shoulder calmly and said, "let's go, don't we want to see Mr. Ning together? Let's go together. "

Sun Li's action was unexpected to Luo Tianqi. He rushed to Sun Li with three fierce black suits. Sun Li was not afraid, and dared to speak first. He was surprised by his courage. Not only Luo Tianqi, but also the students around him.

According to Luo Tianqi, if this woman with all kinds of manners is really the boss of Jinghua Hotel, it must be the role of hand and eye. Jinghua hotel has been standing in Yanjing city for decades, relying on the boss. What's more, now it's on other people's territory!

Some students silently sneer at Sun Li's stupidity, because he did not take the best opportunity to leave, some students are at a loss in their hearts, when Sun Li becomes so fearless, Lin Hua's heart is full of worry, no matter how to say, all the people present, do not believe that Sun Li can leave unharmed.

Unless there's a miracle.

Luo Tianqi looks at Sun Li coldly, and his eyes indicate that the man in suit should catch Sun Li so as not to run away. The man in suit comes forward and reaches out his hand to Sun Li, but Sun Li slaps him: "don't do it, let's go."

Luo Tianqi snorted coldly: "let your boy be arrogant now, I'll see what you do later!"

Luo Tianqi, eager for revenge, walked quickly to tranquility: "Mr. Ning! This is the guy! How dare you hit me in your hotel

"Well." Quiet a light should, although the facial features, but at this time also had a sense of dignity, quiet turned around: "I'll see what's going on."

Luo Tianqi is happy in the heart and gives up his body with a grim smile, so that Sun Li appears in front of the quiet.

The hotel was quiet, and everyone's attention was focused on Sun Li and Jing Jing. Everyone was worried about what would happen next, but Jing Jing was stunned at the moment of turning around and didn't respond.

Everyone was puzzled, and then they found that god suddenly changed on the quiet face. At first, he was impatient with all this. But when Sun Li appeared before and after the quiet face, he was surprised and unbelievable. Finally, he turned into a quiet surprise and called: "Dr. Sun?"

Sun Li gently a smile, neither humble nor overbearing: "sister Ning Hello, meet again."

Luo Tianqi was stunned, and all the people present were stunned.

It was meant to be a bloody revenge, but I didn't expect that they met each other, and from the quiet performance, they still respect Sun Li!

"How can it be? According to Luo Tianqi's reaction to Ning Zong, how could this pretty woman be a boss worth hundreds of millions, but her reaction to Sun Li was respectful! "

"Are we wrong? What's Sun Li's background? "

The students gaped, even Lin Hua was in the same place.

When Luo Tianqi saw the scene, he had a bad feeling in his heart, but his sense of shame made him crazy: "Mr. Ning! That's him! You said you were going to help me out! You must help me repair him

Serenity quickly smiles at Sun Li with a little apology, then turns around. Naturally, there is a momentum of high position on her body. With serenity's mature body and beautiful face, there is a beautiful beauty coming out! "Shut him up!" he said in a quiet voice

The man in suit stepped forward and directly pushed Luo Tianqi to the ground.

Luo Tianqi didn't react until he was pressed down on the ground. It's the quiet he called. Why is it that he is the one who is down on the ground now! Luo Tianqi completely collapsed: "Mr. Ning! What's going on? Did you forget? Your daughter was finally diagnosed by me! He is a little doctor! I'm worth a million! How can you do this to me! Mr. Ning, did you recognize the wrong person! Help me teach him a lesson

It's good that Luo Tianqi didn't say that. He was even more angry when he said that. At first, his daughter just coughed. He wanted to go to Yanjing hospital. Unexpectedly, after a round of examination, he couldn't find anything wrong. The attending doctor Wang Fushu also ignored his daughter. Finally, Luo Tianqi found Wang Fushu and confirmed that his daughter was malnourished, Although my family is not the richest man, there are still hundreds of millions of dollars worth. How can it be malnutrition?! If Sun Li didn't help diagnose the disease, who knows what his daughter will do in the future? You know, it's cancer! Sun Li is the life-saving benefactor of his precious daughter, and the future is the key to her recovery, while Luo Tianqi's million dollar worth is not worth mentioning in tranquility.

However, these words will not be quiet export, listen to Luo Tianqi indomitable is still scolding, quiet no longer hinder face, she Fengyan Yuanzhang: "shut up!"

The man in the suit immediately called out and slapped Luo Tianqi in the face.


A crisp ring, Luo Tianqi dull cover his face, covered.

All the people in the hotel are staring at all this, and tranquility even beat Luo Tianqi who called her for Sun Li's hand without hesitation!

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